
I don’t even know you!

I lay there on the floor in only my underwear. I felt exposed. I know I begged for what happened... but I- I dunno. I felt different, but in a good way. Like... theres a bond or something. Oh hell no- I'm still out of my right mind from my damn heat. I am absolutely not falling for someone I just met, let alone a fucking vampire!

He sat there next to me with innocent eyes. How could ones eyes be red and still look innocent like that? His midnight black hair was slicked back slightly, and his skin was as pale as expected for a vampire. Needless to say, he was hot as hell.

"Is there something wrong?" He asked. I pulled myself together and sat up, clutching my clothes close to me. "N-no." I muttered and looked down. Dammit that's not what I wanted to say... my body is doing different stuff than my mind wants it to!

"Well you're welcome. You certainly are a pushy one..." the vampire chuckled. "W-why did you help me?" I stuttered. "Because I hate to see people in pain." He explained as I began putting my shirt on. "But just to be clear- th-this can never happen again." I muttered, trying to stand up.

I managed to pull myself up a little, just before falling onto my face. "Dammit..." I whimpered. "Why not?" Donovan finally asked. "B-because... it's just... I don't even know you!" I yelled. "Well I could say the same, but I'd like to get to know you..." the taller boy said.

I turned over and glanced at him, wide eyed. "I don't think you'll be able to walk for a while. Can your brother take you home?" "I-I don't know. Where is he?" I asked, still not fully in gear again. "I'm not sure, but I can help you look if you want. I think the damn beer is finally starting to wear off..."

"I'll be fine... I-I can do it myself." I tried to stand again, but failed, this time landing on the vampire. I gasped and turned red as I fumbled to get back up. "Just let me help you, you stubborn ass." The tall vampire rolled his eyes and picked me up. As he stood, I felt like I was going to get dropped.

"Gavin!" I shouted as loudly as I could. It hurt to yell too loudly since my throat was still sore from all of the moaning I did earlier. Just thinking about it made me turn dark red. Fuck this shit...

"Gavin!" I yelled again. The music from the party was loud. "I don't think it's working. Maybe he left?" The taller boy suggested. "H-he wouldn't dare leave without me... lemme try s-something else." I cleared my throat. "Hey shit head!!!" I yelled so loud that everyone in the room turned in my direction.

I remembered that I was only in my underwear and a shirt. My hands dove down to cover myself as my eyes grew wider than they had been before. No one responded to me. I guess he's gone... before I could find my brother, the damn vampire lord was walking up the stairs. "Hey- w-where are we going?" I asked in bewilderment. "To my room to sleep. That's the hospitable thing to do, is it not?"

I shrugged. "I don't fuckin' know..." I sighed, just letting him take me. Today's been the worst day ever. I give up. "It's almost 10:00. Do you need to sleep?" This vamp sure was a persistent one...

"Mhm." I mumbled, already half asleep with my eyes closed. He was silent after that. I felt his hands gently tuck me into a soft, plushy bed. It was much better than my twin-sized bed back home. I couldn't argue with the man, so I just went to sleep as he left the room.

Soon, I could hear noises from downstairs. I assumed it had reached midnight. So- it's finally next year...or rather this year, now. I dismissed the thought and went back to sleep.


Ugh... my head is pounding... is it morning yet? I slightly opened one eye only to see darkness. I almost forgot where I was for a moment. As I went to move, I found myself unable to. There was a strong force around my arms and torso.

Oh my god... Donovan is...cuddling me. What the hell is going on?! As much as I hate vampires, this one is different... this one is....sweet. I pushed my stupid fanboy thoughts away and continued to try and escape.

"You can keep trying to escape, but just so you know, I'm not letting go until I absolutely have to. Consider it repayment for fucking you last night and putting you out of your miserable heat." I heard him say. His morning voice was deep and raspy. I felt my inner omega tingling...

Wait what? What the fuck is wrong with me?! "L-let me go!" I squirmed and wriggled my way out of his grip, only to be pulled back into it. Damn this guy and his stupid buff arms...

"Not yet- I'm still sleepy." He chuckled. "Like hell you are, vampires don't need sleep!" I shouted. "Shhhhh- keep it down, loud mouth." The lord snapped. "They don't call me mouthy Mikey for nothin'; now get the hell off of me!" I started kicking him like the mad man that I am.

"Ow, how rude. I'm still not letting go. I think I'm falling for you." The vampire said with a giggle.

That got me quiet. I shuddered at his words. The truth is, I've never been cuddled like this...and I really like it. I don't ever want him to let go.

What am I saying? I don't even know anything about him, I can't be falling in love! If anything, it's falling in lust! Considering he took advantage of my omega, I don't now how I can fall in love with someone like him... especially since he's a vampire! I mean- what the fuck is wrong with me?!

But the memory of him on top of me made me feel flustered and embarrassed, in a good way. First it was my body, and now my mind! I'm finally losing my fucking marbles!

