
My Life in Blue Exorcist

[The first 7 or so Chapters are for those who haven't watched/read Blue Exorcist. They're skippable if you want however some things may not make sense if you do so, so take this advice with a pinch of salt.] Synopsis: Before he knew it, he was already there. There was no meeting with God nor was he killed by Truck-kun. He just randomly arrived into the world with no warning and took over the body of Rin Okumura, the Son of Satan and protagonist of Blue Exorcist. After being hit with unknown memories and almost losing his personality, he decides to fight against the events of the future and make the most of this life compared to his previous one. Though he ignorantly thought events of Canon will only take place, he'll soon find out that everything is not what it seems. Canon will crumble, new events will take place, new Characters with interesting backgrounds will appear, romance even though he didn't think he could love or receive love, mysteries and mythologies, friendships with those he never knew he could be friends with, and finally the reason why he took over Rin Okumura's body. [So this is the Author, just a little warning, the first 10 or so chapters are bad imo as I made them to distract me from irl stuff. Expect cringiness level: weeb. The quality of chapters improves around chapter 18 where I start straying away from Canon. Yes, a bad idea if I want viewers but I didn't care at the time nor do I really care now but I just don't want people leaving to say they dropped the novel because it has a lot of similarities to Canon. it gets boring to read the same stuff over and over again. Of course, I will edit the cringey chapters once I deal with Uni work. This fanfic is my second priority unfortunately since uni is a must for me. Credits go to the original creators of Blue Exorcist. I don't own Blue Exorcist nor do I own the cover, however, I do own my various OC's in the series. Constructive criticism and ideas are much appreciated as they help me get better. Hope you guys enjoy the read.] I'll be publishing on others sites too. Royal road, fanfiction.net, and Wattpad Discord: https://discord.gg/ybaJQdR2ZV P.a.t.r.e.o.n: https://www.patreon.com/S_jay

S_jay · Anime & Comics
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59 Chs

Transfer student

Weird, I've never seen Mephisto behave like that even in the manga or the anime. I wonder what's up with him?

Once I left Mephisto's office I headed back to the clubroom. Surprisingly, this time I didn't get a bokken swung towards me as Akane is busy with... wood carving?

I look at the other senior club members who are at their work place with equipment and art supplies. Some of them aren't here yet, huh.

(Rin): "What did I miss when I was gone?"

(Yanno): "You should've seen it, man. The ground started shaking and we heard shouts coming from the hallway. Each of the senpai's were carrying their own equipment and racing to the Clubroom. I almost got caught in the way when I opened the door."

Yikes, that would've been a sight to see.

I look around the club members, each have their own project and are using completely different things

Sorano has her sleeves folded up as she carries a bag with the words 'Clay' on it and arranging the various carving tools she has.

Akane seems to have brought a sections of a tree? Okay, where did she get that from? Please don't tell me she just chopped down the nearest tree in the forest...

-A few minutes before-

(Random male student): "Ahh, it's nice having a walk in the forest after a stressful day of school."

A young second year student was walking to the dorm after a stressful day of school. He was in the mood to take a detour and walk around the campus before he suddenly hears a loud noise.

(Random male student): "What was that loud noise? I hope no one got hurt."

Curiosity got the best of the lad as he makes his way to where he thought he heard the noise came from. But when he got there, he received a big surprise.

(Akane): "Hehehe, this tree is sturdy enough. I'll definitely be able to beat the others with this on my side."

The male student who was watching, fainted at the scary sight of a little girl picking up an entire tree like it was nothing and mumbling something to herself.

The event took place without akane being aware of the male students existence as she enthusiastically carries the tree over her shoulder, even skipping a few times out of joy of having a chance at winning this time..

-Back to the present-

Akane seems to have a lot of wood carving equipment like a saw and a portable sanding machine but I notice that she has a pair of black kodachi, a japanese short sword . I suddenly felt a chill when she smiled at me with those red eyes holding her dual Kodachi but she got a head chop from Chelsea before she could attack me with them.

Phew, I'm saved. Regardless of me being used to fighting akane, when the stakes are increased with real weapons, of course I'll be scared for my safety.

I guess I need to slowly get used to it since that smile from Akane's face didn't drop one bit.

