
My Legendary Weapon Can Evolve Infinitely!

Our discord server: https://discord.gg/d9z3CCEXWw The past, the present, and the future will all be connected. Human society will learn how things were in the past when gods walked among men and monsters roamed freely. When Earth was finally connected to the multiverse, the entire world erupted into chaos! It was as though reality itself was contorting to accommodate countless versions of itself. Astonishingly, it began to expand, stretching its boundaries beyond imagination. At that time, Jason was recovering from the betrayal of his girlfriend cheating with her supposed best friend. He looked for solace by retreating to a serene lake for a weekend of fishing. Craving solitude to deal with his thoughts, he wanted some peace. But as soon as he stepped out of his car, the ground convulsed violently. Much to his surprise, a mysterious system had been activated, revealing portals to alternate dimensions. Suddenly, Jason found himself thrust into the depths of a dungeon, a valuable treasure chest right before him. Within that chest was the Infinite Dagger—a legendary weapon capable of infinite evolution! From a mere dagger to a formidable sword and even transforming into a bow—its potential knew no bounds! Jason was surprised at his unexpected fortune, yet he understood that obtaining such a treasure wouldn't be without risks. No, crossing this dungeon would be a stroll. He stood at its precipice, facing a boss—a towering, purple-hued Colossus that looked like it came out of a fantasy world. To add insult to injury, he would need to get rid of the boss's minions. The real question remained: How could he, at level one, defeat the dungeon's boss?

ExSoldierLv99 · Fantasy
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317 Chs

Chapter 153 - The Story of my Life

The zombies kept charging at Jason while transforming, but he easily kept his distance. Kitting them was rather easy, and Jason felt like a certain champion who could jump away from the enemy while throwing spears at them.

"Hey, Lich. Did you already reach the area?" Jason asked when he got bored. "Give me a report of the situation. Slap yourself twenty times if you try to hide anything. Also do a break dance."

"... The enemies keep trying to head West toward you," The Lich said. "We are blocking their path, but the battle is fierce. The enemies keep sending minions, and these pathetic humans are getting tired fast."

"Aren't you a former pathetic human as well?" Jason asked while furrowing his eyebrows. "Anyway, work hard to prevent casualties on our side and in order to get levels too. You four should be able to do more than even the battlefield. I won't accept any failures… tell Janna to stop being incompetent and use more potions on you guys."