
System seed

"What should I do with this seed?" thought an entity obscured by pale gray space energy...

'The [life primordial] explicitly instructed me to leave it on a primeval unevolved planet where the dominant species haven't yet stepped into the first level of evolution'.

The thoughts of the primordial entities are extremely difficult to fathom, they have utilized the energies of black holes to generate each one of these system seeds, nonetheless, they simply discarded this item which is incredibly priceless.

The life primordial's order may lead you to believe that this particular system seed is special due to his/her specific requirements, but the truth is that he/she only did this to conceal their failure in creating the seed; otherwise, why would they put restrictions that only unevolved beings can activate the system, along with the original requirement of providing 1 billion units of energy from the individual to activate the system, they are essentially asking for the impossible?

'I had also been made to pledge not to ever mention its existence or I will be struck into oblivion, what would you call this if not discarding someone else's nasty garbage,' the entity surrounded by space energy sighed for the first time in over a million years.

The being suddenly materialized in an eight-planet solar system that was devoid of intelligent life. "This should be the perfect place. There are currently no intelligent lives on these planets, but I can tell the third planet will have one because it is brimming with evolutionary energy," the entity said.

'Should I simply leave it there, or perhaps hide it in the planets nearby so that individuals who are intelligent and advanced enough to travel through space can locate it?'

The creature's actions, contrary to its thinking, were different; he placed the seed inside of an average-size asteroid floating alongside other asteroids; the entity calculated that the size of the asteroid where the seed was placed would not cause too much harm to the third planet if it collided with it.

After planting the seed, the entity imbued it with its energy and programmed it to descend to the planet when the evolutionary energy of the third planet reaches its pinnacle. "With this, my task for the millennia is over, and I will finally have forty millennia's worth of time for gathering my evolutionary resources for my sixth evolution," the pale grey energy around the entity fluctuates, signifying his emotions.

Almost a billion years later, creatures almost reaching the first stage of evolution have emerged on the third planet, they have become the dominant beings there is, but there are some problems with the evolutional direction of the creatures, they grew so large in size that the average-sized of them have a weight on average between 50 to 100 tons and up to 50 meters in height.

The creature might have had used the abundant evolutionary energy to increase their physical abilities but they are severely lacking in cognitive capabilities, this is also the reason why they have been stuck and cannot further evolve to the first stage of evolution.

The creatures have continued to dominate the planet for about 150 million years, the evolutionary energy has stopped increasing and had started to decrease, and in about another 100 million years it will probably be gone.

The asteroid that has been programmed to hit the planet has started taking its course toward the said planet.

What the obscured entity has not predicted is that because the seed was deemed as a failure, the primordial that produce it discontinued the process of energy refining which result in the seed periodically releasing a pulse of gravitational energy.

The gravitational energy has caused the surrounding asteroids to stick to the asteroid with the seed causing them to be pulled alongside its course toward the third planet of the solar system.

As the evolutionary energy of the planet reached its pinnacle, the planet started to use the energy it produced to further its own evolution, and thus the planet and its inhabitants enter a period of peace and growth unaware of an impending calamity.

When the planet was halfway through its evolution, the asteroid containing the seed appeared near the moon and was heading towards the planet along with other asteroids the gravitational energy of the seed have pulled.

The seed which was originally a symbol of hope for the inhabitants of the planet to step into the first level of evolution has become a symbol of destruction, as the asteroid with the seed along with other asteroids hit the planet, it caused massive destruction on the planet and caused extinction on major dominant species of inhabitants of the planet.

Because of this disaster, the planet has been forced to stop its own evolution and used the remaining evolutionary energy to heal and repair the destruction and damage.

The seed that was already on the planet has been forgotten just like how it is deemed by its creators.

60 million years later, the planet was completely healed and has started to produce the evolutionary energy again to continue its postponed evolution.

With the big dominant species gone from the face of the planet, other species began to thrive, especially a particular species of primates, they seemed to have been able to utilize the evolutionary energy of the planet to further their cognitive capabilities, unlike the past dominant species.

Fast forward to 9 million years later the species have completely developed their cognitive capabilities to the peak of the unevolved stage, they have developed into a civilization, have named the planet [Earth], have named the different species of the earth, and have started their study on evolution and the universe.

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