1 Chapter 1: Dreams

It was 7 Am when I woke up "Noe are you awake?" said Yin Yang, "Brother stop bothering me!" said Noe, "Fine be that way your just going to be late for your first day of Magic School" said Jin Yang . Omg how could I have forgot this is the first day of Magic School I'm so dumb. Noe quickly got out of bed and went down stairs to eat breakfast. "Yanju I mean dad is my stuff ready for school?" Asked Noe, "Yes sweetheart hurry eat your break fast you don't want to be late to Magic School do you?" Asked Yanju, "No dad I don't can you get the car ready?" Asked Noe, "Already did" said Yanju.

Once I finally made it to school my friend was there to meet me. "Hey Noe how you doing" Asked Airi "Good I wish I could have gotten to school 10 minutes earlier so we would have more time to talk" said Noe "Yeah we have to go to our first period of magic school" said Airi "Do you even like Creation Magic Class?" Asked Noe "No not really I think it's hard to do creation magic with my wind magic" said Airi "Well I guess it's time to go to class" said Noe
