
MY Life In The Multiverse

A young man's life was snatched away from him in his sleep and he ended up transmigrating in a weird world with only an unreliable system to depend on. Follow him in his hilarious journey through the difficulties the multiverse has to offer. ---------------------- Current anime involved: One Piece, Devil is a part-timer, Sakurasou no pet na kanojo, Tensura (Slime), Beelzebub, Tokyo ghoul, Assassination classroom... ---------------------- You can support me and read advanced chapters on Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/Bakorio ----------------------- If you have any ideas for the story, you can message me on discord : https://discord.gg/6KvJZrwYE5

Bakorio · Anime & Comics
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193 Chs

Yuki vs Hinata

If you want to read up to 20 chapters ahead, you can check out my paterón:


The link is also in the synopsis


Yuki and his group went to retrieve their carriage before they set off to Ulgrasia, although Yuki noticed that some of their things were moved, a clear sign that someone probably searched their carriage and he kept demanding for a refund from the place they left it in which was supposed to be specialized in protecting carriages, and Yuki didn't leave until he swindled them of 10 gold coins…

After they were done with this incident, they immediately left Sarion, and this time it went without a hitch… That's until they put some distance from Sarion which is when they were 'suddenly' ambushed by a group of 10 masked people

"Leave all your items and gold behind or die" said one of the masked men that was wielding a giant sword and had an aura of a B+ rank…

'hmm not bad' thought Yuki, but suddenly a sword light went past the necks of the group of bandits before their heads separated from their bodies in a gush of waterfall…

Sacha held her breath slightly at the brutal scene and hid behind Yuki and Kayle as Hinata made her way out of the trees "Tch, these scums never end"

'Damn this woman is brutal' thought Yuki while keeping his eyes on Hinata and her sword that was shining with a multicolored light…

"Hinata-san, it seems like we're truly fated to be friends for us to meet each other so coincidently again after just separating a day ago! My invitation for a date is still open" Said Yuki with a smile pretending not to understand that Hinata was following him all along, but Hinata didn't play along as she simply snorted and said "Who was it that freed Veldora? Answer me and I will let you go"

Yuki let out a sigh before he said with a mocking smile "Oh my dear Hinata, you are sounding the same as the thugs you just killed, are you going to chop your head as well?"

Hinata's face froze slightly before her eyes turned determined again and she put herself into a stance "I'm going to get my answer whether you want to or not!" then, she rushed at Yuki with a terrifying speed.

'This is going to be good training for my swordsmanship... If I survive it that is...' thought Yuki before he took out both his swords and used both his absolute focus and absolute clarity and his swordsmanship talent instantly triggered as well! Then he activated his Sword aura!

Clang Clang Clang

Yuki and Hinata clashed multiple times in just an instant which surprised the latter, while Yuki kept studying Hinata's moves and the way she was strengthening her sword with some kind of light magic that greatly increased its sharpness and the demonic swords were barely holding on without breaking showing him just how great of a sword they were…

Meanwhile, Hinata's moves and attack patterns kept changing constantly and Yuki could barely keep up with all the changes, especially when he noticed that Hinata was predicting the way he was going to defend which made it harder for him, but his Mutsu enmei mastery allowed him to hold on…

"This woman is a monster" Muttered Kayle in disbelief while barely catching a glimpse of the high-speed battle…

After clashing with Hinata for a while, Yuki put some distance between the two of them and they both observed each other 'That aura covering her sword, it's not just an attribute of her sword, I feel like there's something else as well similar to my sword aura but more advanced…' thought Yuki while Hinata analyzed him as well 'How's it possible for a newly summoned otherworlder to be this strong… even if he drunk the strengthening elixir, he shouldn't be this strong…' thought Hinata in amazement

'I might need to get serious' she thought before she summoned 5 greater spirits one of each attribute, Fire, Wind, Water, Earth, and space and they immediately started raining down spells on Yuki while Hinata engaged him from close combat.

'It seems like I will have to get serious as well' thought Yuki with narrowed eyes before he rushed at Hinata and attacked with both swords at the same time. But something that surpassed her prediction ability happened… Yuki's attack suddenly had two additional attacks appearing like black blurs from each sword and she suddenly found herself faced with 6 swords trying to cut her apart at the same time... This was the effect of Dark slash!

Hinata's thought acceleration instantly activated and made it appear as if time itself was stopped as she analyzed the attack approaching her 'How could he slash with such a terrifying speed? At this rate, I might not be able to dodge… No, they don't have the same power behind them so if I deflect the strong ones, I should be able to shield myself from the rest'

Just as Hinata made her decision, she immediately reacted by blocking the original two strongest attacks with her sword while using her free hand to cast a barrier that barely stalled the other swords just enough for her to dodge and make some distance between her and Yuki…

"Tch, I almost got you" said Yuki in annoyance while Hinata frowned at him and said "It seems like I will need to immobilize you before we can have a proper conversation" she said as she rushed at Yuki and this time, as she slashed with her sword, a terrifying light aura came out of it and before Yuki could react, his right hand starting from the shoulder had a very deep gash in it which only stopped when it reached his bones!

