
Chapter 2- Transported to Another World... For Just 24 Hours! Part 8

Ivory is still embracing Seven, as I turn my head to Lilith. "So, Lilith I presume this doesn't happen every day?" Lilith glares at me with eyes filled with disappointment; her brows furrowing deeper and deeper. What the heck did I do? She couldn't possibly know about what happened between me and Sabrina, could she? June, I believe you are in for it. Think about it, all of them are scared and confused about the situation. Which reasons that they have never seen anything like this before. Another thing is that Lilith knows about how, when you are in a highly emotional situation, your power goes berserk. But I didn't even feel anything, and why would I want to fast forward time? I do not know, but I can tell you for certain that you are the cause of this. The moment Sabrina's lips touched your cheek, the already built up supply of stimulating emotions surged to an uncontrollable point, and broke like a dam during a mass flood. Then that means Lilith probably suspects the same thing, ah crap! I don't try to say anything to her and wait for her to say something to me. "June in my whole lifetime I have never seen anything like this." She gives an elongated pause, so I say, "Is that so?", she then continues. "Yes, very much so, another thing that makes this anomaly more peculiar than it already is, is the fact that I have never read about anything remotely familiar to this happening. Not to mention there is not even time manipulation magic. The only thing close to that is the ability to see in the future. And that spell is only usable by two people, the Head Wizard and Vallah. Another thing is the fact that that spell could only see five seconds into the future. So, June please explain to me how this has never happened before, yet it just so happens to happen the day your abilities come back after we find out that emotional stimuli are able to bring your powers out randomly. And when this happened you just happened to be with that slut Sabrina, because I could think of a bunch of ways, she could get your emotions past their breaking point with all of her experience. Therefore, June, if I had missed anything or have gotten anything wrong, please tell me what it is!"

I can't bring myself to make eye contact with her or sympathize with her. Sure, Sabrina might have been like that, and yes, she did kiss me on the cheek, but based on what she has told me and shown me about her, I can see a change. Lilith's assumptions make me a little mad. So, I keep staring off into the inn's window. I can see the waitresses lighting candles around the dinning area and the patrons talking idly amongst themselves not eating the food in front of them. Lilith is still giving me the eye, awaiting an explanation. I force myself to look at her with the same aura as her. As I give her the same look, I can see her loosen up from surprise. "Lilith if you really want to know what happened I'll tell you, but before I start, I want you to know that Sabrina has changed since the last time you saw her." I don't give time for Lilith to react, as I continue. "When Sabrina brought me to the back room of the kitchen, she thanked me for telling her off." Lilith's facial features relax once I say this, I can almost see a hint of pity from her. "She did get a little close, however she only thanked me with a kiss on the cheek." I inwardly laugh at myself with how I say 'only' like it is a common thing. "S-she only kissed you on the cheek." "Yes." "Then what made your emotions boil over?" The look she gives me indicates that she doesn't believe that is the only thing she gave me. I wave my hands in front of me, saying over and over again how that is the only thing that happened between us, leaving out what she whispered into my ear, since that happened after my powers went haywire. "Then explain yourself!" I'm about to go into further explanation when Ivory and Seven decide to listen into our argument. "Lilith the reason that kiss most likely set me off was because..." I instinctively look down due to embarrassment. "... That was the first time anyone has ever kissed me on the cheek, and since I have never been kissed on the lips I probably, no I definably did get overly excited."

I hear Seven trying to hold in her laughter from my sudden confession. "Yeah, yeah I know that it's weird that I haven't had my first kiss, but it is the truth." This is the last straw for Seven as her laughter burst out. "Ha-ha, June I'm sorry... But... Ha-ha I just can't even..." Ivory leans over and pulls on Sevens right ear for her to stop. It looks like Lilith is about to say something, but Ivory beats her to it. "I am sorry to interrupt, however if we wish to obtain a room for the night, I would suggest we go inside and book one. Since I imagine the sudden change of time has caused a lot of people to decide to stay here." Lilith nods in approval. "Good Idea, Ivory. And on that note, you and Seven can hang around our broken table, while June and I book our rooms."

