
Chapter 21: What is the true way of magic?

The first place until now is occupied by Fairytail Team A, while the second by Team B.

This scares the remaining guild causing them to think of unjust ways to defeat them.

After the round in White tiger's guildhall.


He throws the table upside down and commands all the members who participated to kneel before him.

"CAIRO!! COME HERE NOW!!" shouts the master in anger.

Cairo immediately walked; forwards calmly and kneels before the master.

The master takes out his whip from his belt and whips Cairo cruelly for losing the match.

The guild members turn their heads away to avoid the brutal scene.

Cairo gets whipped repeatedly but doesn't even shed a tear or yell in pain.

Once the master stops whipping him gets up and bows.

"Master, I have decided that this guild isn't the right place for me. The guild which doesn't cherish the ways of magic but is solely on victory is not the right place for me," says Cairo.


Cairo without wasting any more time immediately leaves the guild.

He walks on the street with all his wounds bleeding heavily.

Blood drips on the path like a river flowing away from a glacier.

His legs begin to shiver due to weakness but he still continues to walk forward, with no knowledge of where he was going.

Far away from Cairo,

In the Fairytail guildhall,

Zero was eating, he suddenly hears a voice calling for help.

Zero is confused and immediately follows that voice and sees Cairo walking all hurt and bleeding heavily.

Zero recognizes Cairo and says "Hey aren't you Cairo from Whitetiger. The one who participated in today's contest. Why are you hurt so badly!!! Did something happen!!".

Cairo doesn't hear or notice Zero.

He continues talking to himself.

"Why are people so cruel? Wasn't magic really made to kill people and win over others? Was is it really made for the powerful to trample upon the weak?... I don't really know...But I wish there could be a place where magic would be used for the good and protection of others..." says Cairo to himself.

"I have never had a family or even a place I could call home all the life I had been walking away hurt and bleeding like this...Weak...But why?..No matter how much I try I am still weak?... Please someone save me, I can't walk forward anymore...Please...I beg of you..."

"I heard you...Cairo" Says Zero softly.

and catches him in his arms.

Cairo wasn't able to recognize Zero or reply back due to excessive loss of blood which made his body weak and dizzy.

Cairo suddenly fainted and Zero caught him before he hit the ground.

Zero wrapped Cairo's arm around his shoulder and carried him to the guildhall.

After reaching the guildhall,

"Mavis!! Zera !!! Everyone!!! I found this person on the street. He is heavily injured, does anyone of you know first aid. He lost a lot of blood, he might die soon if nothing is done." shouts Zero in tension.

Wendy then immediately rushes and says "I will treat him !!!".

Zero nods his head and both Wendy and Zero carry Cairo to the guild infirmary.

After 2 hrs, Cairo opens his eyes and sees many people in front of him.

"Who are all of you!!!" shouts Cairo in surprise.

But his sudden movement makes his cuts hurt.

"Stop moving, If you move too much your wounds will open up," says Wendy kindly.

He then keeps quiet and lets Wendy rebrand the wounds.

But when Wendy got closer to tie his wound, Cairo began to blush.

"Why is your face red?" asks Wendy in confusion. "Anyways, You are currently in the Fairytail guildhall. Zero saw you were heavily injured and fainted so he brought you here to treat you. You don't need to worry now, you are out of danger, but it is best if you avoid any kind of physical activity.".

"Wait! Then how can he participate in the grand magic games for his guild?" asks Zero in worry.

"You don't have to worry about that, I have already left White tiger, and have no relation with them from today on," says Cairo.

"Then your wounds...It was them, wasn't it...Those ruthless bastards!!! Let me go teach them a lesson!!" says Zero in rage.

"Stop!!" says someone suddenly while blocking the door.

When zero looks up to see who it was, he realizes that it was Mavis.

"Aren't you the one who slayed 9 level 5 beasts all at once?" asks Cairo.

"Yup, And you were the one who also participated in the same round as me, what was your name...Oh yeah, Cairo. During the contest, I felt something strange from you...As if you were not someone normal..." Says Mavis.

Everyone is confused and looks at Mavis, expecting her to explain what she meant.

"Nothing much, Just me and my random thoughts...Anyways, Looking from your wounds looks like your master showed no mercy, but Zero that gives you no right to teach them a lesson...The ways of White tiger have no relation to ours, So you have no right to interfere in their way of dealing with problems...But as a mage, it is truly insulting to witness the way magic is being degraded to a tool for victory...So instead of beating them up...Show them the true ways of Fairy tail instead!!! Show them no mercy, teach them the right way to use magic!!! Show them so much that they will never ever dare to insult their mages or any other mage in this world ever again!!!." says Mavis.

Zero is shocked and replies "Yeah, you are right, tomorrow I will teach them such a lesson that they will never forget!!"

Zera then enters the room while clapping after hearing Mavis's words.

"My dear sister, You really are getting quite good with words. I guess master's extra lectures are surely working," says Zera while smiling.

"Cairo...It's always sad to part with those whom you love, but your companions will help you bear that sadness... We should learn to let go of the past and move on... But never...never should you forget the lessons which it had thought you...Let go of the sadness you had...Find someone you cherish as we did..." says Zera.

"Zera !!" shouts Mavis and hugs her sister tightly.

"Hey!! If anyone sees you, they would think we are meeting after a thousand years!!!" says Zera in embarrassment.

Mavis then gives Zera a smile and all begin to laugh.

Cairo feels touched by the scene and smiles.

Zero sees Cairo smiling and asks "Why are you smiling?".

"Nothing, This place is just so different from what the outside world is," replies Cairo

"Of course, Here we are not just guildmates but are family. That is what makes us special. Here, We don't use magic to kill people or prove that we are strong. Here, we use it to protect those we care about and cherish. That is what gives us the power to fight..." Replies Zero.

Cairo smiles and continues to laugh with them.

Zero then goes to Mavis and asks slowly "Mavis...Not long ago, I heard a voice calling for my help but when I followed it I found Cairo hurt...Does he have any relation to me?...".

"You were not the only one who heard it...Both Zera and I heard it as well...Even during the contest I had sensed something very familiar from his body, just like when I first met you in the temple." Says Mavis.

To be continued...

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