
My life without her.

A divorced man who has been betrayed by his wife decides to never trust women again and never fall in love again. But as we are not in control of our feelings, a young girl called carla who life has not been easy at all entered his life and will come and shake everything up and made him love again. This is the story I will share with you.

Chichinelle · History
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6 Chs

Épisode 2

?‍? '' I am sitting in the waiting room, next to me are two other girls probably for the interview. This building is magnificent, just at the glance you can feel the comfort in the working environment. the air conditioning is soft, if I work here I will no longer suffer from the heat and the extreme sun which creases my beautiful skin. I see people come and go, umm the girls are all dressed up with heels, they look like competition from Louboutins, the money is good ohh. I like shoes but I don't have enough money to afford them, at least I favor my family instead of spending on accessories. I remember once I worked in a company as a communicator, it was also great I made a lot of relationships and I was well paid but a pity that I was fired because of my multiple absences due because of my father's state of health I was in the hospital all the time. I cried a lot this job, it is life.

I look at one of the girls next to me on my left, she's so badly dressed, she thinks she was going to a circus or whatever and besides chewing gum, damn we didn't teach her that we doesn't do that in an interview, she even comes out of where. In any case, it's her problem. Maybe she wants to seduce the bosses, too bad for her if the director of human resources is a woman she will tell the time. The one to my right looks more mature, she is well dressed and is very pretty. She scares me, I think she will be my rival in this race for the post of executive assistant. The fight will be tough, I promise to give everything. I see a lady coming towards us, she is looking at us, I love her pink jacket which can be taken out with her shoe, she is smiling at us, that already reassures me ''

_ Hello ladies. Sorry for the delay we'll start with the first one please follow me

She calls the first file in her hands, the girl on my right follows her. Stress begins to overwhelm me, it's always like that when I want to have an interview that is close to my heart. I already know the questions that most ask so I log the answers in my head, nothing must escape me I must not stutter Laba ah no. The interview takes a long time I even want to pee eh witchcraft I'll start how. I squeeze my feet and wait, everything is happening in my head. The girl is finally coming back, she smiles hmmm it doesn't please me to see her smile it means that everything went well, I have to ask her

_ ehh was that?

She pulls closer to me like she doesn't want the other girl to listen

_ yes but the big boss is there he asks too many questions

_ huh? The CEO is there?

_ Yes Yes. He is the one who coordinates everything. I still answered the questions I hope he was satisfied, good luck I'm going home

_ ok ohh

She left and I am surprised that the CEO is there it becomes more serious more stressful, I have never seen him but I inquired about him, they say he is always nervous angry as if he had problems with everyone. The kind of boss that I don't like but hey we don't have much choice we have to deal with their foul mood. My last boss that I had was very nice, besides my superiors have always been, they were all great. I want to pee again eh god wait first i pass my interview ohh. The lady arrives and calls me. I followed him. We take the elevator to the 3rd. Surely the bosses' offices. I can already see myself working here and taking the elevator every morning to go to my workstation, dreams are allowed lol. We arrive she opens a door and lets me in, I first noticed the large room with the chairs all around a large oval table that occupies the room. The freshness of the room is more pleasant than downstairs I have the impression of being in a refrigerator. My gaze falls on a man at the end of the table who is staring at me. oh shit it's not possible, no no i can't believe it. I want to get out, how do I get out of here. It's not possible for that to happen to me. I don't even listen to what the seated lady is telling me so much I'm insulting myself I want to go into the ground, normally we should be able to go into the ground when we are faced with this kind of situation . That same gentleman I insulted this morning is the CEO of Oxford shit. I feel the lady's hand on me and that's where I come back to earth.

_ It's okay ?

_ uhh no madam, uhh it's because I want to make myself comfortable

_ sit down it will be quick

Damn me I want to run away she asks me to sit down how. Hey God why are you doing this to me, now people are right to say that I have a dirty stuippp mouth. My eyes are fixed on the table, it's better. I can feel him calm, he's not fussing, maybe he hasn't noticed, he's wearing the gold glasses this morning he didn't have it that means he didn't notice me, I am 'hope. He probably clears his throat to speak, he searches my file

_ Faithful miss Noah is that it?

Why does he call me faithful he has not seen Carla Laba ?. stuippp I don't even want to answer but I don't have a choice anyway I have already lost I fill in the formalities and go home to cry my long mouth

_ yes that's it sir

_ Mr. Oxford to serve you

_ delighted sir

_ to my left Mrs. Edimo DRH and to my right my collaborator Mr. Bob. How are you doing ?