All of us agree with Lilith. Seven and Ivory head to the back to where we were sated. Lilith and I make our way inside without saying anything to each other. I feel kind of bad for going off on her, but I didn't like the way she was judging Sabrina. I didn't do anything out of line did I? Actually, for the first time in a while, I would say you could not have done it any better. It was a good thing for you to keep Lilith in line, and plus I do not think that she will be mad at you for a too long. Since, she most definitely loves you. "Y-yeah that's right, love." I don't realize that when I'm saying this I'm looking right at Lilith's chest. "Did you say something?" Her expression immediately turns sour, when she notices my red face and my eyes focusing in on her chest. However, I can't control that my eyes happen to be looking there; I'm zoned out! "J-June you pervert." This snaps me back from my pensive stare. "Wait what?" She doesn't respond to me and moves faster towards the reception table. To our dismay, instead of seeing a reception table we see a crowd of every person that was eating here, when the fluke happened, trying to get a room. "Now what?" I ask hoping she isn't madder at me. "I guess the only thing we can do is wait and hope that there are at least three rooms left." Minutes pass and to my surprise the line has already depleted to just us. "How many rooms can I do Y'all for?"

"Sabrina!?" She gives a cute snicker, and says, "The one and only." This situation has gotten ten times worse than before. Of course, she has to be the receptionist. Lilith's already pissed off enough as it is. "There is no need for idle chatter, we are only here to get three rooms, not to talk to you. So, if you could, please give us a room, so we can be on our way." Lilith eyes are glaring a hole in her. However, it looks like Sabrina is enjoying it, instead of being intimidated. "Hold ya horses, I didn't realize you wanted to hook up with June that bad." Lilith's face turns a shade of red, yet to be seen. If this was an anime steam would be emitting from her head. "Sabrina you..." Lilith takes a deep breath in and exhales in a relaxing manner. "... Actually, you are not worth it, just hurry with our rooms." Sabrina looks a little depleted, but when she looks down at her log book, a huge smile appears. "Lilith it is not your lucky night. Sadly, there are only to rooms left; these being our smallest rooms, with an occupancy of two people and one bed in each room." Her tone gets more sarcastic with every word she says. Lilith becomes more enraged. I put my hand on Lilith's shoulder, hoping for her to calm down a little. "Lilith, I think we can work with this, I mean Seven and Ivory can share a bed. And I can sleep on the floor while you have the bed. It's honestly not a big deal." Lilith gives out an exasperated sigh. "Fine just give us the two rooms." Sabrina dangles the keys in front of Lilith, far enough for Lilith to have to lean over to grab them. When Lilith goes to grab the keys, Sabrina pulls her in and whispers something in her ear. I can't hear anything, but I imagine it is something embarrassing because she is blushing. She takes the keys and turns to me. "J-June..." She is having trouble looking me in the eyes. "... Can you hand these keys to Ivory and you can head on to our room." This puzzles me, since I can't think of a reason for why she wouldn't be coming with me right now. "Okay, will do, but where are you going?" I grab they keys without hesitation and wait for her answer. Her eyes grow large and she turns the other way towards Sabrina. "I-it is nothing j-just head on without me, I will be back soon." I stand there in confusion, trying to except the fact that Lilith went with someone I presumed she despises. Man, girls are hard to understand. Yes, very much so.

I head back to where Ivory and Seven are sitting. The dining area is completely emptied, which is a little surprising to me. I always thought in a fantasy world these places where the busiest at night time. "Ivory here is yours and seven's key. To our luck, there were only two rooms left with an occupancy number of two... So, yeah." I hand the key to Ivory. As I'm passing Ivory their key, I can hear a sinister snicker coming from Seven. I look over to Seven and see her hands covering her curled lips. "Seven, what's so funny?" I ask this in a care free manner, even though I think I already know the answer. "Oh nothing, June... Haha, only the fact that two love birds will be sharing the same room. And that she hasn't seen you in a bunch of years, so her emotions will be off the roof... Haha, she'll probably want to catch up on things if you know what I mean... Haha." Her laughter doesn't stop and echoes across the empty dining area. Ivory gives Seven the look, and Seven automatically regains her composure. My face is red from the thoughts of such things happening, but I quickly get rid of them, since I am staying in the same room of a smoking hot girl that said she loves me. The more I think about it the more scenarios overtake my innocent mind. I do not know about innocent. Just let me think in peace. "Well Seven I honestly don't think anything will happen between us." I try to be as confidant in my speech as possible; trying to convince myself as much as her. To my surprise Ivory speaks up. "June I am not to sure about nothing happening." "Why, is that?" "First off it is weird for Lilith to go anywhere with Sabrina... and let us call it a woman's intuition." This increases my heart rate even more. Holy crap, my heart can't take this, if anything more happens my heart is going to burst. The only thing I can muster is an awkward nod. "Well than June we shall take our leave, goodnight." Ivory gives a slight bow and starts to turn around. "Yeah, June sleep well, or should I stay don't stay up all night. You are going to need the energy for tomorrows training." Seven gives me a wink and follows Ivory up the stairs to their room.