Moving on, I look at Chelsea, who's shaking her head when she noticed Akanes smile. Her desk has various oil pastels with paper and a canvas.

I give Chelsea a smile before moving to Sae, who has a set of watercolours and a giant canvas. He's currently drawing the basic of what he wants to make. I wonder how hard it is drawing with one eye?

(Naneko): "Let's get this show rolling~!"

Naneko just entered the room after changing her clothes to a painters uniform which is a white shirt, white trousers, an apron and a white hat with her hair tailed to a ponytail but her fringe still remains covering her left eye.

She brings with her a box of Acrylic paints, a canvas with her tail and a stand for the canvas.

Kasamugi-senpai isn't here yet. I wonder what he's planning to make?

Yanno, Kirihime and Amethyst are playing with Kuro and Midori. It seems like Kirihime is able to understand Midori's intention when she gave him a bottle of water. Hmm, interesting, I wonder what her story is about.

its already 4:30 so I don't have much time till Cram School starts. The club doesn't finish until its 7 so they still have time for thinking of what they want to make for the contest. Well, I guess I could start with one of my plans now.

(Rin): "Hey Amethyst, do you mind if i can talk with you for a bit?"

I approach the group of five and directly talked to Amethyst. The group looks at me in wonder before Amethyst responds.

(Amethyst): "Uh... Sure."

We walked a bit away from the club members as I started my plan.

(Rin): "You like Yukio, don't you?"

Call my plan predictable but I don't see why not to use it. If Yukio manages to get a girlfriend, someone who isn't both his twin or son of Satan, then he'll have a better chance of stabilising than in the original.

(Amethyst): "Wha-wha-what are you talking about!"

Amethyst struggles to reply as she says that with her face turning red. I wonder if steam will come out from her head if this carries on.

(Rin): "I saw you speaking with Yukio on Saturday. I'm his older twin brother so if you do have a crush on him than I'll help you out."

I feel like I might've been a little forceful with my approach on this but I just want to help her as soon as possible. It'll be less of a headache for me later on

(Amethyst): "Older brother?!"

(Rin): "Yep I'm his trouble maker of an older twin brother. Yukio's always been the type of guy to neglect his social life and focus on his work. When that happens, his health gets worse and he gets very troublesome to deal with. If it's possible than I'd like you to go out with him. I'm rooting for ya"

I soon walk away after saying that leaving a puzzled and red-faced Amethyst by herself.

I spent the rest of my time playing minecraft with Kuro and Midori whilst thinking of how to actually get Amethyst to go out with Yukio. Not gonna lie I sorta pity her for falling for that train wreck but oh well.

I few minutes before it hit 5, we went to the Cram School where the Cram Student were already there with their books out. Great more stares from Suguro's group..

(Rin): "Afternoon."

(Paku): "Good afternoon Okumura-kun."

(Kamiki): "Good afternoon. Who's the kid next to you?"

I greeted the duo and my normal chatting buddies before getting the question from Kamiki who keeps on glancing to Kuro with a slightly red face. Oh boy, I forgot she likes cats and other cute things.

(Rin): "He's my son, Kuro Okumura. Come on, greet yourself to the class."

(Kuro): "My name is Kuro Okumura! I hope we get along!"

Kuro gives a short bow when he greeted Kamiki and Paku. I ruffle his hair a little as I laugh at everyone's reactions.

(Rin): "He's my familiar who I adopted. I hope you treat him well as well."

(Kamiki): "A familiar?"

Kamiki was the first one to respond after calming down for a bit, though she still looks at Kuro with preditary eyes. Oh boy.

(Rin): "Yep he's a cat-sidhe that has a human form. Though he can't seem to turn back into his cat form at the moment, he still has his tails and his unique hairstyle that looks like cat ears."

I started playing with his cat-ears-like hairstyle as I say that. I notice the gaze in kamiki seems to have amplified a bit and a different gaze coming further away, coming from Konekomaru, who looked away as soon as I made eye contact with him. Great.

Konekomaru has a buzz cut hairstyle and pale skin. His defining traits are his red glasses, small eyebrows and his large ears. He's also one of the shortest characters in the series and probably as troublesome as Yukio when he found out about Rins heritage.

