
Dressed To Kill

Bia was standing in front of her full length mirror in her room, holding a sweetheart lilac sheath dress. "Emm, not this one.. ", she tossed it aside and took the little black dress from the pile of clothes on the bed and put it in front of her, "Oh my.. this is too slutty, why did I buy this again?", next she took a floor length pink gown and said, "no, no, no.. this one is for the bridesmaid, urghh.. why is it so hard to choose one perfect dress?".

After that she took yellow sundress, teal high low dress, turquoise cocktail dress, emerald slip dress and so on but all she said to her image on the mirror was "no, no, no and no". At last she just threw herself on the bed, on top of the pile of her clothes and decided to call her favourite lady in the world.

"Hi, my beautiful cousin.. are you free?", Bia asked.

"Speak, what do you need from me?" Kim knew Bia very very well, calling her beautiful meant help is needed.

"I'm in wardrobe emergency, Kim.. help..".

"What's the theme?", Kim asked.

"No slutty, no princess like, no...".

"Breathe Bia, breathe.. I think we have a few dresses for you to choose. I'm sure that one of them will be perfect for you, they are our new collection for this month. I'll bring them over now". Kim was in their boutique that day and after hearing what Bia said she took a few dresses from the rack, closed the shop for the day and headed to Bia's house. It was 5pm anyway and usually they close at 6pm so no harm to wrap up early once in a while. Especially after one tiring long day, not that she complained about it because she's happy to see the sales they got today. It's December sales, yayyyyy.

"You are my saviour Kim, thank you.. thank you.. thank you.. thank you", Bia was jumping up and down.

"You're welcome B.. stop jumping, you'll hurt yourself", Kim said.

"Huh.. how do you know that I was jumping? Do you have super power, Kim?"

"I could hear the thumping noise you're making. Alright, I'll be there in 10 minutes time, bye". Kim stepped on the gas pedal and just ended the call without waiting for Bia's reply.

"Bye Kim, even you can't hear me". Bia smiled at her phone, people might think that Kim was rude for ending the call just like. But for everyone who are closed to Kim would know that once Kim sets her mind to do something, she just go for it and leave everything behind, just no time to linger or no time for courtesy.

"Screech" that was Kim's car. Bia was pacing back and forth in her room when Kim bursting into her room.

"You're here".

"No time to talk, try this one first", Kim handed the burgundy dress over to Bia, then Bia ran to the bathroom to change. Once she's done she came out of the bathroom and asked Kim, "How?"

"Fit perfectly but something is missing.. tell me again where are you going and with who?"

"I'm going to give Akira a surprise visit and if he's free, we can go for a date".

"I see, then this dress is too plain.. try the white one, no, no, white is boring.. luckily, I brought this.. try this B", Kim pushed Bia to the bathroom. After a few minutes Kim knocked the bathroom door, "Do you need my help Bia?".

"No, no, I'm done", Bia opened the door and Kim's jaw dropped to the floor.

"Wow B, you look superlicious.. where are you all this time? those curves are in the right place. Akira is so lucky", Kim was stunned to see how beautiful her cousin in that red dress.

"Meaning? I look slutty, right?", Bia asked.

Kim narrowed her eyes and said, "How dare you say that.. you look stunning B. You look good in red and no skin exposed so you won't catch cold. So let's do the make-up, just the light make-up will do".

"Thanks Kim".

"You've already thank me many times B.. I'm so happy to help you darling. Now.. I'm done".

"Wow, I look...", Bia couldn't believe her eyes, just a bit of make-up could change her look.

"You look beautiful B and now go"

"Ya, you are right.. bye Kim, love you".

"Love you more"


At the hospital.

"Hi Diane", Bia greeted one of the nurse.

"Is Akira in his clinic?"

"Hi Bia, wow.. you look smoking hot and dressed to kill all the men here and yes, our handsome doctor is in and I didn't tell him about your special visit. In you go and I need to go to the lab now. Bye.."

"Thanks Diane.. Bye".

Bia didn't knock the door because she assumed Akira was alone but he wasn't. She planned to surprise him but she was the one who got the surprise instead.

A woman was on Akira's lap and they were kissing passionately at the moment, they didn't even hear when she opened the door.

Yes, there was a woman in Akira's room and Diane didn't know about that because she was not in the nurse station when that girl went into Akira's room so we couldn't get mad at Diane.

Bia was standing still watching the show, she felt like someone just crushed her heart, her tears started falling and only a soft noise that escaped her mouth, "Akira".

And that startled the two love birds. Akira pushed that very beautiful lady away, rushed to Bia's side and said, "Honey, is not what you're thinking..",

"Paah", Bia slapped Akira before he could finish his words because she was not in the 'I want to hear your explanation' mood.

Suddenly, that stranger went to Bia and lifted up her hand to slap Bia, luckily Bia was fast enough to catch that stanger's hand and she slapped that stranger in return.


Of course, Bia wouldn't miss that golden opportunity. The slap was so loud and it was harder than the slap that Bia gave Akira. It made that beautiful stranger staggered a few steps. Next, that woman threw herself on Akira and said, "Akira, it's hurt like hell.. that woman is crazy".

"Shut up!", Akira said and tried to push that woman again but that woman clinged on to Akira more, she jumped on Akira and hooked her legs on Akira's waist.

Whilst, Akira was busy trying to put the woman down, Bia just left the room. She took the lift down, went to the car park, then drove her car away from those sickening couple.

She decided to go down south, to the other end of the island.

She stopped at one of the mall because she needed the retail therapy badly. But she was starving so a lot of delicious comfort food would be her priority and the three scoops of sundae to cool her head first.

Next chapter