I let everything that Seven inferred that could happen sink in. Thank goodness there is no one in the dining area since I am slapping my head senseless, trying to get these dirty thoughts out of my mind. Why are you getting flustered? You are the one who wanted the harem, and by the looks of it you are making great progress. Yeah, but what if we do get in that situation? I will have no clue what to do. By the things I have observed about her, I am most certain you will have anything to worry about. If anything, she would be the one that would be the most nervous about not knowing what to do. Because trust me she is definitely a... Okay, okay! I get it. Just letting you know. Well, thanks, I guess. I hit my head some more, for a false sense of relief. I make my way up to our room. The room we have is all the way down the left hall, right beside Ivory's and Seven's room. You better hope the walls are somewhat sound proof. "Shut up!" My inward thought makes its way out into reality. "Hey, be quiet out there, some of us are trying to sleep!" A man's voice comes through the room I'm standing beside. I whisper an apology and hurriedly make my way to our room. I enter the room and quickly close the door behind me, leaning on it to take in a much-needed breather.

I finally calm down enough to rationalize like a normal human being. I move over to the bed. It is definitely big enough for two people, but because of reasons I decide the best course of staying sane through the night is to sleep on the floor, like I originally planned to do. I grab a pillow on the left side of the bed and place it on the floor, at the foot of the bed. "Now, what am I going to use for covers?" The covers on the bed are thick and comfy. "Wow, this is so soft." I rub my body on the soft covers and splurge on feeling how soft it is. I stop fooling around when I realize Lilith could walk in at any moment. "Okay, let me see." I lift the covers and to my relief there is a fitted sheet and a flat sheet. "Thank goodness." I quickly take the flat sheet off of the bed and put it on the hardwood floor. "Well this should suffice for one night at least." I head over to the window, next to the bed, and look out of it. The stars are so flushed out and bright. "This is way more beautiful than my world." As I look out the window, everything that has happened to me today flashes through my mind. It all fills so surreal. To think yesterday I tried to kill myself and now I'm in a fantasy world, surrounded by girls, with the ability to use magic. Thinking about everything as a whole brings my excitement level to a whole new level. I can't help but jump up in excitement. "Oh man, I am going to enjoy this new life."

"I wonder how long Lilith's going to take?" I take quick glance over at the door and decide to get ready for bed, instead of waiting around doing nothing. I take my shirt off and throw it in the corner of the room. Next, I begin to take my pants off. However, the moment my pants come completely off the door swings open, closing as quickly as it was opened. My whole body tenses up as I see a beautiful girl with golden-brown locks of hair flowing majestically down her shoulders, her green eyes sparkling in the candle lit room, her body hidden behind a silver robe. Wait a moment why is she wearing a robe. This pulls me out of my trance and I quickly remember I am practically naked in front of a hot girl. Without anymore thought to Lilith's strange attire I quickly cover my body with the sheets that were on the floor. "H-hey Lilith welcome back and don't mind me I was j-just getting ready for bed. So, please don't pay any mind to me being half naked." As the words slip my mouth, I can see her face is super red and it doesn't seem like she's listening to me; like she is in her own world. I wrap the sheet around me like a tunic and start to make my way closer to her. "Lilith are you okay, you look a little out of it." This time she meets my eyes with an alluring force like no other. Her eyes have the same look as Sabrina's did when she whispered her proposal into my ear. I slowly start to back away, not thinking anything good could come from getting closer to her. Something is definitely up, she looks way too seductive. "Well Lilith goodnight I think I'm going to hit the hay now." I give an exaggerated yawn and take off the sheet that is covering my body. I place it on the grown and situate it nicely. I give one more stretch before I lay down. However, before I have the chance to lie down Lilith's arms wrap around my chest.

My heart rate increases a tenfold. "Lilith what are you..." I can't finish my question. She presses her body against mine. My whole body heats up. I can feel two things poking my back and a softness like I have never felt before. Holy hell she's naked! The moment I realize this I try to restrain a certain part of my body. But, with my teenage hormones raging I can't help it. Lilith starts to hug me tighter and begins to embrace me. Out of not knowing what to do I grab her hands and try not to think about what could happen. "June can you turn around, I want to see your face." She lets go of me and I slowly turn around to her. Right before I can see her, she says, "June can you please close your eyes for me." I instantly close my eyes and finish my rotation. "Okay you can open now." The moment I open my eyes my lower half bypasses what my brain is telling it to do. If I were in an anime, I would be dead from blood loss. I see Lilith's embarrassed, but alluring face. Her pale skin looks soft and delicate, her arms are covering her breast and lower region. "Lilith you are beautiful." These words come out without hesitation.

