
My Legendary General System

All these young men chasing harems don’t seem to realize just how much trouble one woman is! - a strangely old looking 25 year old ... Please, officer, I swear he walked into my axe. It wasn't me, truly! ("I'm convinced, Captain...") - testimony from recently released convict ... Instead of stealing my woman, can you steal my wallet? Please... Actually, never mind. I preferred my wallet. - a merchant undergoing a raid

Nick_Alderson · Fantasy
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876 Chs

The Next Steps - Part 1

Then he realized it wasn't her she was looking at, it was the woman behind him.

"You're kidding…" He said, as he saw how intently she'd been looking at Penelope.

"Ah, uhm…" Penelope searched for something to say, distinctly awkward, and apparently under the same impression that Vol was under. The girl herself was blushing now, from the intensity that the blonde woman was regarding her with.

"Hm?" The blonde woman said, tilting her head. "You've gone red, is something the matter?"

"It's just… I am… uhm… I don't know how to say it," Penelope said, jabbing her fingers together.

"She's not interested in women!" Silverfish shouted, grinning mischievously.

The new woman stared at him. "..? I do not understand. If you'd have allowed me to finish, I was merely about to say I was curious as to what sort of warrior the silver-haired woman was."

"Finish? You didn't even try to continue what you were saying…" Northy murmured despondently.