Is he serious there? Does he really want me to answer that question? Eh ah surely he wants to humiliate me. Why he's pretending he doesn't notice me where he is.

_ a little stressed but it's ok

_ why are you stressed?

I look at him in my head before answering

_ it's not every day that I am made of a CEO with whom I will be interviewing

I want to complete the interview I lost in advance but I keep it in my head.

He looks at his phone, his collaborators are calm, each in his chair, respect for that. We can be influential at this level! He passes my file to the manager and she asks me questions that I answer correctly these are the questions I expected so it goes quickly, just that I'm uncomfortable if this CEO could go out even 5 minutes that m 'would work out. Around Mr. Bob it is surely the general manager, the one who follows the CEO, it is his tchinda mdr. I answer his questions which are a bit heavy for me, I think I was able to get through. I thought it was over, I see the boss hang up my file and reread it as if he hadn't just read it. It's like this is when I'm going to piss on myself. He looks at me through his glasses I lower my gaze I'm too ashamed to look him in the eyes.

_ you have a bachelor's degree in business communication

He sees well he asks me again to stop all that so that I am even more uncomfortable

_ yes sir that's it ..

_ I see that you also work in the office automation secretariat

_ yes I have excellent management experience

_ hummm

He even misses what to say instead of freeing me.

_ I am a very strict man, rigorous to the limit in my work, I can be cumbersome, put pressure on you, I can extend the hours or even 8 p.m., can you work in these conditions?

I don't even know why he's asking me these questions when he's not going to take me, ah I answer anyway, what am I going to say no?

_ yes Sir, I work under pressure and I adapt easily. Like any business it can happen that he has overtime so I get started without problem

He doesn't say anything and looks at me, he really wants to destabilize me

_ Good. Why should we choose you? What more can you bring than the others?

_ Already I do not know what the others offer or have as assets, I just know that I will bring added value to your fortress, I will surpass myself by giving the best of me.

_ hummmm. Faithful Miss Noah

And he insists on this first name pffff. he keeps talking

_ how old are you ?

Hmmm it's still the interview there

_ I will be 31 in a few months

_ in addition.!

When he says more, what does that mean? I told you he recognized me I'm finished

_ children?

_ no sir

_ okay. I'm done

Phew, finally I'm free, I get up quickly and get ready to go out when the man calls out to me

_ you forget your bag

Ayiiiii I'm so stressed that I forgot my bag I get it quickly and go out like a bandit accompanied by the same lady she shows me the toilet I'm going to make myself comfortable, what a relief, I really couldn't take it anymore . I really like this business, but it's a shame that it will pass me in the face it will teach me to open my big mouth instead of keeping a low profile. I go out and take the elevator to reception, wish the third girl good luck and go home. Shit day for me it was even better that I didn't go out. Moussa sent me a message he wants to see me tonight surely to make himself comfortable I am not available, I will see him when I want and not the other way around, and also if I need 'money sometimes it helps me and I am also generous otherwise I shut my feet and that's how we juggle. I arrive home, Lydie is there in front of her notebook, I take off my shoes and go to throw myself on the armchair. my sister looks at me and waits for me to talk, she knows me too well

_ you came back since?

_ yes I was just going to hand in a homework assignment, we didn't have lessons

My father comes out of his room, he comes to sit down, he looks good, I like it

_ Was this your interview?

_ hummm the disaster dad

_ how's that what happened?

_ when we say to pray before going out in the morning it's not the joke I'm sure if I had to pray I was not going to come out my mouth

My little sister who loves gossip leaves her chair to come and sit by our side and not miss anything that I am going to tell them

_ you like it too much

_ Dido tell me, she tells me

I wasn't on my way to wait for the taxi, I was about to cross when a car almost hit me. I still fell

My father got scared.

_ you had nothing I hope.

_ no dad, it's okay, it's the fear that made me fall. The man comes out of his bass drum to come towards me you know me with my room move I insulted him well

My sister cuts me off

_ but he didn't apologize?

_ yes but I was angry he dares to tell me that I should look before crossing

_ at the same time he is not wrong if you had looked you would not have crossed

_ you weren't there to know if I looked or not stuippp it's my story eh it's not for you

Seeing that things were already going downhill with Lydie, my father intervenes

_ it's good finished your story that is what happened

_ I yelled at him and he left. I admit he was very calm unlike me I even called him a witch like he wanted to sell me. Hmmm the best is when I arrive at the company where I have to pass the interview who do I see as CEO, the same guy

My sister bursts out laughing, she laughs until she raises her feet ... my father is overwhelmed

_ you are serious ?