Lilith looks at me with a smile on her face. "Thank you..." Her words die down as I see her eyes look down at a certain part of my body. I finally realize what she is looking at and I quickly try to hide my dirty minded head. "I'm so sorry, it's just that... Y-you know... Being a guy who is around a beautiful naked girl..." An embarrassment beyond measure keeps the rest of my explanation from coming out. I hear a cute giggle, which eases some of my embarrassment. "June it's fine, t-to be honest it makes me h-happy that you look at me like that; i-it is really c-cute." Lilith stutters through her response, like every other time a conversation pertained something sexual or something similar. With her cute expression, I can't take much more of all of these newly brought out emotions. I take in a big gulp and regain some of my composure. Lilith's eyes break their contact with mine and she slowly starts to move her arms away. With each detail of her body coming into my field of view, my breathing increases exponentially. Her whole body is on display for all to see. My eyes can't help but scan every inch of her. Something inside of me starts to take over. I have never felt like this before, the only thing on my mind is her. Without thinking I quickly bridge the gap between us and wrap my hands around her, embracing her tightly. What the hell am I doing!? Am I really about to become a man!? I can feel every inch of her soft skin on me. I can hear the beat of her heart and feel the heat of her breath on my neck. We look into each other's eyes. With our souls intertwined she says, "June I love you." I don't respond back but give her a reassuring smile. Then, like we are in a trance, we begin to bring our lips closer to each other. I close my eyes in anticipation for what is to come. She embraces me tighter, I do the same in return. She places her hands on the back of my head and pulls me in closer and closer. Her soft skin, plastered on mine, is driving me crazy; all reasoning is leaving my mind. I pucker my lips, preparing myself for my first kiss, and lean forward. I can almost taste her lips, with how close we are to kissing. Good luck man. I ignore my conscience and... "Mwah."

Seconds pass... Wait what the hell? Something doesn't seem right. The moment I feel like I should have kissed Lilith there is nothing but air. Worry begins to creep into my mind. I'm scared to open my eyes but manage to open them ever so slightly. And to my surprise big bright lights fill my vision. It is so bright that I have to bring my hands up to block out the light. "Where the heck am I?" I let my eyes adjust, and slowly bring down my hands; my heart instantly drops. I don't see Lilith's beautiful body, or the dimmed room I was in seconds ago. My vision is bombarded with a multitude of stadium lights and a massive oval scattered with thousands of people. I quickly take a look at my clothes. I notice I'm wearing a black piece of cloth that covers my entire body, I think it's a coat. I also notice a little weight on the top of my head. I reach up and grab a black top hat. "What is with this attire?" I put my hat back on, trying to concentrate from the abundant of lights, and the loud crowd. When I put my hat back on, I notice a black ring with a dark green marble like object in it on my left hand. As I'm trying to process everything that is going on, an obnoxiously loud voice floods the stadium.

"LADIES AND GENTS, KIDS AND ADULTS, WELCOME TO THE GREATEST COMPETTITION IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD, FAMILIAR SHOWDOWN !" The crowd goes wild, not letting up for a second. I'm having a hard time thinking with all the noise. However, I still heard everything he said; a familiar showdown? So, does that mean I have monsters to fight with? "NOW I KNOW EVERYONE IS READY TO GET THIS SHOW ON THE ROAD, SO I'LL GET STARIGHT TO INTRODUCING OUR CONTESTANTS!" Once again, the crowd goes hysterical. Through all the noise and lights, however, I notice a girl staring intently at me a good twenty-five feet from me. She is tall, slim, and has scarlet red hair. From the looks of it her skin is snow white, which bring out her fiery red eyes. She is wearing a blood red dress and has a pink ring on her right hand with a deep red marble in the middle. That looks just like mine. I don't have time to think more about it because when she notices I'm staring back at her; her brows furrow even more, and she doesn't give the tiniest bit of a smile. She is giving me the same look that the kids who bullied me, hated me, gave. I can't help, but quickly take my eyes away from her. "What the hell have I gotten myself into now?" As these words leave my mouth, I feel a similar, no stronger, feeling than I did when I was about to be killed by Lilith.