
My Infatuation With Death

Conrad Garnier the former first prince of a nation called "Alkatash" is banished from royalty. With his fiance Regina Clement he settles in an obscure town of adventures far from his country so he could live in peace. One day he meets the soul reaper herself, and becomes curious about her. Read as his curiosity turns into obsession and how it affects his relation with Regina, Explore the continent of Guernia through this story.

Untatheredone8499 · Fantasy
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82 Chs

! Control

Perspective : Thor Gild


Regina exclaimed, ohh my dear Regina she did her best and yet it wasn't enough,

Life is always like that, hard and difficult to fathom, sometimes it's even unreasonable downright doesn't makes any sense,

But we had to march on, face those difficulties head on, I knew that.

But I couldn't help but give up hope, pray for an easier route.

I was a shame among my clan, the spirits of our ancestors were probably disappointed in me.

And yet knowing that, I couldn't move, fear had gotten the best of me.

The crystal was destroyed there was nothing that could have been done.

Federica had tried to save Sheela, who herself was devastated by the loss of her brother.

Now that it happened to her, Federica was dead, killed in front of her.

life truly goes all out when it does,

that poor girl,

Terrified and probably still in a state of trauma, she exclaimed,

"I can't believe she is dead, .... she was just talking to me right now ..... and now she is dead".

"How can this be".

Questioning her very reality,

While her eyes were still wide open, an expression of terror and shock danced in her face,

It was so traumatic, that she couldn't even believe,

"what just happened?".

To be honest, I too wasn't able to comprehend what had just happened.

And why did it happened?

Was we all deserving of that?

I couldn't quite tell, It felt so frustrating and annoying. I became sick of myself, not being able to do anything.

and yet I couldn't blame anyone, everyone was a victim, a victim of chance, a victim of life itself.

instead it was the natural order there.

And If I may speak frankly, we were never supposed to be there, everything has a natural habitat and that wasn't ours, we left ours, in a thirst, and in an hunger for adventure.

We really didn't have any room to complain there..

And yet I couldn't just stand there and accept all that.

Seeing my comrades killed in front of me, no one would, and no one could.

Just like everyone else.

I wanted to burst out in flares of anger, my blood was practically boiling to do so.

and I could have done that.

But, It Just wasn't about me, was it?

I was carrying Ron, Sheela's brother, her hope, her light across that dark tunnel, her will to survive that hell hole, It was all Ron.

I had one too, Regina.

I couldn't just risk it all willy nilly.

She trusted me and I was going to maintain that trust, because all of her hopes were riding on me.

I understood that.

So I calm my anger, I had to.

Said to myself, "I can do this".

And as I looked at it, that monstrous plant, my mind said,

"You know what?".

"I can't do it anyway".

"So I will let them have it, I will guard Ron and Yuna for them, protect us from any external threats".

I decided a role, and left that plant to everyone else.

It doesn't mean, I didn't care for Federica, It meant, what happened had happened, whatever I did, she wasn't going to come back anyway?

It means, I was honouring her sacrifice, by protecting the lives she died protecting.

Our lives,

If my clan members heard that, they would probably call me a wuss, tell me that I am an embarrassment to my people.

But I am ready for that.

I still believe, I did the right thing.

[It was a towering monstrosity, its thick, gnarled trunk rose from the ground, covered in rough bark - like texture, dark green veins ran along the length of the trunk, pulsating with life and energy.

At the top of the trunk a massive flower like structure unfurled, which resembled an intricate and captivating mandala. The petals of that colossal flower were vibrant shades of green, tinged with hints of magenta and deep purple, creating a mesmerizing display, each petal was covered with intricate patterns, which resembled delicate lace work, that added an air of elegance to the fearsome plant.

Radiating from the inner core of the flower numerous long and sinuous vines emerged, extending far beyond the reach of the trunk.

Those vines undulated with an serpentine grace, their surface covered with tiny hairs that glistened in the light used by the adventurers. The colour of the vines transitioned from vibrant green to earthly brown, as they extended further away from the plant.

At the tip of each vine a cluster of specialised tendrils formed, equipped with sensetive trigger hairs that awaited any tiny disturbances, those tendrils were poised and ready to spring into action with the slightest touch, ensuring that the plant catches it's prey successfully.]

It was a chilling silence, not even a whisper, yet the air crackled with a sensing mix of anger, unbridled fury and overwhelming frustration, that enveloped everyone, even me.

But I had already taken a vow, and I knew my role.

There was an undeniable sense of raw intensity, as if all of them were ticking on the verge of explosion.

And why wouldn't they?

They had - had enough.

Without saying a single word to anyone, everyone simultaneously bursted in to action, leaving me behind, trusting me to guard their backs.

They didn't say it, neither did they need to.

Like before vines burst forth from the snow covered ground, trying to stop them, ensnare them.

And they sprung forth with all of their might,

I could see it in their face, I could feel that primal blood lust, they were going to destroy that thing, only then would their nurves quell.

That guy, I never quite figure out what he thinks or why he does them?

But one thing I could say for sure was that, he was angry, extremely annoyed like every body else.

