
Chapter 31

Chase's POV:

"The present moment will be the best part of my life...." , I felt closing the letter.

Her every thought is exhilarating me. It's too difficult to come out, once I step into thinking about my Strawberry! That's the magical trick she played on me. I really wonder, how she could do that.

"How come a stranger create such a tremendous impact on me?" , I smiled saying this since I have always been asking myself the same question everytime .But still, I never felt it bored poking this question because I feel it something good when I think of her and our journey together.

This "LOVE" is crazy.... , I finally quoted.

I suddenly got an idea struck in my head while I was delving deep into her thoughts . I started thinking how it would be, if I give her a surprise with the same letter but in my view?

Ha .... It would be engrossing! For the very first time, I felt proud of my idea... haha...

Very quickly I turned the letter and started scribbling on it's back-side. Again struck with where to start. I scolded myself for having a complete business brain. Huff!!!

But after few seconds , I started putting my feelings for her on the paper.

" LOVE is a very powerful drug. Once you get into it, you will experience all the miracles and fruitful moments hidden inside . It can make the whole world seem still except for you two. You'll never get to know how time suspends. This feeling will be quite fascinating. In order to feel that ,there's no other option than being in love.

And I think, it's my turn now..... Helena....!

I may not successfully write what I was feeling right now , but I can surely tell you one thing ,

I really love you to the best....

Did you remember the day we met, Helena? It was the best day ever. I used to miss you a lot in the weekends when we have no scope of meeting in the station. Those two days,every week , I literally have seen hell.

At first, I thought I was seriously missing your presence. But later,I discerned that I was in love with you and that is what making me miss you very badly. Though it's not a very long time ,we have been with each other, I relished every moment with you.

Finally, without any hurdles in between , I'd like you to step into my life and be with me for life-time.....


I ended the last line with a hand drawn smily . Soon,I kept the letter in a bag which I'm going to carry to the party tonight.

That is why I always insist on my buddy ,Jason to fall in love as soon as possible.He must experience this soon. His name reminded me of the party we need to attend.

After sometime:

I know it's late now. There's only an hour left for the party. But...

"Where the hell is Jason roaming!", I questioned myself , balling my fists.

Suddenly, I heard someone coming towards me... It was none other than Jason.

He's king in introspecting me! So, I think there's no need of reading out this letter again. He behaves as if he did masters in psycology. He can understand what I will be thinking at a moment,just by looking at my gestures, facial expressions...etc. That is why I always pretend to be careful with him.

He came in with a broad smile on his face and jumped by my side ,lying improperly on the couch. His smile is real and satisfaction could be clearly seen over his face.

Then he started saying,

"Hey lover boy!... Go and get ready for the party. It's only an hour left.

Cheer up man!"

Then he stood all of a sudden and started moving towards his room as if he wants to get ready faster and go to the venue to flirt with girls in the party.

This man ... Haha .... Will never change!

In the mean while, he popped his head out of the room and informed me that dad has already started and will be there in the party by 6 pm. Having said that, he continued his work.

I then had a hot shower and picked a formal suit that looks good for parties.

I combed my messy black hair with my fingers ,which I generally do everytime. I packed the black dress and diamond ring ,I bought for Helena . Now, I took out a red rose, which would be the obvious symbol for love.

My actual plan is to present her this rose along with the love letter I thought of giving her. I wish all the minute disputes and misunderstanding's, will be washed away .

Soon, we both started and reached the venue. It's 5:45 pm ,by the time we reached there.

In the hotel:

We entered a hotel which is calm and had a lively area within short walk distance to all sites and is surrounded by the extraordinary beauty of paintings hanging on all over the walls.

On entering this beautiful place, everyone will immediately sense its special intimate atmosphere that makes us feel like being on clouds . This place is a bit romantic which inturn is making me feel so. It is crowded with lots of invited as well as uninvited people but still the place is quite.

By the time we reached there, my dad was already busy talking to a group of business men across with a glass of wine in each one's hand.

Jason asusually , had his eyes staring at everybody especially girls. Everyone is busy with their pre planned schedule except me. I was eagerly waiting for my love to arrive. This time, I wanted to be conscious unlike last time when I slept dreaming of her and returned disappointed.

My eyes began haunting for her...

It's 6 pm then. I'm sure she'll attend this time. At a quick glance I saw a crew getting off the car. There I saw Mr.Harry and his group. My eyes went on searching for her but, I'm in vain. They came to us and we had some conversation.

I was irresistable!

So, I managed to ask where Helena is.....( I begged God not to let Mr.Harry say that she has not come here....)

Huff! To my good luck, I got another answer from him...

Mr.Harry said, "Mr.Chase Edwards, Ms.Helena has already come here even before we arrived. She's upstairs...."

I don't know how to express, but I was too delighted with his answer. I thanked him and vacated the place rapidly. I was literally running to meet her upstairs . I rushed through the steps to reach the top floor since I found the lift struck somewhere and might take some time to come to the floor I was in. My situation reminded me of  the  scenes of some movies where hero strives hard to meet his heroin. I moved as quickly as I could and finally reached the top floor.....

I was weary but still I managed to walk and my tiredness flew away when I saw her....

 Hey guys! How's the story going. Give me a review/comment so that it will help me write more and more. Thank you and have a good day all!!! 

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