
Yes, I dare!!

Chapter 3:

I look at the turtle's location and find that the front half of its body has disappeared. I say, laughing: Ha-ha-ha, that's what it deserves.

I look in Yang Kai's direction and say while patting him on the shoulder: Well done kid, you were good over there, what's your name?

To say: Yang Kai...

I interrupted him before he could finish: Yang Kai, from now on you are my little brother. From now on, if you ever need help, ask me.

I ignore him and start looking for the religious scoundrels who chased me before. I notice them and as soon as they saw me they ran to a beautiful girl with pink hair.

But unfortunately I am not a simple person, I use a blue in my hand to pull them out and someone's sword is at the side

Hua Jiao'er shouted: You dare!!!

To respond: Yes, I dare!!

I clumsily cut the sword, making their death even more miserable. Jiao'er attacks me to try to save the last person, but I use my infinity to freeze her in the air.

Finish off the last person among them, so Jiao'er can come down and say angrily: The Blood Battle Sect will not forget this!!!

To leave with gritted teeth, I turned to Yang Kai and said: I will take the turtle's blood, you can have the rest.

I turned around to draw blood from the corpses, only to hear excited screams from the members of the Upper Heaven Pavilion gathering around Yang Kai.

After collecting the blood, I face the problem of collecting it, as I don't have a place for it. I just make it float in the air, which makes me say in annoyance: Well, it looks like I have to use the Sin of Pride, but I have to prepare a bath full of this blood first.

I turned around to prepare what I needed to see Su Yan and some disciples from the Upper Heaven Pavilion behind her and asked, "You don't mind us taking all the spoils even though you were the one who killed her?"

I look at it closely to notice her beauty, which I did not notice because of my focus on the turtle, an icy beauty that makes even the most cold hearts always warm .

To say indifferently: All I want is blood. You can get the turtle by consulting Little Brother

She responded with a smile: "It's okay. He agreed to give the turtle to the sect. He will be compensated with contribution points when he returns."

I nod in the affirmative and walk away to prepare my art, but as soon as I walk away, I notice that a huge storm is forming in the sky while all the members of the three sects retreat.

I ignore them and continue drawing the array at the bottom of the pond that I drew. After a while, I finish working on it while saying: I have to learn the Dao of Arrays in the future.

I fill the pool with the blood that floats next to me. I take a deep breath and dive into the pool. I sit on top of the matrix.

I begin to use the art of pride until a great deal of pressure overwhelms me and begins to crush my body, and a large amount begins to enter into my pores and soothe my entire body.

After hours of pain and pressure on my body, the blood I got runs out and my technique stops working, but the benefits are amazing to say the least, as if I punched that turtle again, I am sure that it would suffer at least a moderate injury.

I stretched a little before I jumped out of the pool, and what surprised me was that Su Yan was sitting next to the pool and seemed to be watching over me.

I greet her with a smile: Yoo~ Hey beautiful, what are you doing here?

To respond calmly: I was guarding you during your training

She exclaims in surprise: "I'm surprised you broke through in a few hours, you're really talented."

After wondering a little, she turned to leave while saying: By the way, thanks for helping me earlier, I don't owe you anything now.

Returning to the group of people from the Upper Heaven Pavilion as I turned to look for Yang Kai and headed towards him

I'm thinking: I see he killed one of the mob, well it doesn't matter I want to ask him something first

I say: Yo! How are you? my little brother

Laird: Oh? Brother, do you want to know what's going on?

To refer to a phenomenon before the emergence of true inheritance

I responded indifferently: No, I'm not interested. I already know about true inheritance, what I want to know is about the technique you used, can you show it to me?

To reuse it, but I ask him to stop in the middle, notice the matrix that formed in the ground and begin studying it

This array relies on the energy of the outside world to give the user a powerful attack, but the disadvantage is that it takes a lot of time to prepare

But if it was based on another matrix, the benefits would be huge. I take a look at the dried blood pool

I say: Ok let's leave this for later, thank you little brother

To quickly say before I leave: By the way, what is your name, brother?

I say in surprise: My name? Oh! I must have forgotten to introduce myself, Allen, Allen Ron, so you can call me Brother Allen from today on, okay, bye now.




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