He had this gaze, as if his eyes were locked into that plant, as if he could see nothing other than that, and neither that he needed to.

Conrad charged forward with his sword a blaze,

and his face, he never shows any expressions ,

but somehow I could still tell, at that point he felt nothing but pure unbridled rage, and why he felt that?

I bet he didn't even knew.

At that moment, he was out of control, I could sense his mind was filled with rage and nothing else.

He moved evading those vines through pure instincts, as if he had memorized all it's moves..

I could see the plant itself acknowledged Conrad approaching it, I could see it vigorously extending its vines towards him, Conrad with pure instinct and exceptional timing evaded that attack by executing a perfect roll, how did he do that?

It was beyond me. It didn't even looked like he saw that coming.

And then the plant got a taste of his frustration,

It was his turn, his sword slashed through the air, leaving a fiery trail behind, I could see it, feel the warmth of his attack from, even by standing back there

Those scorching flames burning everything in their path, it was devastating.

absolutely brutal,

His fires weakened the plant's grip and halted its movements, all the while leaving a visible mark on its surface.

However, despite his efforts to do all that, it seemed plant's vines proved to be resilient to fire and heat,

What a doozy?

And then it happened.

with one forceful sweep, the plant propelled Conrad to thrash into the ground.

He fell with such a velocity that, half his body got buried inside the snow

And It wasn't just him.

Even our leader, who usually acted so calm and collected.

Wasn't himself.

Kyle released his sand into the air, I saw him moving his hand back and forth as if drawing something in the air,

But you know what? he was controlling those sands.

I saw those sand moving in perfect synchronisation with his hand gestures.

It was otherworldy,

I don't think I pay much attention to other fighting when I am in battle.

I just charge in and concentrate on my own movements and the person or thing I am facing.

But now that, I was hanging back, covering their rear, I got that absolute chance to observe them all.

Process their moves, learn and adapt, and how could I use that technique in my own moves?

I began to think,

maybe it was a sign, my leg getting injured, me taking care of Ron and the others while everybody else faught.

Maybe Arngrim wanted me to see them fight, wanted me to realise that I was nothing in front of them, maybe he wanted me to know that, one person can't do anything, and if we wanted to survive and complete our mission, we had to work together, understand eachother and combine our true strengths.

Because that is what I saw.

Not one but everyone combining their strengths to face a single foe.

As he moved his hand around, the sand glittered in the air causing a sandstorm,

Or rather a sand tornado.

I understood what he was doing?

That sandstorm obscured the plant's vision and senses. Making it difficult for the creature to locate them.

It was simple but smart.

In tandem with Kyle,

Elkdrack joined his palms together, placing them adjacent to eachother and began chanting a spell.

I heard thunder crackling as I saw enigmatic dark orbs manifesting out of thin air,

presumably he was controlling them, he cunningly dispersed them amidst the sandstorm , hiding them inside the storm, I think he once told me that, the spell drains the life and energy of it's intended target.

Understanding que, Emilia taking advantage of Kyle's and Elkdrack's spells, charged discreetly, covering her tracks amidst the sand storm.

And once she was within striking range,

Emilia brandishing her red blade, with its red hue which pulsated with her own blood, and with her powerful swings she carved a vibrant arc in the air, leaving behind a trail of red,

however, it wasn't that easy.

The plant was agile, so it swiftly evades her attack, by perfectly maneuvering its vines with such precision, you'd believe it was a human being.

Such control and precision, if it wasn't out for our blood, I would have been admiring it all day long.

seemingly catching her off guard the plant's vines wrapped around Emilia's legs, ensnaring her and dragging her closer to its disgusting mouth.

Kind and Observant as ever, she noticed that, My beloved Regina saw that and by acting quickly she waved her hand and conjured a sharp shard of ice, honed with precision and aimed at Emilia's ensnared leg, and then she released that shard, which severed the vines and freed Emila from the plant's grasp.

Then she raised her wand up high, creating a mighty gust of wind that swirled around the plant, I saw it, the force of the wind cutting through the air, severing the plant's smaller vines, which to be accurate did nothing.

But I knew that wasn't her intention, her intention was to divert it's attention from others.

And she did that exceptionally well.

Witnessing all of them fighting, was making me more and more anxious.

I couldn't just sit back and watch them like that.

But I had no choice in the matter.

At that point, if I went there, I would be nothing but a hindrance, because my leg was wounded, and additionally I was carrying Ron on my back,

and who'd look after Yuna, If I went.

So, It wasn't like I was doing absolutely nothing, my job was to guard their rear.

Atleast, that was what I kept telling myself that, I had to.

And I never thought, It would target me.

Now that I think about it, I was an easy prey, everyone was constantly moving, meanwhile I stood straight at one place.

I was the ultimate prey.

I guess the plant could not resist that temptation any longer.

Or rather It took time to spot me, because I was standing just beyond its detection range, at least what I thought it was its range.

But what I thought was wrong, the plant had an exceptional range.

Unbeknownst to me, It discreetly streched it's vines towards me, hoping to Catch me off guard.