"You sure are quiet. Are you plotting my demise?" The vampire asked, leaning closer to my neck. Oh no- I've watched too many vampire movies to know what that means. I leaned as far away as I could get. "Relax, I'm not gonna bite you. That's fucking disgusting. Vampires don't just bite anyone they please ya know." I sighed a breath of relief.

Wait- I actually believe this guy? Tch... yep I've finally lost it. "I'll let you go if you promise to keep your heat in better check. You're an omega. You can get seriously hurt or worse if you're around strange alphas during your heat."

"I-I know, you fuckwad..." I began. "B-but..," I contemplated what I was about to say. "But what?" The black-haired boy asked. "But you didn't hurt me." I said matter-of-factly. "That's different." "Why?" I asked. If I was gonna be stuck here, than I at least wanted information.

"Because, as I already told you; I hate seeing people in pain." Donovan replied. "Aww demon boy has a soul after all." I made fun of him. "Please don't." He stated. "Why not?! I can do whatever the hell I want!" I said, turning around. That's when I realized just how close we were. Our faces were just inches apart.

I felt my eyes widen as my face burned with a violent blush. I could see his lips curl into a smile. "Ya know, this is usually how hookups work." The vampire said, stroking my hair. "Ah- quit it would ya?!" I said, turning back around. "I know you like it." Donovan laughed. "Like hell I do! You don't have any proof anyways! I've been trying to get away, you blind ass dimwit!" I shouted.

"It's my power. I can see through lies. You trying to get away is just a cover for your 'bad-boy' personality." I suddenly turned around and growled at him lowly. "Awwww what a cute puppy." The vampire cooed, stroking my hair even more. "Quit it!" I yelled again as my face turned a dark shade of red.

"Fine. But you still have to promise me you'll keep your heat in check from now on." Donovan said. "Fine, fine, I promise or whatever. Now let me go, fuckface!" He laughed at my words and let go of me.

As I stood up, I realized once again that I've been in nothing but my underwear all night. Even worse, my ass and legs hurt. I fell to the ground with a thud. "Oh god- where are my pants?" I asked rhetorically. "Geez, you still can't walk, can you?" Donovan asked with a laugh.

"Shut the fuck up, you dunce! I don't need your help! I'm eighteen for Christ's sake!" I yelled.

Suddenly I felt a pair of hands lift me up. "Not again..." I whined. "Relax- I'm gonna help you get home." Finally we were getting somewhere. I still wouldn't trust him driving, because he obviously has a hangover.

"I don't care- I can get home myself!" I shouted. Dammit. I did want him to take me home. I can't even walk. That guys dick is fucking paralyzing... the worst part about all of this is that I lost my virginity to someone I barely know. "Says the guy that can't walk, and doesn't know where he is to begin with." Donavan snapped. I hadn't seen this snappy side until now...

I scowled, knowing that he was right. I had absolutely no clue where I was. I don't know the address or the relative distance from here to my house, because I wasn't paying attention on the drive over. I give up on life.

(1 hour later...)

We pulled up to my light blue house. Donovan had called his 'personal driver' apparently. I suppose he was just another rich bitch. The fucking rich bitch that stole my virginity no less. I swear to god I'm just gonna jump off a cliff with all of this newfound drama.

Donovan picked me up and carried me bridal style to the door and knocked. There was no answer. "It's alright... I have a key. Thanks anyways." I said, trying to get down. The vampire sighed and tried the door. To no ones surprise, the door was unlocked. "Can you walk from here?" He asked in his monotone voice.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Thanks for takin' care of me big boy." I said, as I gave his burly chest a couple pats.

He raised a brow at me and chuckled. "You're welcome. Remember your promise. You should probably keep heat suppressants on you from now on..." The taller boy replied. "Oh, and I have something for you." He dug through his pocket for a second.

The vampire handed me a small slip of paper with a phone number on it. "Just in case~." He said seductively.

"Eh- yeah... thanks. It was a nice hookup while it lasted I guess. I hope you find someone special... and that's genuine considering I'm kind of an asshole most of the time." I said.

"That's probably the kindest thing you've said to me since we met... other than you begging for me.." he replied as he helped me inside. "Yeah yeah whatever. Just so you know- you took my virginity." I replied with an annoyed look. "Oh, I didn't know. Sorry about that." He sounded genuine.

"Don't be sorry. I enjoyed it." I said, rolling my eyes. "Oh. You aren't lying... You know you're blushing~." The vampire cooed. "Shut up or ill bite your fucking face off." I snapped back. "Ooh- feisty. I like it~." He teased. "Jerk." "See ya later cutie~ Hopefully." "Yeah yeah- fuck off." I grumbled.

I closed the door and immediately collapsed on the floor. "Ow, ow, ow, dammit." I held my lower stomach where it burned the most. It took all I had in me to hold it in when that dickhead vampire was standing there.

I managed to crawl to the downstairs bathroom and close the door. After taking a nice long bath, I felt okay enough to walk upstairs. Of course, I almost fell backwards a few times, but that's inevitable.

I made it to my bed and almost immediately fell asleep. That is, until I heard pounding footsteps come up the stairs once again. Well shit...

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