
Chapter 24: Nyaaw?

Okay! Okay! I won't keep up the suspense for too long like how I did with Faith. Basically, the two ideas are:

1. A really protected part on my chest, i.e. somewhere I can wear light but sturdy chest plate and protect it,

2. A place already protected by your cheeks, of course, the anal sphincter, also known as the 'butthole',

I know what you're thinking, and yes, the second idea is disgusting, but I focus on practicality more than beauty. I'll just ask Orsino to choose a finger as choosing a finger is tradition- wait! As I thought of these ideas, another idea popped into my head. My tongue! It's protected, and all I have to do is not massively screw up and avoid bitting my tongue, and I'm good to go!


I decided where I needed to focus my magic. With all the concentration I could muster, I slowly started making a new path for the magic flow to follow. After the path was made between the heart and the tongue, I opened a valve, allowing only the magic to flow through, and not the blood. I could sense a light fluid flowing from my chest to my tongue, and begin collecting there. "He did say to compress it, right?" I thought to myself as I began compressing the magic flow in my tongue, and cut off the path back to the heart.

Poosh! A wave of air emanated from me, signaling success in compressing my magic. "Congratulations Jay! Looks like you've compressed your magic!" Gluttony exclaimed. "Yes Gluttony... sir?" I asked. I still didn't know if I needed to give them respect or refer to them casually. Gluttony began laughing again, holding his stomach in pain. "Just call me Gluttony, most do anyway," Gluttony stated. "Sure, Gluttony. I still have a few strands of magic that escaped the compression, since I forgot to make valves in the path to prevent backflow," I answered. "Ah! Such a rookie mistake! No worries, you can take another path, this time, hopefully, with valves," Gluttony grinned.


Gluttony finished his training session and left, leaving many of those, who couldn't even sense their magic yet. I walked with Orsino, hugging the shiny pitch-black egg in my arm, trying to warm it. I had an hour to rest before the next training session. The next general to train with was Wrath, who was known for his, well, wrath. Apparently, his personal magic was related to how angry he was, which sounds a lot like Pride with his Telenova chant. What a copy cat! But this one hour that was given to me is not going to be used for rest, oh no no no! I'm going to hatch this little eggie today itself if that's the last thing I do. (For those that are wondering, the egg isn't actually small. It's as big as a human head, so proceed reading carefully)

"So, what're you going to do until the next training session? I suggest you rest," Orsino suggested. "Oh no, I'm going to hatch this egg," I said as if it was matter-of-fact. "You're still on that? You really should give up on that," Orsino commented. "Hehe, he's not the type of guy that quits that easily," I heard someone say. Of course, I can't forget that voice. It's the voice of my little sister, Lavender! "A human? What are you doing here?" Orsino harshly replied. "Thread lightly Orsino, that's my sister," I sternly advise. "Your sister? Wait, don't tell me you're the other type of demi-demon, the one that goes all insane!" Orsino exclaimed. "Well, yeah, I am the type of demi-demon that might go insane," I calmly stated.

"Did you forget about me?" Dan joked as he appeared out of thin air. I didn't jump this time because I got used to it. "Let me guess, he's your brother or something?" Orsino inquired. "No, he's my friend," I replied. "I think you meant 'best' friend," Dan corrected. "Did I stutter?" I asked, looking at Dan with the same sinister smile Gluttony gave. Even though it wasn't as perfect as Gluttony's smile, since Dan was human, it was effective enough to keep him quiet for a while. "You brought the whole human race with you? Who in the world allowed this monstrosity?" Orsino yelled, openly showing his hate towards the human race.

"It was me. You have a problem with it, lowly spawn of Beelzebub?" Alex popped out of thin air, just like Dan. Wait, they can freely teleport now? Then I noticed a ring on each of them. "It's probably that ring," I thought to myself. "Princess L-Lilim?" Orsino stuttered, fear pouring out of his being. "Princess? Lilim?" I looked over to Alex and hesitantly asked. "Yeah, I'm the daughter of Lucifer, remember? And Lilim is my demonic name, but I usually use Alexandra because I like it more," Alex replied. "Wait, doesn't that make me Lucifer's half-son or something?" I asked, completely puzzled. "I guess? You do possess the bloodline from me..." Alex answered.