This was Hinata's strongest sword attack, Melt slash which was a combination with the highest level of holy magic, Disintegration, and a sword slash. Disintegration allows the user to destroy their opponent at a cellular level, but when used with a sword attack, it creates an undodgeable slash that almost moves at the speed of light!

But Yuki was expecting this and just when Hinata was shocked by just how impossibly hard Yuki's body was to endure her attack, the latter suddenly used his uninjured hand and slashed at Hinata who barely reacted and tried to dodge but she still received a deep injury to her stomach!

Still, she completely ignored her injury and asked Yuki in amazement "How tough is your body?"

"Apparently, not tough enough" replied Yuki with a frown while staring at his shoulder that almost instantly healed…

"Yuki-sama!" Sacha who finally reacted immediately rushed to Yuki's side and stared at his healing shoulder with teary eyes and Yuki couldn't help but pat her and said with a smile "I'm fine don't worry"

Sacha tearfully nodded and took out a handkerchief to clean the blood off of his shoulder…

'Thankfully I had 40% damage reduction from the effect of my Guardian's horn and Immortal stand or I don't think I would be able to take on this attack with my body alone… Tch freaking overpowered abilities of this world' thought Yuki in annoyance 'Hopefully this will change when my elemental resistance rises even further'

"Being capable of stopping this attack with your body alone shows just how monstrous your power is… today, one of us will die if you don't give me the answer I want" said Hinata but Yuki's eyes suddenly turned ice-cold, he was angry…

"Shut up" said Yuki before he used frozen snare on Hinata who tried to disperse the ice hands as soon as they appeared using fire spirit magic, but she was still rooted for a split second, and that was all Yuki needs, and despite her terrifying thought acceleration, she still couldn't see how he disappeared at all before he reappeared behind her and slashed both of her hands cutting them cleanly off with his demonic swords!

"Ugh, how did you—" Hinata had a pained look on her face from her hands getting cut off and her greater spirits tried to fend off Yuki but they did no damage to him as he held her by the neck and placed his sword right on her heart…

'Is this the end… am I going to die?' she wondered as Yuki's grip tightened around her neck before he suddenly let her go with a sigh "Cough cough, why are you letting me go"

"I already feel bad for killing bad people, how do you think I will feel if I try to kill someone who does good, although you are quite annoying…" said Yuki before he nonchalantly searched her body for any items and stored everything in his space ring, including her unique grade sword.

"You—" Hinata's face was slightly red from being touched in all kinds of places and Yuki shamelessly didn't leave any places unsearched causing Sacha to cover her red face with her hands as Kayle simply sighed… This was the Yuki he came to know

"This is the price for almost chopping off my hand and being stubborn and annoying and reckless and dumb and…"

"I think she got it" Said Sacha with an awkward smile making Yuki stop as Hinata kept glaring at him "You bastard give me back my sword!" Said Hinata while casting a recovery spell on her hands that quickly helped her reattach them but Yuki simply ignored her and gave her a strong spank that sent her flying through a few trees before she disappeared into the distance while waving at her goodbye and saying "Bring me something precious and I might return it to you"

Then he turned to his friends that were staring at him weirdly and said "Let's go" and they both nodded absentmindedly as the reality suddenly hit them… Yuki had just beaten the chief knight of the western church, Hinata Sakaguchi herself! A person that could rival even the most fearsome demon lords!


Meanwhile, Hinata whose hands weren't completely recovered stood up from the ground while feeling a slight headache from all the trees she smashed into, but the pain on her burning butt was far greater than anything else, and it was probably going to leave a mark for a while that no recovery magic could remove…

"Damn you, I will make sure to get my revenge" She muttered before she made her way back to the western church with a red face filled with embarrassment…


Ulgrasia was to the south of the sorcerer's dynasty Sarion and it had borders with the great Jura forest as well, and it took Yuki's group a few hours before they reached this small country…

Yuki immediately sensed that this place was filled with spirits, and he couldn't wait to scam them from some essence

"Yuki-sama, that grin on your face is creepy and it's scaring the people around us" Said Kayle making Yuki cough awkwardly and Sacha giggle at him…

"We are finally here, let's ask around for the dwelling of spirits" said Yuki as he approached a few random people and asked them for directions

"The dwelling of spirits? That should be in the Ulg nature park in the other side of the country" said someone after Yuki gave him a few silver coins.

"To the south huh? It seems like we still have some distance to travel, let's take our time and enjoy the scenery" Said Yuki before they went to have some rest in an inn so that they can resume their journey tomorrow.

Meanwhile, Yuki checked the progress of his quest and he noticed that his second task which required him to create friendly relations became 2/10 for humans 'It seems like Shizue was accepted as my friend, nice" Thought Yuki happily…

Meanwhile, his third task which required worldwide fame increased to a whopping 45%! Which was probably thanks to the auction house incident that had many famous people attending it and the fourth quest that required him to kill enemies was only at 10/1000 'I still have a long way to go on that one' thought Yuki as he entered the inn and ordered some food…

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