
First time

I am Silver White a college student who really has nothing but to finish school and go in whatever direction life pushes me. I never had any dream or hope till that day, the day I saw him, I felt like my whole life had been arranged sequentially, like my world was rotating clockwise again.

Hey Silver come see this video, it is so cool look it is trending on YouTube Lilian said happily as she jumped around the room. They are so cute! What is it this time? I asked reluctantly as I lay down on my bed. Here she said as she handed me the phone. That was when I saw him, his blonde hair and His cheeks are chiseled like a finely-carved Michelangelo statue. His nose is perfectly symmetrical. His lips are slightly full: the kind that end in a cute little smirk at the corners. I was in love. W-w-w what is the name? I asked. DNA by a boy band called BTS.

BTS BTS BTS I kept on calling that name like a chant. I went to do some research and from then on I was no longer in my own world, I now had a goal to look forward to and it was to meet him even if it was just once.

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