
My Little Sunshine

[COMPLETED] Adam Levinson was the CEO of a big corporation which dealt in a number of different businesses. Behind the rushing and flourishing business, was his hard work. But his life was monotonous, without any kind of enjoyment. He spent his days handling meetings and the usual office work. That was all he did. He never got to understand the true meaning of how to live his life… until a girl stumbled into his life, turning his world upside down. Stella Martin, a girl who applied to be his assistant, somehow managed to charm her way into his heart, but will they be able to live a happy life together? Join them on their emotional rollercoaster ride as they unfold some secrets related to their pasts, and see how Adam helps Stella to get back everything which was supposed to be hers in the first place. ------------ [Excerpt] From the inside pocket of his coat, he fished out a ring. Holding it firmly in between his fingers, he extended it towards her. "I know I have been doing a few things wrongly and I want to rectify those now." He spoke up, looking into her hazel eyes which somehow had brightened up his life. "I won't be repeating what I had told you already. I just want to say that I want to be a part of your everyday life just like I want you to be a part of mine. I want to make you smile more often. I like seeing that smile on your face, it brightens up my day." He continued. "I can't promise you that it will always be a happy ride or a walk in the park, but I promise to give you my all." He looked at the girl who was looking at him with her teary eyes. "So, Stella Martin. Are you willing to be my girlfriend?" He gave her a bright smile. ******* Other books of the author: •The CEO's Choice [On-going + regular updates] You can join the discord server for updates and picture references: https://discord.gg/tHARRPX Instagram: dumdum.007 Twitter: _dumdum007 Facebook: facebook.com/dumdumwrites

dumdum007 · Urban
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308 Chs

The Golden Corals (2)

A black Maserati stopped before a high end club. A handsome man stepped out, handing the keys over to the valet.

People had to identify themselves before entering in. Other than being rich, one had to have an affluent background to have access to the club. Every single person must have their own membership cards to enter. people could invite as many of their friends as they want but they would be held responsible for any sort of damage done to the property by one of their guests. 

Apart from such restrictions, the place had its own benefits. It seemed like another world within itself. There were three different levels in total. The ground floor held a general bar area where people could enjoy themselves drinking till they lose count or their consciousness . 

The first floor was a high end bar area where every expensive alcohol known could be found along with private rooms which people could book after spending a good amount of money. The second floor had a few VIP private rooms that could only be used by the owner or his family members and close friends.

Adam walked in without paying any heed to the people who were now staring at him. He walked straight to the private elevator which opened directly at the second floor. 

He entered one of the VIP private rooms which was only used by the owner of the club. Apart from him only Adam was allowed to use the room even in his absence. 

As soon as Adam walked in, someone jumped on him making him fall down on the ground with a loud thud. 

"Have you lost it, man?" Adam groaned in pain.

"I am the one who has lost it? No dude! it's obviously you who has. This is what your friendship is like. This is how you treat your childhood friend who also happens to be your best friend, huh?" Blake shouted back at him.

"Okay! I am sorry! Now stop acting like a girl whose boyfriend was caught cheating and let me get up at least." Adam scoffed.

Blake helped him up. Adam dusted himself, giving him a glare and punched him right in his stomach.

"Ugggghh! This is how you thank your best friend for making you forget your dull life for a night?"

"Whatever!" Adam replied while sitting down on a dark maroon sofa, making himself comfortable.

"Let's order our drinks then we can talk easily without anyone's interference." Blake said.

"Hmm." He only hummed in response.

After ordering for their favorite wines, they waited for their arrival. 

"There's something I have to discuss with you but not now. After our drinks I will tell you about it." Adam spoke out of nowhere.

"Sure." Blake shrugged in response.

Blake Collins and Adam were childhood friends. They had known each other since kindergarten. Growing up together all these years, both of them knew the other like the back of their own hands. Blake was perhaps the only person before whom Adam would always act casually, not like the President of a big corporation. 

Soon their drinks were served, and Blake asked the servers to leave the room.

Adam picked up his glass, brought it to his eye level, swirling the dark red liquid in it around, finally taking a sip. He heaved out a contented sigh. He leaned back against the sofa, enjoying his drink quietly. None of them spoke up, enjoying their drinks in silence. Blake knew that if Adam wanted to tell something, he eventually would once he was in the mood. So, he gave him his time and peeked a glance at his best friend sitting across him.

A tall, lean man sitting lazily on a big sofa which could easily fit four people, like a King sitting on his throne. His right hand held the glass, his long slender fingers wrapped around the stem of the wine glass from which he would occasionally take a sip while the other hand was resting at the back of the sofa. His black silky hairs were disheveled, falling down on his forehead. Those deep gray eyes looking outside through the windows. One look at him could make any girl crazy over him. 

'How can he look so good even in such casual clothes?' Blake rolled his eyes thinking to himself.

"Stop staring at me or you will fall in love with a guy." Adam spoke up suddenly, turning his head back to the idiot sitting in front of him.

"Stop being so full of yourself." Blake retorted back. " What was that you want to talk to me about?" He continued.

"Well, ummm.... I have a new assistant." Adam replied.

"So, what about it?"

"She's a girl." Adam replied.

Blake gave him a questioning look as if asking him to continue.

"Well, she's pretty good at her job. Though it's been just a day, she has a good grasp of business. In addition to that she's also hard-working. She's a bit small though. I...." Adam spoke but was interrupted by Blake.

"You like her."

"What? No. There's no way I can like her. Moreover, I just met her yesterday for the first time." Adam scoffed, taking a big gulp from his glass.

"You definitely do man. I have known you since we are kids. You have never praised anyone before. Not anyone from your staff, even that previous assistant of yours and she worked by your side for four years. And just for the record she was pretty as well. I would have made a move on her long before if it wasn't for you stopping me. So, you definitely have some feelings for her. Now, start spilling the beans." Blake gave him a sly smile.

Adam filled his glass up to the brim and emptied it in two big sips, falling deep into his thoughts looking outside again. 

Blake saw that and chose to stay quiet, letting the other man clear out his thoughts a bit. Knowing him for so long, Blake already had an inkling of what his reply would be, but still waited patiently for him to speak up.

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