
My little fairy guide through the Apocalypse

21 year old Liam foster was just an above average student when one day he met with a beautiful elf queen. The queen chose him as her contactor through a lottery and told him that his world is now entering the great Mana age. See if Liam can get strong enough to live in the great Mana age and also somehow win over the elf queen.

Daoistmango · Fantasy
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11 Chs

I can see a little fairy.

Sun is hitting my face through the gaps of the window of my dorm. It's the start of my semester break at Long lakes tech. Going back to my parents' place and getting a break from college never seemed more appetizing. Who was the person who said there's no studying in college!? All the tests and labs make life hell for all those who makes their own papers. Specially for a CR like me. No time to party,no time to date. The little free time I get is spent on solving all my classmates' problems. Huuhhhhhh..... I get up from bed and slowly walk towards the washroom. My 3 roommates are wasted on their beds. Last night we were playing cards all night,later the guys started rambling about their love life(or lack there of) and started drinking. I don't drink, so I slowly moved away from them rambling about why the campus belle Christine rejected all three of them. As much as I want to get in a relationship, I am not that much in a hurry to get a girlfriend. Pretty good life I've got. Loving parents who never forced me to do anything but study, no pressure to be a certain profession, intelligent and overachiever younger brother who isn't arrogant, good grades, athletic body, not overly handsome but above average looks, well of family, small but good friend circle, and a little bit otaku hobbies. Almost a perfect life with no real high ambition and no clear goals yet. Opening the tap of my shower I sigh. As good as my life is there's no excitement,no thrill. If it was an anime I would definitely been a mob.

As I continue to shower my sleepiness slowly fades. My inner monologue finishes as I switch off the shower and reach for the towel I feel a gaze upon me. Suddenly I see a silhouette of a little woman!!! I almost slip and hear

[Very nice....fufufu....]

I am Liam foster,21. Oneday before the apocalypse starts I met a beautiful fairy that saw me naked.