3 Chapter 3

Marrie's P. O. V

" And she's already married to me."

After I heard that voice I look where that voice came from and it was from our door Xander is standing there, 'how did he know that I'm there?? And when did he come back here to our country?'

" Who the hell are you?? How come both of you are married?? she never told us and did not even ask for our blessing"

Dad said and I know he's mad right now big time...

'How does he know that I'll be here?? I never told him that I'll be here.'

"Like I said we're married and I'm her husband now, and we're sorry if we didn't tell you about it and we were sorry that we didn't invite you to our wedding."

Xander said then he holds my hand and stare at me… I did the same thing to him I stare at him into his eyes and thought now I'm regretting that I doubt my feelings for him… How could I regret loving someone like him a guy who is willing to fight for me? A guy who loves me so much more than how much I loved him.

5 years ago, I'm so broke and miserable when I learned the truth that Zeus used me to get what he wants and made me fall for him just to ruin me but I'm grateful to God that he let me meet Xander giving me a different perspective about love. So, after a year the day we met, we get married not only because I'm starting to fall for him but because I know that he was the one for me and not only did I deserve his love he also deserves to be loved.

"What is the meaning of this Winston?? I thought your daughter is single. But she is a married woman what were you thinking??"

"Mrs. Montarvente I swear I really don't know that she's married it's been 5 years since the last time we've seen her."

"So, are you saying that it's not your fault??"

"It's not like that Mrs. Montarvente."

Should I stop them? I didn't even this would happen, they start to fight, how it becomes like this??

"m-madam I know that I didn't tell you that I'm married but I really do want to tell you, but Zeus keeps stopping me and I'm sorry for that".

I said not looking at her because she was mad right now, after all, it's my fault for not telling Mom and Dad about my marriage.

"So, are you telling me that it's my son's fault?"

She said with sarcasm while glaring at me. I can't blame her for getting mad because of knowing that I'm married, even if I know that my son's fiancé is already married, I'll be mad.

"Let's say yes ma'am, if he didn't use me and just be true asking me to be his girlfriend this would be not happening."

"w-what is she talking about son? TELL ME!!"

"YES, MOM! I used her, my friends and I bet on her…they told me to make her fall in love with me and if she fell in love with me, I need to dumb her exchange for their car."

Zeus said to his mom making all of them shocked. Well, who would not be shocked knowing the truth from him? He makes that mistake and I'm starting to forgive him for doing that to me because I want to be freed myself from the past and the mistake he has done, I want to move forward without dragging my painful past.

"I-if that's true t-then I-it is my son's fault I'm so sorry for what my son's done."

She said then hold my hand I just let her hold my hand.

" It's okay, ma'am, I already forgive Zeus, but this marriage will be canceled not just because I have a husband, but also because Zeus and I will never be able to repair the damage we've already done..."


We politely conclude our talk after that argument, but Zeus still can't accept that our engagement has been called off because I am already married and I truly don't want to get married to him because he can't be the guy for me, our tale ended already years ago, and I already have my husband.

I grasp his hand tightly and look at him, wondering whether I can leave this man in front of me, and I know my answer will be NO, I cannot leave this man, I can't find someone and replace him, I can't do that, all I want is to remain by his side and always love him. I was unaware that he was looking at me the same way I was while I was thinking about him.

I know our life will not be easy until now Zeus cannot accept that I am already married to Xander. I hope that was strong not to give up on each other.

"Hon, why you did not tell me about this?"

He said and looked at me gees I know that he's mad at me for not telling him about this well why I'll be scared when even me too I only know a minute ago.

" I'm sorry if I didn't let you know about this because even, I only found out a minute ago.".

I said and hugged him I know he understand me.

"So, care to explain what the heck happen??"

While talking with Xander, Dad came in front of me and asked me what happened.

"d-dad let me explain."

"Explain huh?! Did you know I lost their partnership huh?!"

"d-dad is it really important to you that partnership of them that me?!"

"Don't ask me that question marrie. Why did you get married without us knowing it?


I was about to explain when Xander started talking.

"Sir, with all due respect, she did not inform you that we were married. That is due to you, sir, and it is your fault that she did not inform you of it. You're commanding her and forcing her to do something she doesn't want to do, sir..."

" Who the hell are you to say that to me?! "

" Darling that is enough!! "

" Dammit... talk to your stupid daughter, she didn't even bother to tell us that she gets married"!

Dad screamed loudly and stormed out; I know he was mad at me.

While I'm staring at my father as he walks up the stairs, someone holds my hand, and it's Xander. I glance at him, puzzled, but he simply grins and says, 'It'll be fine.'.

" Marrie, sweetheart I'm sorry about what your father said he was just upset because of what happened."

"Mom, you don't have to apologize to him we know what he only wants is to be richer."

"Marrie!! don't say that even if he's being like that, he'll still be your father".

my mother said and I just didn't respond it's because I know that our conversation we'll not stop if I respond to her. why is she always siding with my father who is wrong? Can she just tell him that he's wrong? Geez I'm starting to be upset.

"What a stupid"

I whispered so that she can't hear it.

" Just understand them hon, they just getting old you know. "

my husband said still holding my hand. he really knows how to tame me I really do not regret marrying him.

After he said that I look at him and mouthed to him -thank you- and he said no problem, my wife.

"Umm... ma'am can take my wife now? Because it's getting late, and we need to go home".

"s-sure son and please stop calling me ma'am just call me mom after all you're my daughter's husband so you're part of the family now take care drive safely"

"Sure, Mom I will"

after he said that he just grabs me, and we get inside of his car he didn't even let me say goodbye to my mom geez sometimes I don't know if he has manners.

He starts driving the car out of the house and he did what my mom said he's really a gentleman but sometimes he's being rude, but I don't care all I care about is that I'm falling deeper into him and deeper.



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