

Mal sighed deeply throwing her last pair of jeans into the black suitcase she had for her trip. "Why does she want me now"she mumbled "her and her stupid boyfriend my butt,that son of a beast"

She slammed her bag shut if everything went her way she would do the job Marie couldn't do. Mal was the younger sister,the smarter more evil sister. Her moms favorite.  The salty air blew into her room forming bumps on her arm. Mal walked to her window and slammed it shut.

"Mal"a voice yelled coming down the hall. It was Evie.

"What"Mal snapped zipping the very full bag. "What could you possibly want now,damnit Evie,can't you ever just let me EVER have peace and quiet"

Mal had never liked Evie. She believed Evie was to nice and would get in her way. "I just came to tell you the limo was here" Evie's hurt voice wavered as she talked to the young dragon.

Mal Yanked her bag off the bed and rolled it down the hall. "Come one Evie get the Hell out of my room"Mal yelled.

"Coming"Evie gulped and ran down the hall. They walked to the limo and Mal put her bag in the trunk. She was the youngest by 2 years but she was in charge of everything and everyone. As soon as she sat down in between Jay and Carlos she pulled out a peace of Trident Layers gum and smacked it loudly until Evie almost screamed.

"Can you stop"She yelled

"Can you learn to not be annoying"Mal fired back when Evie didn't Answered Mal took defeat."I thought so,Now shut up"

the driver took this as his time to speak. "So you must be Mal,Lady Marie's sister"

"I guess"Mal replied rudely "not that I like her"

"Wow,that'd crush her heart,you know she's always talking about how amazing you are"The driver sighed deeply

"Probably because I was moms favorite,and she had no friends that weren't mine already"Mal blew a bubble with her gum.

Jay smacked her in the ribs "shut up"he whispered "just because you need a manners class doesn't mean we all want to take it with you"

Mal scoffed "Jay we're evil if you don't go through with the extra classes they'll think your soft"she paused "and we don't want that now do we"

"You're right Mal,for once"jay laughed and Mal smacked him on the arm "oww "

————-in Auradon———

"Blake"Marie cheerfully sang "they're gonna be here in about 1 hour ,Are we ready"

"Banners,first friend comittee,"Blake continued to go through the list "I think we have everything"

"Lauren,Ethan,Kayla"Marie followed up "you sent the extra limo for Lilliana,Gil,Harry,and uma"

"How could I forget them"Kayla asked "they were my first friends"

"I think we're ready"Marie pecked Blake on the cheek

"Good thing because they're running early and will be here in 3 minutes"Ben shouted looking at the tracking devise on the limo. "Let's go"

The crew walked to the front of the school where the committee was waiting and so was the band.