Haaah, I'm not looking forward to Amaimon's attack.

(Yukio): Alright settle down everyone. Today I'll be covering your Demon Ecology lesson."

Yukio gives his explanation after entering the classroom. The students all kept quiet and sat at their seats.

I sit at the front middle row once again along with Kuro who's sitting on my left and Midori who's on the desk. Kamiki and Paku are sitting behind me, Suguro's group sit left from where I sit at the corner whilst 'Yamada' somewhere at the back and Takara sits at the front each lesson.

(Yukio): "Today we have a transfer student."

The door opens when Yukio said that and in came a nervous Shiemi walking in the classroom wearing a pink Kimono with flower design on it carrying something wrapped in cloth which i assume are her book.

(Yukio): "This is your new classmate, Shiemi Moriyama. I hope you all get along with her."

(Shiemi): "P-pleased to meet you all!"

Shiemi nervously introduces herself as she fumbles on her words. I guess there's no writing your name on the board like in anime, huh.

(Yukio): "Please take a seat wherever is available."

(Shiemi): "Y-yes!"

Shiemi nervously looks at Yukio before making eye contact with me where she sighed in relief, I presume.

(Shiemi): "Rin! I can sit here, right?"

(Rin): "Sure. How'd you convince your mum to join the Cram School?"

If I remember correctly, her mum was against Shiemi becoming an exorcist due to, what I believe to be, family reasons.

(Shiemi): "Mother was surprisingly calm about it and she told me to..."

She was about to say something but stopped and her face became red. Just what did your mum do to make you like that?

(Shiemi): "Okumura-sensei asked the chairman to let me join the class specially, so I guess we're going to be classmates."

She quickly changes the subject to how she got enrolled. Seriously what did your mum say? I didn't ask since it might make her uncomfortable and I don't wanna seem nosy to her private life.

(Shiemi): "I don't know anything about the world, and I'm weak, so I thought I should train myself up here."

She says that whilst shaking and taking deep breaths. I guess she's this nervous about going to school for the first time.

(Rin): "If you wanna get stronger, why don't go for a run in the morning? It'll help you get fit and your focus should increase."

Since Shiemi uses her green man Demon a lot in the manga, she requires a lot of stamina for it to create various plants. Though I do remember that she was able to make the plants grow tall in the kyoto arc when she couldn't summon her green man. I wonder if that's due to her family?

(Rin): "Oh and how are your legs feeling? Do you have any discomforts?"

(Shiemi): "None at all. It's all thanks to you, Rin. Thank you so much."

She gives me a smile as she says that. I'm pretty sure the original Rin would've had his heart leaving from his chest at this point, though I can't deny that my hearts beating fast as well.

Hey i can't help it. The only females I interacted were my annoying mother and some teachers. The rest were too scared to approach me.

(Rin): "We should focus with the lesson, else sensei is gonna murder us with his stare."

Shiemi breaks her smile when she notices Yukio staring at her but surprisingly he doesn't say anything and carries on with the lesson.

The course we've covered so far in our Demon Ecology lesson are about the kins of Beelzebub, the king of insects. Any Arthropods, so any Insect, Arachnid or Crustaceans, are collectively known as a chuchi and we've been learning only a few of them as they aren't that common to Exorcise and the sheer number is probably more than the human population..

The most common types are the Moths and the Spider versions. They have the same behaviours to what they're possessing, like the Moths Chuchi being attracted to light or the Spider Chuchi making a nest for more Spider Chuch and liking to eat flies. I wonder if they like eating fly Chuchi. Is that considered cannibalism?.

Usually they're all harmless but even then there are exceptions to that rule. Take Midori or Amaimon's Goblin for example they both have a unique ability if manipulating their size. The same thing can apply to a Chuchi, especially high ranked Chuchi that gained intelligence from age and experience.

(Yukio): "We'll be taking a test for the kins of Beelzebub. Shiemi-san is exempt from the exam but I hope you do some self study in the meantime."

(Shima): "Oh, come one, teach!"

Shima complains to yukio for the sudden test. Great, more surprises.

