
My life as a Superpower sponge in marvel

My life has been turned upside down when I was transmigrated into marvel with the power to copy superpowers. Now, watch me become the very best

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Chapter one: My reincarnation

Everything was dark and cold. All around me was endless darkness that seemed to swallow all my senses, I couldn't hear, couldn't touch, couldn't smell and of course couldn't see. The darkness was torturous, depriving me of anything that could anker me into sanity. The closest thing I could compare it to was that it was like whiteroom torture. Whiteroom torture, for those who didn't already know, was a torture technique in which one was deprived of all their senses, slowly making you go insane.

And yet, I was in this place of no stimulation and somehow I didn't go insane. After a while it just became how things were. I was in the darkness and the darkness was inside me. There was no insanity creeping into my mind like a slippery snake, only acceptance. I was bored, for sure but not as much as I should have been.

My life flashed before my eyes.

I was a young man when I died. I'd been living with my parents for all my life. My mother was a kind woman with chocolate eyes and shaggy red hair, she always wore long dresses and or skirts, most often both pink or red. She enjoyed reading comics, a habit I picked up as I grew older but she also loved baking, something I never got into really. I much more preffered cooking to baking, just like my father.

My father looked exactly like me, long, brown hair, crystal blue eyes that saw through every lie(I was a good lier but nothing ever got past my dad, I was convinced, once upon a time, that he had superpowers), deathly pale skin, no matter how long he stayed outside, tending to the garden or trimming the hedge. He was my role model, I wanted to be just like him. He was a policeman and I was all for it.

I admit, I got very annoying, especially when I was younger. I would read through legal documents and remind anyone of any of the thousands of rules that were in them. Back then, I was a really back snitch, ratting out my friends when they snuck alcohol to a party or when one of them didn't put the trash in the right bin. I outgrew this snitch phaze but the damage to my reputation was done. No one wanted the biggest snitch in school to be their friend or at a party. My mere presence was a buzzkill to some.

Anyways- I passed through highschool with flying colors, A's and B's all around then I entered the police academy. I spent months there, preparing to become a real police officer. I was on my last day of training when the whole academy was hit by a missile that had been fired by a terrorist organisation, targeted at 'those pigs in blue'.

And so my life ended and my new existence in the void begun. Every once in a while, I would hallucinate lights at the edge of my vision or whispers just far enough away to understand them. It was irritating, because I could've sworn that there was a face there for the fraction of a second but as soon as I turned to look at it(did I really turn? I didn't know, everything looked the same. Really fucks your perception up), it was gone.

I was in the middle of replaying a day of school in my head when my vision suddenly filled with a translucent screen, hovering in mid air. It was the first thing I had seen, not just hallucinated, in this god forsaken world. So, I approached it, slowly, ever so slowly. It was like moving through honey. Only now that I could anchor my vision with the screen did I notice how slow I moved. I moved as slow as a snail.

After what felt like hours, I made it to right infront of the screen and it read as follows:

[Welcome lost soul]

[You have died and been given the chance to reincarnate. The One Above All has taken an Interest in you and offers you to join one of his many worlds with the gift of a power, hadpicked by him.]

[Your power would be the ability to copy superpowers of people in your vicinity]

[Do you accept his generous offer?]

"Hell yes", I said, feeling giddy and excited. I recognized the name of the One Above All as the head god of the marvel multiverse. He was the big guy on top of all the other big guys. And having superpowers, actual fucking superpowers, it wasn't an opportunity that I would turn down, not for a billion dollars. Thinking of all the powers I could get made my mouth water with excitement.

The screen in front of me vanished, turning into lights which penetrated my body/soul. Power raced through my veins, cascading like a waterfall of pure energy. It was intoxicating, the rush of unlimited power after so many years(?) stuck without any sensation at all.

"Have fun", a dissembodied voice sounded from somwhere far away and yet so ultimately close. It was the last thing I heard before awakening.

I awoke in a bed, my bed, with new memories.

I was Levi Backbone, a 15 year old orphan boy who lived in his home, a house his parents had owned prior to them passing away two years ago. I was in my freshman year at highschool. I went to Midtown high, yes that Midtown high, as in the school were Peter fucking Parker aka. spiderman went to. I wasn't sure whether or not peter already had his powers or not but if he didn't have them yet then he would surely get them soon enough. If he already had his powers, then well, it was more power for me.

It was saturday right now, which meant I had plenty of time to research.

Did the avengers exist? What about the fantastic four? Were mutants running about?

With a determined look on my face, I opened up my laptop to start googling.