However, I noticed it, there wasn't any fault on the plant's side, it was flawless,

instead that was me, that was how I was trained, how I was brought up, which gave me this exceptional sense that can detect bloodlust,

I think it's nothing new,

it's not just me, instead every adventurer or worrier has that in their arsenal.

Not only bloodlust, it's the essence of life itself, we call it "Key".

And by detecting it, we can spot anyone that wants to do ill to us.

So, I was alert and ready for a quick response.

That is why, when the vine silently struck, I anticipated the strike, I swiftly evaded by side stepping and letting the venom fall on the snow.

That's right, I said Venom of cyan colour.

It must have been trying to inject it within me.

In such a sneaky way, It was almost terrifying, that It could think of that and execute it.

It was the perfect chance, I was already enveloped in rage.

The frustration I felt was immeasurable, so I welcomed it.

The chance to strike back was mine.

So, I struck it, with all my rage, all my frustrations I held for myself.

And with a single swing of my blade, I severed that feeble little vine, that had underestimated my strength.

It felt good, knowing that I actually protected them.

I was worth something.

That gave me hope and strength.

It was rather ridiculous now that I recall it, I accessed the situation and determined that I would be of no help, so I hung back, but witnessing my friends fight made me feel anxious and I began thinking that I was useless.

However, Now that I had protected Yuna and Ron, I regained my strength and the trust I held in myself.

It's funny, I know.

Even though she just lost her friend, she was still fighting with all she had, I think that's precisely why she fought that way.

To honour Federica's death and the cause she died for. That puts that much pressure on me to keep Ron safe, let nothing happen to hem, as I saw her fighting, I vowed to myself, no matter what happened to me, I would see Ron in one piece, Once we were back at Ustrax.

With an unwavering Focus,

I saw her channeling her mana through her staff,

She exclaimed,

"Flame sphere".

Conjuring a delicate flicker of fire that glided towards that plant.

Slowly but discreetly, without letting the plant notice her, as it made contact with the plant, the flame ate the plant's head by transforming onto a massive sphere of roaring flames.

Fire that kept exploding endlessly.

As I saw Sheela channeling more mana into that sphere, the sphere morphed into a terrifying whirlwind of fire, swirling around that plant with great intensity and heat, enough heat to melt hot Iron.

That scorching heat weakened the bark of its trunk, which caused the plant to slow down momentarily all the while it's vines kept withering.

But there was a catch,

Her fiery whirlwind cleared the sand storm that Kyle had created, the storm seamlessly disappeared as it rained glass dust.

It looked mesmerizing as those glistening glass dust fell into the snow.

But it was bad.

Now that the storm was cleared, there was nothing that impeded that plant's vision, which meant It could see everyone.

However, I couldn't imagine in my wildest dreams what he did next, It was absolutely amazing.

Even though his sand storm was out of commission, Kyle released another massive gust of sand, which was pulsating with his mana energy.

I saw his hand movements, the way he moved his fingers, as if he was intricately weaving a pattern in thin air, the sand in response to his each command moving seamlessly in perfect harmony, took the form of a massive sword, built entirely out of sand.

Bracing himself, Kyle waved his hand, directing that sand sword he had just created towards Sheela's fiery whirlwind,

And that happened,

It didn't make any sense, I saw a sand sword go through one end of that storm and as it emerged,

It constituted of glass.

How can that happen?

Till this day I didn't understand.

I reckoned it was one of his spells.

I repeat, he directed that sand sword, through that fiery whirlwind and now it was made of glass, he continued plunging that glass sword directly into that plant's steam.

And It worked, some crazy stuff.

However it appeared that blow had significantly weakened the plant.

Taking advantage of that situation, seizing the opportunity, He leapt for the Kill, Conrad leaped forward to the back of Keira's golem, balancing himself on the Golem's arms, he smoothly ran from one end to another, wielding his burning blade. As he reached an ideal vantage point near the plant's head, I saw him tightly grip his sword, and perform a leap of faith, yes he jumped.

Instinctively dodging the plants vein's tendrils mid - air,

then as he reached a perfect striking distance,

with a precise and forceful strike, Conrad slashes through one of the plant's green petals, leaving a trail of scortched marks on it's head.

Meanwhile Emilia, as her blade pulsated with her own blood, she kept slashing relentlessly delivering one devastating strike after another ,

And as the plant thrusted it's slithering vines

towards her, she successfully evaded it with a back flip,

And then as I saw her blade emanating red aura while carving two intersecting diagonal arcs in the air, she hit the plant's veins that had blocked the path to it's core.

She had spotted its weakness, that core was now visible.

With the help of her blade, she carved Intricate patterns in the air, which released glowing red slashes that exploded upon contact with the plant's flesh, creating openings in its defences and exposing that vulnerable core.

With the core now visible.

It was that warrior, what was his name again?

Yes, Robin if I remember.

He was a highly skilled archer, He stretched his bow's cord, using his wind magic along with his arrows, launching a volley of arrows that sailed through the air, with incredible speed If I may add, aimed directly at that core.

But it is never that easy.

It was proven right in front of me.

Just as those arrows approached their target, the plant sealed it's core, with an impenetrable net woven from it's strongest most indestructible vines,

Robin's arrow didn't even left a scratch in it.