Alex's gaze then fell upon the egg that was in my hand. "That egg, it's a familiar egg right?" Alex asked. "Yeah, I got it from Gluttony when I answered his question correctly," I replied. "Seriously? He still asks that stupid question?" Alex laughed. "I'm surprised you answered it correctly," Alex stated in awe. "It's just the anime knowledge I relied on for so many years," I replied. "Anime? What's that?" Orsino inquired, oblivious of the entertainment form that around 2% to 3.5% of the world watch regularly, although that is again just a prediction. "Oh Orsino, you're in for a treat! I'll drown you in anime and manga later, as of now, I'm going to hatch this egg," I let out and began walking towards a small and empty waiting area.

"*Sigh* Are you sure this is going to work? I don't see Lord Lucifer here, and even with Princess Lilim, we won't be able to hatch it today! We might only be able to reduce it by a day or two, plus it's only just a theory! No one's had that much magic to be able to-" Orsino's mouth was covered with a cloth that Lavender threw. "Dude, stop talking. We won't know until we try," Dan commented. "Faith," I called out.

Poof! "You called for me, Master?" Faith appeared and bowed down a little. "I had a question, do you have your own magic power?" I inquired. "No, Master. For all the chants, I channeled Master's magic through me for activation," Faith corrected. "Ah, so can you concentrate magic around me?" I asked. "Yes Master!" Faith exclaimed. "Perfect, turn into a sword," I commanded, and put forth my hand. Faith immediately morphed into a beautiful black broadsabre. I did some digging into different types of swords, and tried comparing them to Faith, the closest matches being a sabre and a broadsword, so I thought of calling it a 'Broadsabre', a fusion of both names.

"How..." Orsino was shocked. Never had he seen such advanced Noble-level magic. "It's a long story, I'll explain later," I murmured and skipped the long topic. I pointed Faith's tip towards the egg, and got ready to insert all the magic I had. "Faith, get ready to use [Devil's Might], then absorb the firey-red aura and directly pour it into the egg," I instructed. I then looked back to Alex. "You might wanna help as well," I suggested. Alex nodded and began collecting her magic towards her hand and was ready to pour in everything into the egg. "Hey Orsino? You wanna join in on the fun?" I asked. "No thanks, I'm not spending my magic power on something that has no guaranteed result," Orsino said, afraid his small amount of magic would get exhausted quickly.

"Even though we don't have magic or whatever, we'll join in for moral support," Lavender and Dan said with a bright smile and raised their hands towards the egg like Alex. "I'll take you up on that offer," I said and looked back at the pitch-black egg, which was still sightly vibrating, but now it was vibrating a little more, as if it could feel excitement. "On the count of three... 1... 2... 3!

Whoom! Faith concentrated all the red aura excluded from [Devil's Might] in front of the tip and shot it right into the egg. Alex did the same with her magic, which was a slightly darker shade of red. Orsino stood back and did nothing but watch Lavender and Dan raising their hands and making weird faces like fools. I could slowly feel the magic drain from my tongue and the strands that were still being pumped around my body. This continued for a minute, after which Alex collapsed onto the floor from exhaustion. Lavender and Dan gave up the act of providing magic and went to help Alex. Yet I was still up. The amount of magic power I had in my tongue was monstrous! It felt as if I could go for another minute or two, but as every second passed, the egg seemed to get hungrier and hungrier, sucking in more of the power I had in my tongue.

After another 30 seconds, Faith began expressing her concerns through the mental link. "Master, your magic reserves are down to 20%. Going any lower than that would start using your backup magic reserves, which are saved for dangerous situations," Faith stated mentally. "Keep going Faith!" I yelled out.





The second my magic reserve reached 10%, the egg began shaking violently. "I can't believe it! It's working!" Orsino yelped. "Just a little more, Faith!" I pushed.







Crack! A crack appeared on the egg. As if Faith read my mind, she stopped using the magic, causing me to drop down from exhaustion. I was still conscious, but it was an herculean task just to lift my finger, let alone rejoice. I looked at the egg, which was continuously cracking and wriggling with excitement. Finally, a piece of the egg shell broke, and inside it were two purple eyes looking through the hole, examining everyone in the room. Then a voice came out of it...


Awwie that "Nyaaw?" has me captivated! Any guesses on what the familiar is going to be? Hope you're enjoying the chapters, and hope you're having a wonderful day as well!

Happy Reading :D

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