We take the exam while Shiemi, Kuro and Midori read their textbook with the latter two talking to each other on occasions. Midori is able to read hiragana but Kuro doesn't know how to read. I guess I need to help them with i before I send them to school

(Yukio): "Ok times up."

The test lasted for an hour and a half and I barely finish writing the last sentence before time was up. Phew.

(RIn): "How was the test for you two?"

After the test was over and we passed the sheets to yukio, I turned around and spoke to kamiki and Paku. The test wasn't that hard to do but i wonder how they managed.

(Paku): "I don't think I did so well. How about you Okumura-kun?"

(RIn): "I think I'll manage somehow. What about you Kamiki?"

I turn to Kamiki who has an annoyed look on her face. Did I do something or was the test that bad?

(Kamiki): "It wasn't that difficult if you actually paid attention in class. Anyway, what's your relationship with her?"

The first part of what she said made Paku's Aura dim a bit and the latter made Shiemi's Aura a bit chaotic. Oh boy.

(Rin): "She a friend I met yesterday. I'm also gonna work at her place for work experience for the coming weeks."

(Kamiki): "Oh..."

She seems a little happy after knowing our relationship but something tells me its

(Rin): "What? are you jealous that we call each other by first name...?"

Honestly, I'm just used to calling her that from reading the manga and her surnames just too long for me to say.

(Rin): "...Izumo"

When I said that she gives a shocked expression as the words struggled to come out of her mouth.

(Izumo): "Wh-who said your allowed to call me that!"

Yep she's definitely a tsundere archetype but I have to admit she's fun to tease.

(RIn): "Izumo, Izumo, Izumo. I just like that sound of the name. You can call me Rin as well so I don't get mixed up with Yukio."

Yukio's already left the classroom so I don't have to worry about him hearing our conversation.

(Paku): "Ehehehe, You need to be more honest with yourself Izumo."

Paku laughs at Izumo's tsundere act as i turn to Paku and talk to her.

(Rin): "You to Noriko, call me Rin from now on. I'm sure it's annoying to call me 'Okumura-kun' everytime. Oh Shiemi, these two are Noriko Paku and Izumo Kamiki, two of my few friends."

I probably should've done this earlier but now i got the chance. I hope in this world Izumo doesn't bully Shiem like in the beginning of the manga, but then again she still acted like one to everyone until the illuminati arc was over even though she clearly cared for everyone and wanted to be friends with her.

Haaaah, girls are hard to understand, especially girls like Kamiki.

(Shiemi): "I-it's nice to meet you!"

(Noriko): "Nice to meet you too. Can I call Shiemi?"

(Shiemi): "Y-yes, may I call you Nori-chan?"

(Noriko): "Sure!"

Looks like they hit it off well but Izumo doesn't seem impressed. Oh boy.

(Rin): "Oh that reminds me, thanks for giving me that manga to read. I've only read a few chapters but I'm liking it so far."

I try to take Izumo's attention by talking about a manga she recommended me to read when Noriko got me food. The story is about a girl who has a crush on the student council president who's perfect in everything he does. It's a bit cliche with the protagonist being a dunce but it's still enjoyable to read.

(Izumo): "Y-you like it? Well of course you would but I'm surprised that you like shoujo stuff."

(Rin): "I can read just about anything as long as I'm in the mood for it."

If I'm in the mood I'll even read a cliche comedy or harem manga.

(Rin): "Why don't you give some for Shiemi to read. You don't read manga do you, Shiemi?"

(Shiemi): "Um, no I don't but I don't mind starting if you recommend me some to read, Izumo-chan."

(Izumo): "Uh... sure..."

Izumo looks a little conflicted for some reason but she seems to be fine with it. Haaah, I just hope this will help them grow up in this shithole of a world.

(Rin): "Whats wrong Noriko?"

Noriko seems down for some reason.

(Noriko): "Haaah, it's just that I'm worried about our test results. I don't think I can keep up with the class at this rate."

Hmm, she's already feeling like this, huh. In the manga she left after 3 months due to not keeping up to the other classmates and the Naberius attacking her made her quit the Cram School.

Hmm, I wonder...

