
You Are Hopeless

Akira tried his best to save her but he is still blaming himself until now and he's not proud when people say that he saved Bia. Even after Bia told him that all of that was her fault not his.

After the operation four years ago, Bia woke up the next day. All her family members were in the room, she remembered that she fell somewhere but she didn't think that she needed to be in the hospital. She shouldn't be in the hospital, she wanted talk to Grant before he left the country. Grant's cousin told her that he's leaving this country. But when she was trying to get up, she felt like her body was torn to pieces.


"Bia darling, don't move too much", her mom was gently rubbing her hand.

"Mom, Dad, why am I here, what happened to me? I feel my head is going to split open and why is my stomach so painful?", Bia tried to see her tummy but she couldn't lift her head up.

"Tell me mom, dad, Alex? Stop crying mom, tell me what happened. I only remember that I hurt my head but not my tummy". At that moment Alex came to her side, "You hurt your head and your tummy when you fell. Just stay put for now, it will get better soon, okay?"

"I need to see Grant". Her words made her her family panic.

"Are hungry darling? We have some porridge and buns here, which one do you want? Hmmm?", her mom tried to change the topic.

"Kim is on her way here, do you want anything else, we can ask her to grab something for you", her dad said.

Alex took the TV controller that was on the side table then he said "Let's see what's on TV, maybe your favourite cooking show is on now. Oh, I better let you choose what you want to watch", then Alex passed the TV controller to Bia and said, "Let me wash my hands and I'll cut some fruits", then he went to the wash room.

"Everyone stop talking, I'm asking what happened to me and I don't feel hungry. Can anyone please answer my question?", Bia felt that her family is hiding something. She asked them again and again that day but no one answered until she had to threaten Kim the next day. She told Kim that she's going to run away if she didn't let her what happened.

Kim was so scared because Kim knew that Bia could be very stubborn, once she decided something she would not change her decision.

"Come on Kim, tell me what is it, the others won't tell me and the doctors are dodging my question. Everybody said that I fell on tummy that's why it's hurt like hell. I'm not stupid, because mom gave me weird supplements and some herbal thing to drink".

Kim flinched to hear that, she couldn't look straight into Bia's eyes.

"I think it's normal for auntie to give you all of that supplements, it's for your body to recover".

Bia knew whe Kim was lying, Kim wouldn't look at her, she would play with her wavy hair or bite her nail. And that moment, Kim was doing all of her three significant moves. Bia just shook her head.

"You are hopeless, Kim. I know you're hiding something. Tell me now or I'll just disappear from your eyes". Bia was trying to pull out her IV drips, luckily Kim was fast enough to stop her.

"Calm down Bia, please. Ya, I'm hopeless now what can I do to you? Why, why Bia? How can you said that, how about auntie, uncle, Alex and me? Can't you see us first before others?" Kim was crying and Bia startled with Kim's sudden outburst, Bia wiped Kim's eyes.

"Hey, I'm the patient here and I'm the one in pain, why are you crying? Okay, okay, I won't go anywhere, just answer my question. I... I feel something is missing Kim, I can't put my finger on it".

"Please Kim, just tell me, I beg you".

"Bia, I..."

Outside the door, Bia's mom and dad had been listening the whole conversation, then they looked at each and nodded.

"I think we better tell her", Bia's mom said.

"Ya, we cant hide it anyway, she's smart girl and she'll figure it out soon. And if she finds it out on her own, she's not going to trust us anymore", her dad sighed after saying that.

"But, she'll be very sad and it might break her more, hubby".

"We'll be her strength, dear", they hugged each other and gathered their strength before they break the news to Bia.

When they entered the room, they saw the girls were hugging and crying.

"Kim, I got this nightmare last night. Grant left me alone and blood everywhere. Kim, what happened?"

"Bia, sweetie", Bia's mum called her and her dad put a chair beside Bia's bed for her mum to sit. Once Mrs.Rees sat, she took some tissues to the girls' face.

"Both of you don't look nice crying like this".

Mr.Robert Rees stood behind his wife, held her shoulders and said, "Bia, we told Kim not to tell you. I want you to calm down now".

"I'm alright dad, just tell me".

Her dad walked around her bed, went to the other side of her bed and he held Bia's hands.

"Bia, the doctors tried their best. We thought, it's the best not to let you know what happened, because we don't want to hurt you more. But... I'm sure you are going to figure it out somehow. Bia, I'm so so sorry Bia, we couldn't save your baby, you were pregnant sweetheart". Her dad put his head down, couldn't meet her eyes.

"Wait, what.. who's pregnant?", Bia touched her stomach frantically.

"Bia..", Kim said as she tried to hold Bia's hands.

"Tell me mom, dad. I was not pregnant, right, right? How many months mom? Why didn't I know it? That means I killed my baby, I killed our baby, that's why Grant left. He's angry that I killed the baby". Bia was screaming so loud while hugging her mom and suddenly she fainted.

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