
Chapter 1 Dark Beginnings 2

Suddenly I heard a static like noise coming from my extra bedroom that I renovated into a library. I jumped up over the couch and ran down the hallway to the door of my library. "Aahh it's been so long since I was summoned, wait where am I?". I heard the voice of a man on the other side of the door and what in the misty mountains did he mean by "summoned". I slowly grabbed to knob and turn it clockwise and push it open. When the door opened I was met with a tall midnight blue haired man in a grey beanie and black coat standing in the middle of my library. "Who are you and why are you my library much less my apartment?" I asked annoyed that I have strange blue haired in my apartment.

"I'm Fenrir, I help people with their problems and can summon any creature real or fiction to aid people." he says with unenthusiastic tone.

Fenrir, what a strange name to give a human, unless he's a shifter, though if he were a shifter he would probably pick something better than a human. Although we are in the human realm so I guess he needs to blend in.

"Okay Fenrir, why are you here?" I asked again getting impatient. "I'm here because you summoned here, I mean honestly do think I'd want to spend time in the human realm, huh, do you?" Fenrir replied clearly irritated at my question.

"Okay first things first, I didn't summon you and second why would need to summon you I have all I need, so you can just crawl back through whatever wardrobe came from wolf man!" I said back to him as my urge to break his neck grew.

"Excuse me, I am not a wolf man!" said Fenrir almost in a fit of rage. "Ugh, your name is Fenrir which is a big wolf form Norse mythology, hence the reason I said wolf man, Now Leave Before I Snap Your Neck!" I explained both annoyed and furious.

"Okay look like I found out why I'm here, you have anger issues." Fenrir said with a touch of sarcasm as he began to walk towards me.

"Where are you going wolf man, I told go back to depths of the forest of which you hail!" I yelled as he walk to the kitchen and pick up an apple from the basket that sat on the table and leaned against the island. "Listen tattooed book nerd, one I didn't come form the forest, and two be quiet, you said you live in an apartment so I think you want to wake the neighbors." Fenrir said in a tone as if he was lecturing me.

"So are we going to discuss the details of your contract, inked psycho or are you just gonna stand there?" Fenrir said in a business like manner.

"What contract and I'm not a psycho?" I asked him trying to calm down. I really wanted to string him up and cut off that awful tongue of his. Just thinking about it made me swell with joy. So much so that I almost broke out in hysterical laughter, I'm sure my face look stupid as I imagined him screaming as blood fills his mouth and spills down his chin and neck. "Hello psycho lady you need to sign this contract, I was gonna let you tinker with somethings, but you took long so just sign.".

Fenrir's words broke me from my train of thought as he held a piece of paper and a pen. "What is this for exactly?" I questioned Fenrir, I wasn't going to sign something that I had no idea what it was for. "It's a formality, it just says that I am now under you command until you die or the Order takes me away from you." replied Fenrir, sounding more bored than a than a child who has nothing to do.

I took the pen and contract form Fenrir's hand and clicked the pen and began to sign my name. After I finished I gave it back to him and flopped down on my couch. "Hmm, Thyrea Phirre, that's an interesting name for a human." WHAT, did he just call me a HUMAN. I mean are you blind, how have you not noticed ears are pointed. I'm an Elf for Edrond's sake. I need a drink if I'm gonna handle this dumbass.

"Oh it says here you're an Elf and an ex assasin quite interesting indeed." Fenrir said like he was a deciding whether to send me the eternal damnation or not.

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