
Fate Deciding Tavern

Nolan, Harley, and the women headed back toward the city through the road around the mountain.

The horse barely pulled the cart. If not for the fact that it was a well-trained horse, the horse would not have been able to even move the cart.

It took them about an hour and a half to pass around the mountain. Without changing their direction, they continued going toward the city.

They all traveled in silence.

Nolan thought about most things that happened since he came to this world. He also thought about his quests, especially the task of destroying the Calvus noble family. After all, the time limit for completing the quest was fourteen days, and now only eleven are left. The penalty for failing the quest is death.

He also thought about what Bonosus said. 'Three days later, I will return and destroy the restaurant.'

If counting the day Bonosus declared this, then today was the third day. But if not counting that day, like Nolan, then there I only one day left. According to Nolan's analysis, Bonosus would not attack during daylight and will definitely attack late at night. After all, it would cause too much commotion, and no matter how corrupt the city guards are, he would still have to face some consequences.

"Eihh," Nolan remembered something. "Harley, last time you were interrupted and did not tell me about the government in this, Bergon empire."

"You are right. Let me finish then." Harley said.

Nolan smiled. With this, he would be finished with gathering basic information about the world.

"Last time I explained to you about hierarchy in the empire. So there is no need to mention it again." Harley said. "Five individuals are helping the Emperor manage the empire.

One of those five individuals is the Supreme General. The Supreme General as the name implies, has the authority to command the military power of the whole empire. He is always on the frontline defending the empire. Also, he is the strongest person in our empire, also known as the God of War of the Bergon Empire. He is so strong that whenever his name is mentioned on the battlefield, it sends shivers down the enemy's spine.

The next important individual helping the Emperor is the Grand Minister of Agriculture. There is not much to say about him, except that he is not doing his job properly.

Next, we have the Supervisor of the Attendants. He has the lowest authority in the Government. His only job is to make sure the servants are doing their job properly.

The last two individuals are the Minister of Ceremonies and the Minister of Finances.

The Minister of Ceremonies organizes important events regarding the empire. For example imperial weddings, imperial funerals, ceremonies for greeting the representatives of other empires or kingdoms, and many other events.

As for the Minister of Finances, he is in charge of the finances of the empire."

"Is that all?" Nolan asked. "It's not as complicated as I thought." He added.

"Well, there are also three other individuals, but they don't have as much authority in the government," Harley said.

"Please tell me about them too,"

"One of those individuals is the Commander of the Imperial Guards.

The imperial guards are elite guards made of specially trained martial masters to protect the imperial family.

Then we have the Grand Herald. The Grand Herald announces every important decision to the people made by the emperor, and he also reads imperial edicts."

A/N: Imperial Edicts - Issuing the imperial edict was the method used by emperors in Ancient China to give orders to their ministers or promote officials. These orders were written on a piece of yellow silk and passed on to the relevant person.

"What bout the third person?" Nolan asked.

"The third person is the Imperial Attendant. He is the Emperor's personal attendant. He is always by the Emperor's side except when the Emperor is sleeping. He is the person the Emperor trusts the most." Harley finished his explanation.

"I see." This was the only thing Nolan said.

After this, Nolan kept silent, digesting the information.

'System, this is not ancient Earth, right? No, is this place even earth?'

[Host, this is not Earth]

'I see,' Nolan calmly accepted the fact he was not on earth. After all, he already knew this was not Earth, just a world similar to Earth. And he asked the system only now because he had forgotten to ask the system before.

'But if this is not Earth, then what the hell is it? And why do I need to build a kingdom that will not be forgotten?'

[The host can not receive this information at the moment]

'Then when can I receive this information?'

[Build a kingdom that will never be forgotten, along the way, the host will receive the answers to half of his questions]


Nolan did not say anything else. He knew it was of no use arguing with the system.


Their travel continued for hours.

And finally, at sunset, they arrived at the city gate.

Luckily for them, there was not a long line of people waiting to enter the city.

"Where do you come from?" The inspection guard asked the usual question. "Wait, it's you?"

The inspection guard recognized Nolan.

Of course, Nolan also recognized the inspection guard. He did not panic.

After all, with how frequently he comes and goes out of the city, Nolan expected to eventually run into an inspection guard he lied to previously.

Nolan secretly took a silver tael out of the belt of his hanfu and secretly passed it to the inspection guard.

"I see," The inspection guard smiled, satisfied. "You can pass,"

He moved out of the way.