_ very serious daddy, he was the very one that I yelled at in the morning

_ thin !

He wants to laugh but tries to keep her so as not to embarrass me

_ you can laugh daddy, I don't mind I already know that I have been sold since then

He smiles. My sister pulls herself together before resuming

_ my sister tell me how did you do it, i hope you ran away

_ I would have liked but there was no way I was already in the room. It's lucky that I didn't piss myself on

They both laugh and I feel even more stupid.

_ werrrr my sister you unlock the levels every day. How often do you get polite? Politeness, madam, it can't be sold

_ ah I was stressed, it's not like I'm badly brought up, we're in Douala and things are going fast here

My father exclaims

_ It doesn't mean anything, being in Douala doesn't mean behaving like thugs, this gentleman almost hit you through your fault he still asks you for an apology but you insult him, it's not nice

_ hummm I know I fucked up pffff.

_ how did the interview go, did you pass it anyway?

_ yes but I was not comfortable. The thing is, I don't know if he recognized me he didn't show anything at least I hope

My sister doesn't agree with me, she doesn't do anything to console me

_ Aka he recognized you maybe he just wanted to stay professional

_ it could also be that he didn't recognize me, these people have a lot of things in mind, besides in the morning he didn't have his glasses

_ if that can console you so much the better but I am telling you the truth. This man recognized you well.

_ pfffff and yet I wanted this job, what even happens to me often

It's up to my father to cheer me up

_ one thing is for sure nothing happens for nothing in this world ... on the millions of cars which roll on this axis every morning it is the car of the director with whom you will pass the maintenance which overthrows you me I say that it is not for nothing, there will be a sequel

Lydie disagrees with my father and lets him know

_ no dad, there will be no follow-up it was a coincidence that she mismanaged if she had apologized, maybe it would work in her favor but this is the opposite. Who would like to have a rude assistant

And there I am shocked

_ ehh I'm not badly brought up

_ I know it but this gentleman does not know it is the impression that you gave him. Sorry he won't be able to recruit you and you know that daddy.

_ I continue to say that nothing happens for nothing in all cases we will see.

They both get me drunk now it's become a topic of discussion I prefer to go to bed ...

_ me I'm going to the room

My father is sorry for me, it shows on his face, ah too bad I understood the lesson soon I will try to control myself. My father follows me into the bedroom I am lying down and looking at the ceiling he bangs and enters

_ I can ?

_ Yes Dad

He comes to sit by my side

_ I know you're in pain but it's okay you'll find another one

_ I know daddy but I wanted this one so much.

_ sorry also to know that it is partly my fault if you are all the time tense, nervous, it pains me

_ it's not your fault dad. Don't worry it will be fine.

_ Ok I'll let you rest I'll also go to bed.

_ okay.

? '' me it's mister Noah, i'm 58 years old yes i'm a little young and i have big daughters. I gave birth very young at the time I had a little money, I already had a job and my parents also supported me so I lacked nothing when I met their mother. Ah this woman, I loved her so much, I did not hesitate to marry her 2 years after our meeting. Everything went so fast, I went from victory to victory, we were so happy, I won more and I put them at ease unfortunately a financial crisis forced us to downsize or I was sacked because I was one of those who hit big. I thought afterwards that they were going to take me back but unfortunately the business finally collapsed the owners closed everything, that's where my click began, I saw the true face of the woman who shared my life long years. She was opposed to my working in small companies by saying that '' it is not my level, it does not gain much, patient you will find the place that deserves you '' I had trusted her and I I waited, over and over again until she lost her patience and walked away with the one who offered her big. She left without shouting without saying goodbye to her daughters. How could a mother react like this. The first months I thought at first that she had had problems but her sister confirmed to us that she lives with a white man I think that is when I lost all confidence in myself, j 've lost my manhood, my honor, no one had been around my daughters, I think I will have hit rock bottom. Sometimes I wonder what I did to god to have two beautiful girls by my side, they are an unwavering support. I know that I am a burden for them, I see the multiple efforts they make for me and because of my state of health I cannot help them. It breaks my heart, it was rather me who had to take care of her and not the other way around. Carla is our mother, I owe her a lot every day, I pray that she will meet a man who will know how to value her who will hold her hand. She had to refuse marriage proposals only because she didn't want to leave us alone, she never told me that but I know it, the last suitor was an important man who could support us well but she refused I did not understand. She is getting old, she will have to get married, have children, I don't want her to put her life on hold for me, I have already lived and I can die now to let them live without having to take care of a sick person. My daughters are all my life I love them so much. We have nothing left today but we have the love of a family. ''