
Vinegar, Vinegar...

July 2001

Every morning Grant would bring Bia to school in his bicycle, whilst Alex would have different partners who joined him for a ride to school everyday. That's how they started their day and the same as today as well.

Once they reached the school, Alex pulled Bia to a corner. "Can you help me out by convincing Grant to join our basketball team, only for this Saturday match. We really need his help, we are going against Queens Schools. They are very strong, as you know Grant is a very good player, he just doesn't like crowded places but he'll say yes to your every requests.. and I'll be your slave for a week, okay? please, please Bia", Alex was pleading by putting his hands together.

"You are already my slave, so why do I have to help you ".

"I'll give a half of my monthly allowance, please".

"Consider it done".


Queens School

Bia was sitting in the front row with a few of her classmates.

"Do you know that two princes charming from Island School are here?" said one of the girl behind Bia.

"Of course we know and I heard they don't have girlfriends".

"Can't wait to see them". The girls behind Bia were giggling and talking nonstop about Grant and Alex. Hearing all of that, made Bia and her friends felt pity on them.

Suddenly one of them shouted, "Look, look, they are here".

"Oh my, Alex is waving and winking at us, oh..my poor heart can't take it", said the girl in yellow

"Ya, ya, ya, I saw that and Grant is looking at us too", said the girl in the pink dress.

Alex felt the room temperature in the stadium was dropped to 0°C, when he looked at Grant, he found the culprit. Grant was shooting daggers at the boy who were sitting beside Bia. "Oh buddy, stop it.. They are just friend. Let's start the game".


Alex and his team won the game, they went to nearby cafe to celebrate. In the cafe, Bia sat beside Ken, they chatted happily.

"Ouch, I smell vinegar, vinegar in the air", Alex whispered in Grant's ears.

"She's too young to have boyfriend, it'll disturb her study", Grant went straight to Bia's table.

"It's getting late Bia, let's head back".

"Oh", Bia puzzled because Grant dragged her without giving her a chance to say goodbye to her friends.

"Let's go Alex, Bia is tired".

"Hah", Bia opened her mouth widely.

"Okay, alright guys.. Got to go, see you and thanks for today", Alex just followed the Boss afraid someone might punch someone else.

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