(Rin): "Don't worry, it's only the first week of school. If you're still worried about your grades than we can just form a study group. I also need help for grimoires studies, pharmacology and other stuff so we can help each other. Izumo is good at grimoire studies and Shiemi my not look like it but she's got a lot of knowledge about plants and how to use them for pharmacology."

I just thought of this now but my plan is to somehow make Noriko stay in Cran school. Sure she may be useless now but the future events are too chaotic that I'll need all the help I can get.

(Noriko): "Sure!"

(Rin): "Great! How does saturday and sunday sound? I got work to do after Cram school but we may be able to get Shiemi's mum to let us study at her place."

Its sounds like a good idea to me since Shiemi's mum want Shiemi to have friends. Hopefully everyone gets closer to each other with my influence.

(Rin): "Oh I should've asked you first if it's even possible. Shiemi can we go to your place to study?"

Oh and I guess another reason is to see what her families hiding. Yikes, I've been having ulterior purposes for the last couple of days. I wonder if it's due to my flames?

(Shiemi): "I'll have to ask mother first. I can't wait!"

Shiemi sounds happy for bringing friends over. I feel a bit bad for using her but I can't stop when I'm worried about how this world will probably end up as a Demon paradise.

(Rin): "What about you, Izumo? I'll need all the help I can get for the next exam."

(Izumo): "Fine, I'll only go because Paku's going."

(Rin): "Paku? Why don't you call her by her first name? She calls you by yours."

It's been on my mind for the whole of last week. I wonder what's the reason.

(Noriko): "It's probably due to how our old school used to bully Izumo, she used to get isolated for seeing Demons..."

(Rin): "But you still befriended her but she didn't want you to get involved in the bullying correct?"

In my past life I was also isolated for my eyes so I can understand why Izumo acts like this. but I still don't like how she tried bullying Shiemi or how she flamed out on suguro in the anime.

(Rin): "Both you two are good people."

I subconsciously give them head pats when I said that. Wow soft. I guess Kuro and midori affected me in different ways.

(Rin): "Sorry, force of habit."

I tried laughing it off when I saw both of their faces. Izumo looked like she'd shout at me whilst Noriko just looks down, probably hiding her red face. When they're like this they're cute.

(Suguro): "Seriously, is he here to become an Exorcist or to flirt with girls?"

I barely hear the comment from Suguro, who was getting ready to leave. Haah, another thing I need to deal with. How am I gonna get a good relationship with this dude before, well, the reaper event.

Oh well.

(Rin): "We need to go to our lessons now, see ya around."

(Noriko and Izumo): "Next lesson?"

(Rin): "Yeah I got myself a sword instructor. I need to go now, see ya."

I quickly excuse myself from the group since I want Midori and Kuro to be able to transform into and out of human form.

we quickly go to the training room and see Chelsea and Yoru.

(Yoru): "Took ya long enough. Who's the brat?"

(Rin): "My adopted sons and familiars. Yoru-sensei do you mind if you can teach them how to use their aura or to turn him back to his original form? and can you make Midori have a human form?"

Yoru looks stunned but quickly recovers. As expected of a top exorcist.

(Yoru): "Haaah, you really do amaze me. Is he always full of surprises like these. Sure I don't mind helping you two out as long as you two are well behaved. Both of them will require the ability to sense their aura. Since they're quite high level they should be able to do in a week or so."

He sighed as he said that. Phew, looks like this will be easier than I expected.

(Rin): "How's the art project going Chelsea?"

I asked Chelsea the question since I'm in the mood for a little chat.

(Chelsea): "I only made a rough draft of what I want to make. Honestly such an annoying activity."

(Rin): "You don't like making art?"

I may not be good at drawing but i think it's entertaining to say the least. Especially when there's gonna be a show and tell later.

(Chelsea): "It's not that. I enjoy making art but the club takes things to an annoying level. They'll make something like chess or shogi into a competition that may end in a fight."

Seems like she's been through alot with the Cram School.

(Rin): "So why did you join the Culture Club?"

(Chelsea): "I guess it's because I joined True Cross Academy in my second year. My family moved to japan because my mother retired from being an Exorcist and wanted to go back to Japan. My father is an ordinary human that can see Demons but isn't an Exorcist. When I came over, I was so nervous that I challenged the kendo club to keep my mind off of things, but they weren't anything special but I got approached my Sorano to join the Culture club where I met everyone. There were no third years at that time, so Kasamugi already was the club president at the time and we did a lot of events and fundraising. It was honestly fun to partake."

