

I was easily killed in my previous life.Therefore this second life I will not waste and will grow extremely strong. Strong enough that no one can even touch me or harm me if I wish. My intense training began when I was four. At four I was as strong as five people combined. At five I was even stronger. I kept getting stronger until I was as strong as 3000 people combined. The only reason this was possible was because I was given a chance and I took it to the limits. After that I came out of the training place to travel the beautiful worlds. I saw an old farmer so I quickly cam to him to ask for directions to the nearest adventurer's guild. He expertly guided me to go along the Watchman's Path and eventually I would see the guild. The Watchman's Path was just a normal road so I ran there as fast as possible. I heard a multitude of voices while entering the guild hall. There were many parties of all races. There looked to be stereotypical looking elves, dwarves, and more though I was not sure if that was the correct term for their race. A man was at the counter looking to be a cheetah beast-man. I asked if I could sign up to become an adventurer. He said yes and made me take an entrance exam. The average starting adventurer had to be at least as strong as two people combined. That was because monsters were quite dangerous with different grades. I revealed only as much strength as three people combined because I didn't want to be noticed. He then rated me as an I-Ranked adventurer.

The system went like this: I equals the power of 2-10 people combined. H was 11-30 people combined. G was around the power of 31-60 people combined. F matches the the level of 61-100 combined. E was 101-150. D was 151-210. C was 211-280. B was 271-350. A was 351-440. S was 441-540. SS was 541-650. And finally SSS was 651-1000. Anything beyond 1000 people combined was thought to be impossible for this world. The system also classified monsters the same way. I then checked the quest board for quests an I-Ranked adventurer. There were difficulties for the rank too like easy, moderate, hard, and insane. There were many easy quests but instead I picked up two hard and one insane quest. The cheetah asked me to confirm and also recommended joining a party but of course with the strength of 3000 people combined I didn't need it. I did a hard quest first it was slaying I-Ranked Lizards. The reason it was hard was because it was an urgent quest since the monsters had gotten into a residential area and I had to limit casualties or I would fail. The Lizards had a 5-8 people combined strength depending on their age.I asked for the village and apparently it was to the west and known as Crow Village. A gloomy sounding place but just fine for me. While traveling I spotted an A-Ranked monster also known as a Ringer Snake. The snake was a lower A-Ranked monster only having the strength of 360 men as it was not fully grown. As I was approaching it swiftly spit rings of energy at me hence it's name. I dodged right as the rings were making their way past me.