
The beginning

Chapter 1

Hi, my name is Kiara cartz, the only daughter of my parents. Today I got admitted into college with my best friend; Giselle Gordon. we've been friends since high school.

We just arrived at Smallville college in New York. After completing registration, Giselle and I were made roommates. we found our room which was a room fixed for three. Giselle choose a bed next to.the wall, I settled for the one facing the door. After we arranged our things Giselle siad she was hungry.

"gosh, I'm starving" she said

I looked at her in surprise

" we just got here, how can you be hungry already".

She smiled. I shook my head and murmured


" I think I saw a café near the school" Giselle informed me. I sighed

" fine let's go check it out."

Giselle smiled happily. we grabbed our wallet and headed out. we found the cafe not too far from the dorms. we.entered, the café bell rang alerting, the owner. He was a tall guy in his early thirties. He smiled when he approached us.

" Hello ladies, what can I get you"he said

"um, can we have a to go cup of Americano coffee and two orders of hamburger.

"sure thing" he turned and headed towards the counter. we followed behind him

"you girls must be new at the school" he said to us.

I nodded in response

" well then, welcome aboard" he flashed us a smile. I returned the smile

"Thank you...."

"call me Jackson"

"Jackson" I said with a smile on my face.

Can we get order already" Giselle whined. Always impatient as usual. Jackson smiled at her and wrapped order. he handed it to Giselle. Giselle gave him a cute smile.

" Thank you so much Jackson."she said.

As we left, Jackson called behind us

"Be sure to visit again"

"we sure will" I responded and we left the café.

Back at the dorm the third person sharing the room with us was there. She turned to us when we entered. she was a pretty girl with long red hair. she had tattoo drawn on her upper right arm.

" hi" she said to us.

"hi" Giselle and I replied

"I'm Anika vassant"

"I'm Kiara cartz and this is Giselle Gordon" I Introduced.

She smiled

"Nice to meet you guys".

Soon we were discussing and laughing like long time friends. After our chat Anika said she had to go somewhere. And then I went for a shower, when.i returned Giselle was asleep. I shook my head at her but I let her sleep. I was tired myself,so I just slumped into.my bed and drove into a deep sleep

I hope I get a lot of readers. this is my first time writing out of a book. please leave a comment

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