
First Mission and Beast Contract


[Emergency Quest]

•Tier 6 Silver Beak Falcon has its eye set on you, kill it before it kills you

Reward: Unlock Infinite Shop, +10 levels

Immediately after she saw the quest she took off to the sky, all though she was a little scared, she was excited about unlocking the system store.

The Falcon screeched and swooped down quickly as it thought Raven would try to escape.

Raven saw the Falcon swooping down at her and her heart start racing, she tried to stay calm and used *Void Manipulation* to tear a hole in the space right in front of the Falcons face, the Falcon didn't have enough time to stop swooping down, so the Falcons head went inside of the void, as soon as the Falcons head went inside she immediately closed the Void on the Falcon and completely severed the Falcons head from its body, the headless body of the falcon dropped from the sky to the floor.

This all happened in a mere 5 seconds, if Raven told anybody that she killed a tier 6 beast in a mere 5 seconds, they'd probably try to beat her to death for lying.


[You killed a tier 6 Silver Beak Falcon]

[You Gained 6000 exp]

[Level up]

[Level up]

[You have completed the Quest]

[Level up]

[Level up]

[You unlocked the System Store]

After seeing such a gory sight, Raven instantly gagged and threw up

After throwing up Raven said with a look of disgust "I have to get used to this"

'Status' Raven said in her mind


Name: Raven Belin

Race: Primordial Fairy

Level: 22(6,500/13,000 exp)

Hp: 600

Mana: 20,000

Str:100 Def:100

Agi:100 Charm:100

Mp:10,000 Vit:300

Free stat points: 660 (30 for each level)

Inventory- (Tap to see more)


Blessing of Giana The Goddess of Lightning, Void, and Reincarnation

Blessing of Qusha The Healing Goddess


Form, Flight, Advanced Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Lightning, Void, Darkness, and Light Manipulation, Speed of Light Learning, Speed of Light Mastering, Language of the Gods, Tribulation Strike, Lightning Steps, Godly Heal, Low Heal

Seeing her status she thought 'Wow, I leveled up so much. System distribute my free stat points evenly to my stats, and how come I don't see the infinite shop on my status?'

Hp: 820

Mana: 20,220

Str:210 Def:210

Agi:210 Charm:210

Mp:10,110 Vit:410

Free stat points: 0

[You don't see the Infinite shop in your status because it's not part of your status, if you want to view the Infinite shop just say Infinite shop in your mind]

Hearing this Raven thought 'Oh ok, infinite shop'

As soon as she thought this, an infinite amount of magic swords, pills, magic armor, magic items, and more filled her vision.

"Woah," She said out loud unintentionally.

She clicked on the magic armor tab and looked through them, to her surprise there were clothes and not just metal armor, after looking for a while she found a black and purple outfit she thought was cute, and it gave a +100 charm, +100 defense, and it kept itself clean.

{AN: Refer to this for the outfit}

After she put the outfit on she was thinking of how she can fly with her back covered but when she thought of this, two slits on the back of her clothes appeared and she willed her wings to come out and the slits were a perfect fit, after making sure everything was fine she flew up high in the sky and the moonlight shined on her, she looked majestic.

She flew back to the cave, and when she went inside she noticed the panther was awake and staring at her in a dark corner of the cave, she was startled and made lightning dance in her palm ready to send a lightning strike right to this panther if it tried anything.

Seeing this the panther was frightened, it didn't wish to go through the pain of getting electrocuted again, it immediately bowed its head in acknowledgment to Raven.


[The tier 3 shadow panther acknowledges you as his master, and he wishes to form a master-servant contract with you, do you accept?]

Hearing the system say this she thought 'Why does he want me to be his master?' with a confused look.

[You saved his life, even though you killed him he understands it was because he attacked first]

'Oh, well yes I accept' she thought

[Failed, the host needs to buy a beast contract from the shop]

Hearing this she thought 'Infinite shop'.

When the shop interface showed up she typed beast contracts in the search bar. She immediately saw all kinds of different beast contracts, she clicked on the one that said "God of Beast's Contract", and after she clicked on it she saw the description.

