

On monday when school starts at 7am ,Annel was feeling sluggish when she opened her eyes and checked the time ,she screamed so loud the roof threatened to fall .Oh no i have missed the time he's going to pass .

She got to school 7:20 and asked her best friend if he had passed and she said no when they heard the girls scream they turned and there he was her prince charming Devis Golds son of the richest family . Whispers were heard as the proud bitch Soriel Retforts walked in from another corner of the hall with her body smelling so bad it seems rotten eggs smells more refreshing .Soriel didn't notice or rather still she was manipulated by her sidechicks who were wearing a nose mask and a face cover telling soriel that they didn't want to be the centre of attention and attraction and soriel believed.

Soon the bell rang and everyone dispersed except from the sidechicks who removed the nose mask and face mask on their face and gasped for fresh breeze before putting it back on again and walking to the classroom with haste .


The day went by with everyone avoiding soriel. Annel sighed and said this is the reason why I hate mathematics and history seriously must there be any complicated formula or long narration on how tthe world was before I was born.How I wish that one doesn't have to go to school before you can make it or how I wish to have been born in one of the rich families . She checked the time it was 3pm on dot she ran to the cheerleaders field and was glad Soriel wasn't there yet she put on her dress code and sat down far away from them while whistling with her headphones on .She hated the music they used as she believed they were old fashion. She loves rock and anything that has bass .She saw someone that she did not expect to see it was her adopted father who mistreated her and abused her with violence. Seeing him she started to run interrupting the cheerleaders performance but she didn't care she ran faster trying to escape from him when she barged into Devis who seem to be irritated by her . She heard a voice* stop right there when she saw the crowd chasing her what had she done wrong . Annel went to Violet room and started crying explaining everything to her . Violet petted her backand after sometime she started laughing startling Annel who raised her head up and asked why she was laughing


Violet said that the chase must have looked like cats and a mouse which caused Annel to start laughing and they both laughed till they were tired and decided to do their favourite game destroying pillows and using them to beauty a barbie doll by joining the stuffings together and they laughed at their creation. Morning came so fast that by the time they woke up it was past 8am. They looked at theirselves in horror as they ran to get dressed for school .

It's been a while since they last saw Soriel after the incident although no one really cared about her absence and even if they did they were glad that she was gone as her name spelt trouble . Annel was happy to hear that the mathematics teacher was going to miss his period . She was sure that they weren't going to find a substitute until she heard some footsteps oh and behold a substitute teacher for mathematics except that she is female . The teacher's name is Claire and boy was she beautiful except that she had a face that says try me and you get an F.


Claire stood infront of the class and said bring out your book and write. The students were ready except that they didn't expect she was dictating . They all sighed and started writing as she dictated. Annel fell asleep throughout the lesson and Claire noticed it but did not say anything. Then she screamed* oh my god money is actually falling down* and winked at the students who understood and scrambling around trying to act like they were really picking up money . When Annel woke and ask where is it were is the money with that everyone laughed so loud that it felt embarrassing. Claire then looked at Annel and asked her say everything she had said ever since she was in the classroom.