
My Knight Rescuer is a Jerk! So Why should I ignore the Prince?

"Always remember, no matter how much a fae may seem like they experience emotions, no matter how human like a fae may behave...a fae can never be a human." The Keybearer. A young maiden from another world foretold by ancient prophesy, destined to collect the seven keys and save the world. Surely that's the kind of story that finds some plucky high schooler dreaming of adventure and whisks them off to find their true love, right? Overworked salary women like Emily have long passed the point where such fantasies can come true, and even if they did, it's not like she'd know the first thing about what to do. ...So of course, nobody even bothered to ask her before dropping her into an entirely new world full of magic and danger. Like the three hungry orcs eyeing her as soon as she wakes up. "What do you mean I can sense the keys if I use magic?! What magic?!" If Emily could, she'd have immediately issued a rejection letter, but unfortunately, the only way back is to finish her quest somehow. But it's not all danger and confusion. The knight who rushed into battle to save her is charming and kind and gorgeous, and the beautiful and lonely prince has a soft and kind smile only for her. If everyone she meets along the way is like them... Well. It can't be that bad, right? "...--I'VE BEEN KIDNAPPED BY A PAINTING?!"

Amesaya · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
172 Chs


Her face warmed instantly as soon as he finished speaking, and she hid behind a cup of water to try and hide it. "...You really think so highly of me." She mumbled after drinking the water. 

'...But what if I don't measure up...? What if I disappoint him, too, just like Kieran...?'

'What if I disappoint all these people...?'

Her thoughts sent a chill down her spine.

She wasn't sure how long she sat there, in silence, lost in those fears, but after a moment or two she suddenly felt warm fingers lightly brushing against her wrist, wrapping gently around it to rest against the back of her hand.

Adrien's hand.




But so strong and full of life.

"I am quite certain, Emily." He responded, squeezing her hand firmly, as if he sensed she needed reassurance. "You will never disappoint me."

He looked down at his food as if embarrassed, before picking up his fork and scooping up a forkful of meat. "Please excuse my rambling." He gave her an apologetic smile, glancing sideways at her.

"Adrien..." She laughed nervously, and shook her head. "Don't apologize. I...I really enjoyed listening to your story and getting to know you better!"

Her words were rewarded with another of his dazzling smiles, and his eyes lit up. "Really? That makes me...very happy."

Her chest fluttered.

She wanted to see him smile like that always.

The rest of dinner passed by in a blur, with her occasionally sneaking glances at him when she thought he wouldn't notice, while he did the same in turn.

"Ah! This reminds me. I got something for you, Emily!" He smiled cheerily.

Her face lit up in surprise, and she tilted her head. "Eh? What is it?"

His lips curled into a warm smile as he produced a box. "This is for you." He gently slid the package over to her. "Open it."

The curiosity got the better of her.

She untied the ribbon and opened the box.

Inside was a pendant on a fine chain, set with a brilliant amethyst in the shape of a flower.

She gasped quietly in surprise, gazing at it, mesmerized. "Oh! Is this...really for me...?!"

"Of course." He smiled back at her kindly. "May I help you put it on?"

She nodded shyly, and Adrien immediately moved closer to assist her.

"Here you go, my dear." He slid the necklace carefully around her neck, expertly clasping it behind her without catching any of her hair in it.

"Ah...perfect. It looks beautiful on you." He murmured, gently stroking along the curve of her jaw, leaving a trail of tingling heat on her skin wherever his fingertips touched.

Her face heated. "Ah-! It...it's an amazing gift, thank you..."

Her voice dropped off and her eyes locked onto Adrien's handsome features.

Beautiful...just like you, Adrien.

Quickly, she shook herself and looked away from him, before she could fall into his gaze any further, or say any of her wild thoughts.

Don't be crazy, Emily!

But she still couldn't stop her heart from beating wildly in her chest.

The prince laughed softly. "I'm glad it suits you so well." He turned to look at her and smiled warmly.

"The color of the amethyst matches your eyes perfectly." He brushed a few loose strands of hair away from her face before withdrawing his hand, resting it on the table instead.

"I only wish I could offer you more than this trinket. A gift befitting someone as extraordinary as you, Emily."

She quickly shook her head, offering him a bashful smile. "R-really. There's no need. You've already done so much."

Adrien tilted his head to the side curiously, as if confused. "It isn't nearly enough..." He frowned thoughtfully.

"But if it would please you to hear it, then I promise you I shall keep giving you gifts till I feel you have received a proper compensation." He said firmly.

His declaration made her blush bright red.

It's really flattering, and...a little overwhelming.

"You've already been so generous..." She glanced down at the amethyst, tracing its outline with her fingers.

And I like the present already. It's a lovely and precious gift...even if I feel a little unworthy to accept it...from such a princely man...

He drew in a breath. "...The hour draws late. May I walk you to your room?"

Her heart leaped, and she nodded quickly, still staring down at the beautiful gift. "I...that sounds really nice, thank you, Adrien!"

Adrien rose from the table and extended his arm toward her in an inviting manner.

She hesitated just briefly before taking hold of it. "Shall we?"

He nodded graciously, giving her arm a gentle squeeze.

She felt so light and airy next to him, and the silence that settled between them was peaceful as he escorted her to her room.

He leaned toward her slightly, whispering conspiratorially. "I must say...I thoroughly enjoyed myself tonight."

He smiled widely and placed his hand on her forearm, stopping her as he held the door open for her. "You are delightful company. I'd be delighted to spend more time with you in the future. Would you accompany me tomorrow as well?"

His hand felt very warm.

He...asked me out on another date!

"Ah..." She bit her lip as she paused momentarily to consider the possibilities, but she could not help but to agree.

There was a soft laugh and his hand moved down to hers. "Excellent."

His eyes sparkled with joy.

Her heartbeat increased, pounding faster as she blushed brighter.

He brought her hand to his lips again, placing a gentle kiss upon it. "I shall look forward to it then."

With one last warm smile, he turned to go, leaving her alone in her room.

The second he disappeared, she covered her mouth to try and muffle the squeal that rose out of her, and collapsed in her bed.

How...can one man be that charming!? That should be...illegal!