
Four Years Ago (3)

"Please, please, please, don't leave me", Bia was screaming and crying again in her sleep.

Alex got startled and splashed all the water in glass that he was about to drink onto his face when he heard Bia screamed. He was drenched but he didn't care about it. He put the glass on the kitchen island and ran upstairs to her room, once he reached Bia's room he switched on the light. There, he saw her sobbing and shivering and that made his heart throbbing in pain. Alex sat on her bed, wipe her tears, hugged her and called her name.

"Bia, open your eyes, sis".

"Thank God, you are here Grant". Bia hugged Alex back and thought he was Grant.

"Bia, it's me Alex".

"Huh, where's Grant? He's here, right?", Bia looked at Alex with pitiful eyes.

"Oh my cute baby sister, you look so adorable with your red nose", Alex pinched her nose.

"Did.. did I do that hysterical thing in my sleep like a crazy woman again, Alex? Oh.. of course I did, if not why are you here. I'm so sorry Alex".

"It's okay.. don't think about it. Do you want anything?".

"No, thanks".

"Then.. I'll be here until you fall asleep, okay".

"It's alright, I'm fine, you don't have to be here and it's already so late Alex, I'm sure you are tired now, nite nite".

"Nah, I'm not that tired". Alex stood up and walked up to the bookshelf, he took a random book.

"Have you finished reading this book?"

"Yes, I have and Alex, I'm fine",

"I know". He flipped through the pages without any interest on the book. He wanted to stay in Bia's room for a while because if he left her, Bia would start crying till the dawn.



"l should have listened to you back then. I shouldn't rush things like that".

"Bia, I would have done the same thing if I were you". Alex walked to the window, opened the curtain and said, " It's beautiful night, can you see the moon and the stars?". Bia just nodded her head .

The both of them were looking outside of the window and lost in their taught.

They were thinking about that big day, it started with smile and it ended with tears, if only they allowed Alex to handle that ungrateful bastard, the day would have ended with blood. How satisfying feeling he could have.

Everything was perfect, everyone was happy, the church was decorated beautifully, even their backyard was transformed into enchanted garden, it was a magical fairytale wedding. All the guests could walk straight to the beach from the garden. Such a waste because they didn't even enter the church or enjoy the wedding dinner.

That morning, everybody was so busy and for once Dad didn't have to cook, he was having coffee and chatting happily with their relatives in the garden. Mom and Alex were busy running around the house and bossing people around, ya.. their the boss in our house, they made sure everything was perfect. Bia could ser them from her balcony while Kim was nagging at her the whole morning.

"Look Bia, see the dark circles under your eyes. Didn't I tell you to get your beauty sleep, what did you do last night? Don't tell me you were playing games until late again. Now, put these tea bags on your eyes for now, hope they will work. Oh no, didn't I pack your luggage last night, why are they opened now?"

"Relax Kim..".

"Don't talk, just lie down now and put them on". Kim glared at Bia and re pack Bia's luggage.

"I'm putting them on, see". Bia lied down on the bed as Kim asked and put the tea bags on her eyes.

"Good, just leave the tea bags on for a while and try to get some rest after that. I'm going to help Auntie now, I'll come in three hours time to help you with your makeup. Don't try to jump over your balcony to go to Grant's room, stay put. If you need anything, just let us know. Aa.. shoo.. not a word, stay put". Kim just cut Bia off before Bia said anything and left Bia's room.

At 3.45pm, on the wedding day. Everybody was in the church, Bia, Kim and the driver just arrived at the church. When she got out of the car, she saw her mom, her dad and a few other relatives were outside the church, the looked anxious and mom's eyes were red.

"Mom, what happened? Were you crying just now? Oh.. Mom, I won't go anywhere after I get married, I'm only going to move next door".

"Oh, sweetheart.. let's go to the hall first and wait there, okay", Bia and Kim followed Mrs.Rees to the hall.

"Mom.. Mom.. you look pale, are you ok?"

"Oh, I'm fine sweetie, you and Kim wait here with the bridesmaids. I need to look for Alex", Mrs.Rees was nervous and almost tripped on her dress. Luckily Kim was fast enough to catch her.

"Careful Mom", Bia shouted.

"Are you alright, Auntie?"

"I'm alright my girls, just wait here". Mrs.Rees was practically running out of the door.

"Kim, I smell something fishy here. I need to ask Alex, where's my phone. Oh, shoot.. I left my phone in the house. Can I use yours?"

"Sure", Kim took out her phone from her bag and passed it to Bia.

"Thanks". Alex's phone was busy so Bia couldn't get him.

"I shouldn't call Grant, right? He must be in the church now".

Suddenly Kim's phone was ringing and it was private number so Bia passed the phone back to Kim.

"Hello.. oh ok, Bia, it's for you", Kim passed her phone to Bia.


"Yup, it's Grant. I think he sneaked out for a quick call to talk to his girlfriend before he gets married then he can't contact his girlfriend anymore because his wife might kill him".

"Shut up, Kim. Hmm, hi Grant.."

"Bia, I'm so sorry.. I'm really really sorry. I got to go now, I'll explain next time. Bye... tuuttttt..."

"Hello Grant, hello, hello, what are you saying?", Bia didn't know what happened, the call was too short. She couldn't call that private number either.

"Bia, what happened? what did he say?", Kim asked Bia.

"Kim, he said sorry and got to go, I think", Bia was confused.

"Ok.... Bia, calm down, I'll check out what happened, wait here". Kim left the hall and didn't come back after that. The clock on the wall was ticking, it showed 4.10pm and still no sign of Kim or Mom. The wedding was supposed to start at 4pm, Bia was wandering what was happening at that moment.

After Kim left, one after another the bridesmaids left the hall to see what happened out there but none of them returned to the hall. And Bia was the one left behind, she thought maybe it was just small hiccups, not a big thing so she should wait a little more. She waited until 4.30pm, then she decided to see for herself what's the matter that was holding the wedding.

She walked up to the church entrance and It was so noisy there , everyone was talking so loud or crying. When they saw Bia, they became silent at once.

"Why is everyone outside? Mom? Dad?"

"Bia, come here, we have something to tell you ". Her mom pulled Bia to the side.

"Bia, Grant is not here he didn't turn up for the wedding. We tried to look for him or his mom but they are nowhere to be found".

Bia just stood there like a statue and said, " Oh, he was not joking just now".

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