

I look around in a daze as I try to get my bearings. Dafuq? How did I suddenly appear in this green forest? What happened the snowy plains? How did I get healed? I was about to die in snowy plains so how am I still alive?

I had questions like these fill my head as I look around in confusion. The blue screen seems to follow me wherever I look, but as a war veteran, It only took me a moment to calm myself down and start analysing my situation. As soon as I calmed down, I suddenly hear another voice in my head.


[Congratulations! You've learned the skill: Focus Mind]

I jump up to be on guard for any sudden attacks but instead of going back a few feet, I ended up flying a few meters in the air. I let out a small scream as I try manoeuvring my body in mid-air like a Cat to better land myself before making contact with the ground. I expected to feel my old bones hurt or break from the fall but surprisingly enough It didn't feel like I was landed on the ground. It felt like I was landing on a bed, like the ones from all those years ago.

Why has my strength increased? I was never able to jump as high as a tree before. I started questioning my situation as I noticed nobody around me. I sniffed the air to make sure I'm alone and nobody is here. Strange, what was that voice? It was then that I finally realised my situation.

My fur is purple compared to my original brown fur, my body feels slightly larger compared before, I sprint a little and find myself running faster than an average husky. This is definitely not my body, but what happened? The last thing that happened was me dying. I guess I've reincarnated, huh. It's the only explanation I can think of.

Next, I focus on the blue screen in front of me. For some reason, although I can't read or write, nor have I made any attempt to do so, after all, I'm only a dog, I'm somehow able to understand these words. Akira Fenrir… I've forgotten my name from all those years ago…

How many years has it been since I've heard my first name? The old couple named me Akira when they found me at their doorstep. How could I have forgotten that name? My first name.

After the village got raided I get called by many names, one was from the girl who called me Fenrir for reasons I don't know. She was a big fan of mythologies, often telling me stories of Gods and Creatures a-like, but she died not long after by the hands of another nation,

I then moved from trainer to trainer giving me different names to go by. Most of them were kind but it was never the same warmth I missed. They all viewed me as a tool, not a living being, as they shower me in praise and nicknames to acknowledge the murders I've committed and the lives I saved. I've never wanted to be on the front lines. At first, it was due to hatred but then I realise the things I was doing have no meaning. Sure I saved people but I felt empty doing so.

As if my life had lost its purpose. I then went on saving my own and other animals as a new reason to live but was it worth it in the end?

I shake my head to get rid of the unpleasant memories. No reason to dwell on the past. I think that as I change my focus on the other words on the blue screen. Titles? I guess my old names don't exist anymore. Not that I personally like any of them even if they sound cool, I rather not be shackled by anyone or by a title. I am who I wish to be and no God there will stop me.

Next is occupations. Does War dog not count? Guess it doesn't until I do something like an achievement. I wonder how this new life of mine will be like? I've grown tired of the humans and saving my race and others in captivity. No matter how many lives I save, they all end up back in the cages again.

I'll think about it once I get some rest and further analyse my situation and the area around me. The next on the screen is my race. Vanargand? So I'm no longer a husky huh. Luckily my body feels the same and the extra strength is something I'm happy about. Although it feels weird to have purple fur and this blue screen but I think I'll get used to it soon. Hopefully.

The next word, Level? What's a level? Since it's at 1 I think I can increase it if I do something or satisfy some kind of condition. The rest of them are mnemonics with value for them but I don't know what they about. I guess I'll work them out later or maybe if I interact with the residents of this world I can find out? Hopefully, the Humans aren't as hatefully as the ones in my past life.

Next are the skills. Devour? It might let me eat whatever I want, even metal or something that's strong and durable. Does that mean my teeth are sharper than my past life? I guess I'll test it out when I get the chance later. I'm starting to feel a little hungry so I may have to look for some berries or wildlife to feast on. Of course, only the ones that deserve death or the mindless ones. A bit hypocritical for a Dog that saves animals to eat animals, isn't it?

Oh well, for now, let's look at my next skill. Retractable claws, eh? As soon as I thought about them sharp purple claws appear from my paws as I soon retract them. This seems fun. I play around with them as I start carving on the trees. It feels like I'm cutting on butter. I retract the claws as I touch the tree to make sure it isn't soft which it isn't seems like my claws are able to kill with ease. I'll make sure not to use them unless it's to kill or for other purposes. I look at them again as they seem small compared my size, about 2 inches long.

I wonder… it says 1 next to my skill, does that mean as they increase, so does the strength and length of my claws? It only hit me that these skills are quite battle orientated. Especially the ones to come.

Magic fur is the next one. I don't know what that means but it looks like I have resistance to magic. I've heard the term in my travels before I came here so I know the very basics of what it is. I assume the people in here are able to conjure up the elements like fire and water. Seems like this world is as dangerous as my last then if not even more.