I never knew she had that kind of background. I guess you can't rely on everything you read, huh.

(Rin): "I'm glad I met you and everyone at the club. We've just started our club activities but everyone's so unique and different that I'm loving the atmosphere."

It's strange how I'm already attached to the place but I guess that's part of human nature. Wait it could be because of my half demon nature as well. Oh well.

(Chelsea): "Okay that's enough talking for now. Seems like those two over their are getting the hang of their training, so let's get to ours."

(Rin): "Sure!"

I walked to one of the walls with the Bokkens and threw one to Chelsea before taking two for myself.

(Chelsea): "Two swords?"

(Rin): "Yep."

I noticed when I was fighting the Dekalp Demon that the Katana I got from Yoshikuni was covered in my flames. I wonder if it gets any amplifications from it but I guess I need to do that for another day.

(Rin): "It has something to do with my heritage."

(Chelsea): "I see... Remember what I first told you about the sword?"

Chelsea Puts the bokken near her waist and runs up towards me before slashing at me.

(Rin): "Make sure to apply the most pressure on my pinky and the least on my index finger, right?"

I block her attack with my right bokken and swing the bokken in my left hand but I realise I can't get a good swing at this position and I'm losing grip with my right..

(Chelsea): "That's correct if you have a single sword. When dual wielding, you lose the support you have from using both hands on one sword. To make up for that you need to be swift, decent at defending and find the weak points of the person in front of you."

Chelsea say that as she jumps back and re-charges towards me. This time I used both bokkens to defends, making an X shape and the strain on my hand was lessened significantly.

(Chelsea): "Good! Now using both swords are tricky as you don't get much momentum depending where your swinging from. The best form of attacks are the x-shaped attacks and turning your body to 360 degrees and swing your swords at the same direction. Those two moves makes it easier for you to deal damage to the opponent but they require speed and fast reflexes."

Chelsea enthusiastically comments on what I do and what I can do to improve my attacks, my defense and strategy. My blood's pumping as i get significantly better than when I started.

(Chelsea): "Phew, I see what Akane means when she said you're a fun opponent to verse. Your like a sponge that just absorbs the information i give you. At this rate I might even attack you for the fun of it."

Chelsea gives me a refreshing smile as she lightly brushes the sweat off her forehead. Me, I'm covered in sweat so i use my flames to burn it off. It's not like the sweat dries or anything when I use my flames, I make it completely removed from my body as if it wasn't there to begin with.

(Chelsea): "Beautiful."

Chelsea comments on my flames with wide eyes. I guess she's never seen me use them before.

(Rin): "Yeah they are. It's a shame everyones scared of them but they're more useful to people who are too lazy, to be honest. I'm getting better at controlling them but I still need to practise for the complicated stuff like making it have a shape."

(Chelsea): "Just take your time and I'm sure you'll manage. If you have any issues than I'm sure Yoru and I can help you."

(Rin): "Thanks teach. looking forward when that time comes."

I give a smile to Chelsea for not freaking out. Other than Yoshikuni, who seemed more interested in Kurikara than my heritage, she's the only one that hasn't, well, rejected me for having the flames. I guess that's Mephisto's doing, huh.

Oh well, the more I master this ability, the easier my life gets later on.

-Bonus: Shiemi-

Shiemi wanted to say that she wants to be close friends with Rin even being best friends with him since her mother encouraged her to do so, but when she was about to say she wanted to be best friends with Rin, she got nervous and stumbled on her words.

Poor Shiemi isn't aware of how her interactions with Rin will change how she becomes in the future and that her 'Rivals of Rins friendship' will only increase.

(A/N: Alternative Titles: "Akane, The nightmare of trees", "Booo, everyone hates surprise exams", "First name bases")

Chapter 22 of MLIBE is out. Sorry that the plot is taking long and that my own arc is excruciatingly long. Any constructive criticism and ideas you want to see, then please tell me in the comments!

S_jaycreators' thoughts