Nolan and Harley entered the city and headed straight toward the restaurant.


In half an hour, they arrived at the restaurant.

The two guards hurt by Bonosus were still not back on guarding the entrance.

Nolan and Harley got off the horse, and the women got off the cart.

"Wait for me here," Harley said, tying the horse to a wooden pillar of the restaurant.

He hurriedly entered the restaurant, and after a few minutes, he came out together with Nara.

"Dear, are they the women you mentioned?" Nara asked. "What happened to their faces?"

"They received a little punishment from Nolan," Harley replied.

"What?" Nara's eyes widened in shock. "Nolan, how could you hit a woman..."

"Eihhh. Dear, I will explain it to you later. We don't have time," Harley interrupted Nara. "Anyway, please take care of them. Give them some work that does not require contact with our customers." Harley spoke as he unconnected the cart from the horse and untied the horse off the wooden pillar.

"Alright," Nara did not pursue the matter any further.

"Also, tell some of the men to come outside and move this cart behind the restaurant to the storage," Harley said as he got on the horse.

He helped Nolan get on the horse too.

Nara nodded "But where are you going?"

"I will tell you when I return," Harley started the horse.

At full speed, they headed to the east part of the city.

"Do you have any plan on how to get in contact with the Black Rose organization?" Harley asked.

"I don't. But according to what Wyle said about contacting the Black Rose organization, if we ask around, they will find us." Nolan replied.

A/N: Wyle is the person that told Nolan about the underground organizations. Chapters: 24 and 25.

"We don't have much time. The night is just about to fall. We have only a day left before Bonosus comes."

"I know. Quit talking and focus on the road."

The people on the busy street got in the way. But still, seeing how fast Nolan and Harley were going, they all hurriedly jumped out of the way.


Nolan and Harley traveled for more than three hours.

The night had fallen long ago, and by now, it was already late at night. There were only a few people left on the streets, mostly drunkards who barely stood.

But just because there were few people on the streets, it didn't make Nolan's and Harley's travel easier.

As time passed, dark clouds slowly covered the moon, making the way hardly visible.


The horse suddenly fell, exhausted.

Nolan and Harley fell off the horse, hitting the ground hard.

"Fu.ck!" Nolan cursed as he slowly got up back on his feet.

"It's good that it endured this much," Harley said, gently stroking the horse's body. "I think this is the end of his journey."

"A-Are you saying it's going to die?" Nolan asked, a little sad.

The horse breathed heavily.

"Thank you, buddy. You did a great job!" Harley said.

Harley turned to Nolan. "It pushed himself too far. And we pushed it too far too. It pulled the cart many times heavier than itself for hours. And when we arrived here in the city, we didn't let it rest, instead, we made it run for hours. We... killed it." Harley said with a heavy heart. They didn't have the horse for long, only a day, but it helped them so much that they became attached to it.

"Let's continue," Nolan said. "We can't let its sacrifice be for nothing."

"Right!" Harley said, determined. "Let's continue."


They continued walking for another hour.

They arrived at a street. Since it was late at night, the oil lamps and the lanterns lighting the street were off, leaving the street dark.

However, in the dark street, Nolan and Harley saw a weak light coming from the distance. From the source of the light, Nolan and Harley could also hear laughter and noise.

"I am exhausted!" Harley complained, walking towards the light. "Let's rest there."

"The hard part is yet to come," Nolan said. "After entering there, we won't have a chance to rest."

"What do you mean?" Harley asked, confused.

"Do you think any ordinary tavern would be open this late at night?" Nolan asked.

A/N: Inn- A place where you would stay the night.

A/N: Tavern - A place where you go to have a drink.

"Then what do you think?"

"There is a high chance that this tavern is run by the Black Rose Organization. And if that is the case, there is an even higher chance that every person sitting inside that tavern is a member of the Black Rose Organization." Nolan explained. "But we are also lucky if that is the case."

Hearing this, Harley tensed up. "Why?"

"We don't have much time. If we don't get in contact with the Black Rose organization soon, we will not have time to persuade their leader to work with s. And I am afraid we will not make it back in time for when Bonosus attacks our restaurant."

Nolan and Harley arrived before the tavern and stood at the entrance.

The light coming from the tavern illuminated their faces.

While Nolan was nervous, Harley's face was drenched in sweat.

"In other words, this is a Fate Deciding Tavern," Harley said as a nervous smile curled up from the corner of his mouth.

He took a step forward, entering the tavern with Nolan right behind him.

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