Next is howl, a self-explanatory skill if I do say so myself, as I take a deep breath before sending out a howl of my own.

(Akira): "Aaaooooooooo!"

As soon as I howled I feel my entire body feel energetic as an old feeling of mine suddenly comes back. Happiness and comfort. It's been a long 5 years since I've felt any of this! It feels like I'm finally myself! Free from constraints and the chains of those nations people!

(???): "Aaaaaoooooooo!!!"

While I was enjoying the pleasant feeling of my howls, it seems that I've encountered the wrath of a certain territory warlord as I feel the forest tremble as the land shakes from every step of what to come.

I soon come face to face with a giant brown bear with red crystals coming from the back of its body as it glares at me with its bloodshot red eyes filled with rage. I didn't think I would see those eyes so soon, it seems like I really am cursed. From the looks of it, I might've woken the bear up. The poor thing, I think that as I watch the bear run at me at fast speeds.

So as the bear was aiming to kill, I get serious as I dodge the attack to the left as I avoid a claw coming towards my face. Heh, this Lil cub thinks he can deal with me? I think that as I use my next skill: Bloodlust. Out of all my skills, this was one I'm able to do even before coming to this world. I feel my fur stand on its ends as pressure is applied to the crystal bear.

The Lil cub feels the pressure as its Crystal eyes reflect both anger and fear. It soon stops for a second as I feel a strange energy coming from it that makes my fur stand on end. I waited in curiosity as he finishes inhaling and soon a giant fireball comes flying towards me. I stand where I am in shock at the sudden usage of magic. Is that its skill?

For some reason, my mind is still calm as I simply open my mouth before a suction force comes from it which surprised even me. It brings the fireball closer to me but soon gets eaten. Looks like this is my skill. I think that as I feel the power surging around my body as my hunger fade away and my fur takes a slightly red hue but I ignore those changes as I simply charge towards the Crystal Bear to finish this quickly.

The poor Cub looks at me in fear as I make my way towards him. His Crystal red eyes reflect my face perfectly as I notice the blood-red eyes of mine, shining brightly like the flames from before. I ignore its eyes of fear and regret as I use my retractable claws to cleanly cut its head off, ending its sufferings quickly.

Heh, too easy. Don't mess with a Husky that's killed both humans and animal alike. Oh wait, I'm not a Husky anymore, huh. I'm a Vanargand now. This is my new life as Akira Fenrir. I think that as I feel a refreshing feeling that invigorates my body

[Congratulations! You've levelled up! You are now level 16 for killing a Warlord Blood Crystal Bear!]

[Congratulations! You have gained the title: "Warlord Slayer"]

[Congratulation! You have gained the skill: "Fire breath"]

[The following skills have levelled up: Bloodlust is now level 5, Focus mind is now level 3, Howl is now level 2]

As soon as I calmed down I suddenly heard that unknown voice again. It sounds neither male nor female as it simply states my changes. So I've levelled up? And my skills have increased? It was only then that I realised that the blue screen is gone but as soon as I thought about it, it appeared again. This time from a few different things.


Name: Akira Fenrir

Titles: Warlord Slayer

Occupation: None

Race: Vanargand

Level: 16

Str: 360

End: 250

Dex: 360

Agi: 460

Mag: 360

Innate skills:

Devour lv 1

Retractable claws lv 1

Magic fur lv 1


Howl lv 2

Bloodlust lv 5

Fire breath lv 1

Focus mind lv 3


Hmm, Warlord Slayer must be from killing that bear. I wonder if these titles have any other uses other than being used as another name? I really hope so, I really don't want to be called murder or something.

My levels have increased and so have my stats. It looks like that was the strange refreshing feeling I felt earlier has something to do with that but I'll need to find someone that's able to explain to me exactly what these stats mean.

I look at the rest of the screen and notice that my innates skills haven't levelled up at all. Are innate skills are harder to level up than normal skills? I used two of them earlier in the fight and yet I haven't levelled up any of them. I wonder if the reason my skills levels have increased by so much is because of my past life? That would make more sense than just killing the beast to get them levelled up higher.

At least I now know that innate skills are sorta like racial skills as I seemed to have gained fire breath which is just a regular skill. I'll have to learn more about these skills and whatever this blue thing is but at least my hunger is gone now.

I'll take a short nap for now. Oh wait, may as well feast on its body. Let's see what this devour skill of mine can do.

(A/N: Alternative Titles: "New life, first kill", "The usurper has come", "Poor Bear wanted to sleep")

Wow, the second chapter. I had fun making this but the editing took ages as always.

I'll try not to go overboard with the status's and as for the stats themselves, I don't know if they look good or whatever but I'll stick with them.

Akira is obviously stronger than being of his level but still not able to make everyone tremble at his presence. Welp, I'll see you in the next chapter!

Proofreader is my Lil bro

S_jaycreators' thoughts
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