
A preemptive strike

Today, I move out of my cramped studio apartment and into the sprawling presidential suite at the luxurious Park Hyatt Hotel in town centre. I know the extravagant accommodation seems excessive, but it's a strategic decision - the amenities here will help transform me into peak physical condition before the prophesied outbreak begins. My very survival depends upon it.

I nod politely to the perspiring young bellhop as he hauls up the last of my meagre belongings. He looks at me curiously, no doubt wondering how a random guest can afford the exorbitant 20 million won per night rate. If only he knew.

Once I'm alone, I begin meticulously unpacking and surveying the lavish suite. Floor-to-ceiling windows provide stunning panoramic city views, though I know such vibrant vistas will soon give way to emptiness and decay. The fully-equipped gourmet kitchen will go unused, as I have no time for trivial pursuits like cooking. The sprawling marble bathrooms boast a massive soaking tub and walk-in shower—creature comforts that will disappear when chaos descends.

For now, I intend to take full advantage of the hotel's state-of-the-art amenities. I change into loose athletic clothes and make my way to the expansive basement fitness centre. It is outfitted with the latest equipment and machines, everything needed to bring my body to its full potential. I begin with a thorough dynamic warm-up, then move through a comprehensive circuit of weightlifting, cardio, and core exercises.

During mid-workout, an attractive young trainer approaches me with a friendly smile.

"I'm Sua," she says. "Are you a new guest at the hotel?"

I explain that I'll be staying at the hotel indefinitely for the unforeseeable future.

"I'm looking to get into the absolute best shape of my life," I tell her sincerely. "I'm willing to put in the hard work and dedication needed."

Sua nods approvingly, clearly impressed by my self-motivation. We proceed to schedule rigorous, personalised training sessions twice per day—morning cardio and evening strength—to maximise my physical conditioning in the weeks ahead. She tailors the workouts specifically for my goals, often finding me already diligently training in the gym before our appointments.

One afternoon, following a particularly gruelling workout, I pause to catch my breath. The large flatscreen on the gym wall flashes to an urgent news report. The grave anchor reports on the puzzling spread of an unidentified respiratory virus plaguing remote regions worldwide. She states that the government is urging calm until more is understood, but concrete answers have proved elusive thus far.

I wipe the sweat from my brow, outwardly unfazed by the report. But inwardly, I know this marks the early rumblings of the coming cataclysm. The first tiny ripples foretell a massive wave about to crash down. For now, I exhale slowly and resume training, giving no reaction that could raise suspicions. There is still far too much preparation needed before then.

The weeks pass in a blur of intense physical conditioning under Sua's expert guidance.

"You're making serious progress," she remarks during one particularly gruelling session. "Keep this up, and you'll be in truly incredible shape in record time."

If only she understood my underlying motivations. The approaching chaos will not care for excuses or explanations. Raw survival will require every ounce of speed, strength, and stamina I can possibly achieve.

In addition to the rigorous gym workouts, I also enrol in advanced boxing classes downtown to hone lethal hand-to-hand combat capabilities. My coach, Kwan, a former pro boxer, is duly impressed by my intense focus and rapid mastery of techniques.

"You've got real knockout power in those fists," he nods approvingly after a strenuous sparring match. "Keep honing those lethal skills, and you'll definitely handle yourself when it counts the most."

I silently embrace his words like a prophetic blessing, pushing through the searing pain and fatigue. Lives—possibly including my own—will depend upon these skills in the all-too-near future. Rest and recovery are also crucial. I schedule deep tissue massages, alternating ice baths and sauna sessions. I closely track my diet, fuelling my body with protein shakes and complex carbohydrates, just as Sua instructed.

At times I notice the transient hotel guests eyeing me strangely in the gym or restaurants, no doubt perplexed by my intense solitary focus. To them, I likely seem eccentric, bordering on deranged. But in truth, they have no concept of my underlying circumstances or the extreme lengths I must go to for the sake of enduring the coming oblivion.

After two gruelling weeks of living at the hotel and training rigorously twice per day, I meet with Sua for a fitness evaluation. She is openly amazed by my unprecedented improvements over such a short period.

"Your physical conditioning is remarkable compared to when we started," she says, looking over my impressive metrics. "What's your secret? I've never witnessed gains this substantial before."

I reply only with a knowing smile. "Necessity breeds motivation. Your expert guidance on training, recovery, and nutrition was absolutely invaluable."

"Clearly!" she laughs. "Well, keep up the phenomenal work. At this rate, you'll be in truly elite physical condition in no time at all!"

If only trifling athleticism were my end goal. My true purpose is far more critical—developing sufficient bodily resilience to survive the unforgiving days ahead when no amount of money or supplies will save the woefully unprepared masses.

And so I persevere, day after day, as troubling reports continue trickling in of the mysterious virus spreading silently but inexorably worldwide. The media preaches caution but no panic while governments scramble vainly to counter an enigma they cannot yet comprehend. But I know this marks the foreboding early stages of the oncoming anarchy.

Patience and intense preparation are everything now. The prophesied day fast approaches when I will need every ounce of speed, strength, and stamina at my disposal. But thanks to my unique predicament, I have the invaluable foreknowledge and means to push myself far beyond what others would ever believe possible.

Soon, the horrific scope of this contagion will become dreadfully clear to all. While most will be caught tragically unaware, I refuse to be counted among the helpless victims. I have already sacrificed and suffered too much. I know precisely what extreme efforts are required of me.

And I will survive.

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