
Chapter 7: More Gains

The next morning, when Obed woke up, he could see brand new clothes on his bed with an indication, from Pearl. The clothes were packaged in a wrapper. The first wrapper was his school attire whiles the second wrapper was his outings. Obed decided to wear the school attire to class today so he ironed his uniform and put them on to head for class. But first, everyone had 30 minutes to look for snacks to eat before heading to their respective classrooms. This was different from his former school because they usually sit in class and learn before the siren rings for the break. Students decided to go to the cafeteria to be served. Some students were served hamburgers and Pepsi while others used their money to buy food for themselves. Obed decided to take the hamburger and Pepsi since he didn't have money on him. As he took the food, he noticed Michael and Chris talking at the other end of the table. Before Obed could take a step to head to their table, a familiar voice was heard and it shouted Obed's name out loud. Obed turned his head and saw Joyce and Florence eating together. It was Joyce who was calling Obed to come and sit at their table to dine. Obed wanted to go and sit with Michael and Chris but because Joyce was his best friend, he decided to sit by Florence and Joyce. As they were eating, Obed broke his silence and asked Joyce how she had her ability. Joyce was a little bit afraid when Obed asked her this question but tried to ignore the question for today. Obed knew this was not the right time to be asking those types of questions so he stopped and continued with his snack. Florence also broke her silence to ask Obed how he had an unknown ability of a liquid human nature. But before Obed could answer that, his system told him just to say I'd been ordered by my master not to reveal how I got my ability to anyone. Florence was surprised by the answer Obed gave but was not furious with his answer. After eating, Joyce headed back to her class. Florence and Obed were in the same class but didn't know each other very well until the training so they headed to the classroom. Florence held Obed's hand as they walked to their classroom. As soon as they entered and took their seats, Pearl entered. Today's topic was about the type of aliens that still existed in the present day.

After 3-4 hours of studying, the siren rang for another break. Before Obed could leave the classroom, Florence went to Obed's desk and asked him to escort Florence outside the school i.e the park. Obed accepted her request and eventually bride from his seat and Florence held his hand again. Obed didn't understand why Florence had to always hold his hand but from the look on her face, she wanted to be by Obed after witnessing his ability. Even though Obed is a level one user, Florence didn't care. After 30 minutes of a stroll, they arrived at the park and Obed could see it all. Most of the level 5,6 and 7 students trained her in this coded area. But that was not the main reason why Florence brought Obed to the park. Florence had brought him to the park to be with him for a while and head back to class. Florence loved to joke around and she often cracked jokes too to make Obed feel at home. As they were laughing, Obed's system had a message for him and it read "Kiss Florence and you gain +1 Strength,+1 exp, and +1 health". Obed was happy to receive this message but his problem was how to let him kiss Florence. Obed wanted to find all ways and means to let Florence kiss him to no avail. Finally, Obed had an idea and told Florence that he loved her. After saying this, Florence got excited and kissed Obed full on the lips. I think that's why she brought me here, thought Obed. As they finished kissing, Obed felt a bit stronger and gained some +1 health and exp. Florence blushed after she kissed Obed. The siren then rang for a break over and soon, the two "couples" held hands again and entered the classroom. Also after 3-4 hours of learning, the school had closed for the day and Obed waved Florence goodbye whiles she waved back to him. Joyce also waved back to Obed as he waved back. As soon as Obed waved Joyce goodbye, he spotted Michael heading towards the dorm and Obed followed up.

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