God of Beast's Contract:

Description - You have a 100% success rate when trying to bind a beast with this contract. After smearing your blood and the beast blood on the contract you and the beast will forever be together even after you die, the beast will show unwavering respect and loyalty to you (even if you tell it to kill itself it will do so with a happy look), the beast will also get and the beast will grow with you and the beast bloodline will be upgraded to its highest grade.

Seeing this she immediately bought the contract, then bit her finger and smeared her blood on the contract, seeing this the panther slashed its paw with its claws and smeared its blood on the contract right after.

Instantly the contract shines a bright golden light and then shatters into a million specks of light, seeing this happen, Raven, looked at the panther and it was glowing with a golden light, the panther glowed for 5 minutes before the glow started to dim and fade away after it faded away Raven was surprised to see the panther had glowing purple eyes, a pair of dark purple wings and now had 7 tails with the tips of the tails glowing purple, Raven directly used her skill *All Seeing Eyes*.

Name: ???

Race: Abyssal Panther

Tier 7

Hp: 7000

Mana: 6,000

Str:1,250 Def:1,250

Agi:2000 Charm:1,250

Mp:3,000 Vit:3,500


*Abyssal Travel*

Description: Can enter the abyssal void to travel

*Abyssal Claws*

Description: Can use claws to easily tear open the void

*Suppression Roar*

Description: Roar and any beast with a weaker bloodline will submit to you even if they're a higher tier

*Shadow Travel*

Description: Can use the shadows to travel (can erase presence)

*Advanced Darkness Manipulation*

*Advanced Void Manipulation*


Just as she got done looking at his stats she heard 'Master can you give me a name?' in her head. She screamed when she heard the childish voice in her head, it didn't sound like the system so she looked back at the panther and asked 'Was that you?' using her mind to talk.

Hearing this the panther said 'Yes master'.

Raven said a little shocked 'You can talk now?'

'Yes and no, I can only communicate with you, and through your mind at that'.

'Oh ok, well I guess I should name you now' After thinking for a while Raven said "Your name is now Malachiah Belin" As soon as she said this another golden glow was shown on the panther's body, the glow lasted 1 minute this time and when the glow disappeared a little black boy who looked like a 12-year-old beast men was left on the floor in the panthers place, he had black and purple hair, he had glowing purple freckles on his face, one of his eyes were blue and the other was purple, if you looked closely in the blue eye you could see little flashes that looked like lightning in that eye, whereas the purple eye looked like a bottomless pit that made one feel despair, but to Raven, it felt like home, he also had a pair of black wings on his back.

Seeing him on the floor naked, Raven directly opened her shop and bought the first male outfit that would fit the little boy she could find and gave the clothes to the boy to put on.

After the boy put the clothes on Raven asked "Are you feeling okay in your body?"

"Y-yes I'm feeling okay, although I feel weaker in this form," Malachiah said stuttering a bit.

Saying this Malachiah changed back to his panther form, and instantly he felt all his power come back, noticing this change he said 'I'm weakened in my human form, I'm as strong as a tier 4 beast in my human form'.

Hearing this Raven says 'Oh I'm sorry about that but you will probably have to stay in your human form most of the time since we're gonna be around people with an apologetic look.

'Yes master' said Malachiah.

'You don't have to call me master, just call me big sister' said Raven.

'Ok big s-sister' said Malachiah shyly.

Raven went back into the shop and bought a king-sized bed with 2 pillows and a cover, she then said "We should get some sleep we have a big day tomorrow, we're gonna go to the Oryn Kingdom" After saying that she turned around and went back into the shop and bought an advanced defensive rune book, she held the rune book and thought about learning it, it instantly turned into specks of lights and she knew how to use the rune.


[You have learned the advanced defense rune (max)]

Raven directly gathered mana in her pointer finger and drew the defensive rune in the air, after she was drawn the rune, the rune in the air lit up and a golden barrier was created on the outside of the cave entrance, after that was done she climbed in the bed and laid down besides Malachiah and said "goodnight Malachiah"

"Good night big sister," Malachiah said feeling a bit sleepy

{AN - I'm not gonna put all the skills and blessings on the status every time I show it, I'll just do (^) for a new skill/blessing and only show the new skill/blessing}