
My IQ System

Schemes, trickery and artifice. What value do such stratagems hold in the presence of overwhelming power? The terrifying might of a dragon renders an ant's strategies obsolete. And Yet. In the palms of his hands, all beings move in accordance with his will, whether they realize it or not. For he possesses a power known to many yet comprehended by few. The power of the mind. "With this, the entire universe is merely my playground." Meet Adam, The World's Dumbest Man.

Holomez · Fantasy
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54 Chs

Flying Into The Sky

A couple of days later, the sun hung high, casting its warm glow upon the white clouds swimming through the azure skies.

Outside Three-Legged Crow city, in the mountainous terrain adorned with green grass interspersed with rocks and boulders, a hazel-haired woman tripped and fell. Adrenaline surged through her veins, numbing the stinging pain of the cut on her knee, blood trickling down.

Hastily rising, she paid no mind to her now-torn dress. A malicious voice rang out, "You still haven't realized that what you're doing only worsens your situation?" The words emanated from the smirk of a neatly dressed man, seemingly in his early thirties.

"You dash around like a fool! I'm offering you a chance to contribute to my sect's mission, and you have the gall to refuse?" His smirk turned menacing, and with a flick of his wrist, a strong wind blew, hurtling her into the air.

She landed on the rocky surface with a resounding crack, shrieking as she tumbled down the slope like a ragdoll.

"Elder brother, take it easy. Her lovely face won't stay beautiful if you handle her this way." Another voice resounded, belonging to a man dressed in a similar dark blue robe. He spoke to the elder brother with respect, but his words were venomous, his eyes intensely focused on the curves of the barely conscious girl.

Trembling, she attempted to rise, their remarks sending shivers down her spine and her heartbeat rising. She edged closer to despair, silently praying for someone to save her.

'What did I do to them? Aren't they supposed to be righteous path cultivators?' She thought with trepidation as she groaned in pain.

Li Meiying had been minding her own business when approached by the elder brother, who asked her to join their sect. When she requested time to consider the offer, he clicked his tongue and left with a harrumph.

The teary-eyed woman thought that would be the end, but upon entering the outer regions of the city, he reappeared and began tormenting her.

The beasts closest to the city were mostly of Qi condensation, and with her seventh level, handling these creatures was a walk in the park. However, facing three eighth-level cultivators was an entirely different challenge.

"He's right. If not for her sake, then ours. How will we play with her after you've broken her?" Another well-dressed male licked his lips, remarking as the elder brother approached the woman's battered figure.

The sounds of his footsteps fueled her fear, and Li Meiying attempted to get up but stumbled back to the ground, finding that her left foot had been broken.

From her bag of holding emerged a red medicinal pill, slapped out of her hand before she could consume it.

"Arghh." She screamed in pain as the elder brother drove his fist into her stomach and held her up by her hair.

"You bastards! As righteous sect members, you shamelessly gang up on a woman? Is this how low the Thunder Falcon sect has fallen–" She was cut off by a resounding slap across her face, leaving a cherry-red imprint on her jade-like skin.

"Stupid bitch, who are you to talk about my sect? What about this isn't righteous? I'm giving you an opportunity of a lifetime; can't you see that?" He scoffed, beckoning the other two men to come.

"An ungrateful wench like you needs to be taught some manners." His voice was full of scorn, leaving a foreboding feeling on the woman.

Her face turned pale.

"W-wait.. I'll join your sect–" This time, a quick backhand knocked the words from her mouth, and as her teeth scattered through the air, so did the man's angered shout.

"Shut up!" He pushed her onto a large boulder and grasped her arms behind her back. The brown-haired beauty's face was marked by fear as she struggled, but being already weakened and injured, she couldn't find the strength to resist.

Tears fell from Li Meiying's eyes like a waterfall, her face red with both anger and humiliation. "I-I beg you, spare me. I realize my mistake. I was foolish; have mercy," she cried, slowly letting go of all hope.

"Hmph, ungrateful wench, you should be honored," he scoffed, and with his free hand, tore her garments further, revealing her snow-white legs and buttocks.


Ignoring her scream, the man grinned sinisterly as his predator-like eyes took in the full sight of her marvelous curves. He raised his hand with anticipation running through them and a rosy expression.

His excitement was quickly swept away as an anguished scream shook the area.

"ARGHHH–" One of the men who had been eagerly watching suddenly shouted at the top of his lungs, feeling a sharp pain through his spine.

Looking down, his gaze met a gleaming metal blade jutting out of his stomach, and crimson blood spurted out like a fountain when it was extracted.

Before anyone could react, three silver arcs flashed through the air followed by the man's head, soaring into the sky before dropping next to his split-into-pieces body.

The servered head had its eyes and mouth wide open with shock, turning pale as blood soaked the earth.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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