
My Husband Is Too Cute

Vanessa Flores didn't realize that she was transmigrating into a old novel, until she was contacted by a family who said they had a marriage agreement with her. She was going to fight them, until she met the one they wanted her to marry. He was their famous son, who didn't know how to do anything but play games and eat. She decided that she could also raise this little canon fodder along with her baby brother. Fu Bingwen had woke up in this strange world, filled with strong men and weak women, he had read stories of male respect before, so he had thought he was just going to marry a pretty and weak woman. Until his new family sold him off to the strongest woman in the Empire, who was said to be gloomy and dangerous. Strong and handsome woman×Beautiful crossdresser man Writer Note: I wanted to write a Mary Sue story, I missed writing it. It brings me back to when I was 12-15. I also have been reading Women superior or respect Chinese novels, so I put them together. !!Interstellar people can live until they are four hundred years old!!They have an age gap of thirty years but they are still young!!

DearJohnson · LGBT+
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11 Chs

Chapter Two

She was rewarded with various planets and a large amount of money for her family's sacrifice and services. Nine of the ten planets she owed had thriving cities and business. Her largest planet was the only one with no citizens on it, it was a untouched Earthlike planet. Everything from the plants to the animals were large, it was the perfect place for her to start her new-ish life on.

She order various robots and materials to bring with her, while she had sent people ahead of her to explore the large field she planned on building her house. It was deemed suitable and had no signs of animals living nearby as it wasn't really growing anything and there was no water source. She already had her water in her unused space as she didn't have any need for it. It was useless, really.

The Space : TvT you used to love me, now that you have a healing pod and food, you turned your face too easily.

The robots only took five days to build a large victorian mansion, most of it was a large greenhouse that was filled with various plants and flowers. Her most prized flower was the Juliet Rose she had found half dead in her past life after her world went to shit. It's offspring was brought outside of the space and placed in the middle of her large greenhouse, almost hidden by other plants.

Vanessa had never cut the main plant in any way but when she first got it, that was only to cut off the completely dead parts. The spiritual water she fed it was always pure, so it grew more vibrant and beautiful than anything else she had. The plant had only grown two offsprings that she moved away and forgot about until she was setting up her greenhouse with plants. She wouldn't dare bring her precious Julie out to be surrounded by other plants or risk the chances of someone seeing Julie and cutting one of her roses.


The field around her mansion was tilled by her and the robots, they removed the rocks and anything else. Before they started to plant the seeds, the land was sprayed by pesticides and fertilizers to get ready for the seeds.

A quarter of the land will be the seeds from her space and the other three will be filled with the crop seeds she had order online. This universe wasn't like the novels with impurities or trouble growing vegetables and fruits. The most troublesome thing was the Zergs, so she didn't worry about how she did things.

With a force field and robots guarding her house, she had no worries about the animals dugging around her house. The robots even found a water source underground, it took a little over two days to get the equipment for the water system and then four days to get it working and clean. Now she has a separate tank filled with half regular water and the water in her space, the robots will use it on the crops once a week to make sure everything is healthy.

The baby, who she learned was named Vance, was a quiet thing and slept most of the time. The nursery robot that can do health checkups, says he was healthy and growing just fine. She kept a eye on him closely, his room was the most secured room in the whole house. Even the windows in the room was made from the strongest glass that was made for Mecha and spaceships. Cameras were in the room and outside of it.

Vance would have been in her space if she could bring in other humans, it was the safest he could be. But even in her last life, she couldn't bring in anyone. So, she settled with making his room one of the safest places she could. As her last relative, his safety and health is her top priority.

When Vance started to crawl, Vanessa left the field work to the robots and started to stay with him. Talking and reading to him, She installed a TV inside his room, filled with educational programs and activities. The TV here can allow people to play holographic games, most parents used it for the younger child who were still too young for a Light brain.

A couple months passed when she got a notification from the Capital Marriage and the Matchmaking Office about her arrangement with the Fu Family. Reading the documents and records, she wanted to curse her grandfather.

It took her two weeks to get back to the Capital, dragging her feet and talking to lawyers about the agreement. Her lawyer, Tsuyoshi told her fighting it would be easy and quick, given the fact that the state their family is in, they wouldn't be able to meet the requirement of the agreement. And the law generally leans towards retired and active soldiers, so all she had to do was show up and set a court date.


Fu Bingwen looked outside of his window, wondering when he will be allowed to leave. The original host was caught by his family when he was drunk and thrown in this room carelessly after taking off his Light brain. Fu Bingwen had woke up in a puddle of puke, so he figured that the original died from drowning in it.

Fu Bingwen didn't want to marry any of the women here, they were small and too pretty for his taste. Being in a Male Respect World was weird, sure he had read his fair share of the webnovels with it, but it's different to live inside it. The clothes they wanted him to wear weren't his style, it was all suits and no dresses. Suits did look great on him, but they were so plain.

When he asked for dresses, he got told off and his TV was taken away for a whole day. He wanted to cry, he was never treated this badly before. His mother had always protected him and his father gave him whatever he wanted. Even his older sister let him do whatever he wanted, like follow her and her friends around. He was their little baby, but here they treated him like trash.

After a week, his new family had handle him a thin see through tablet with the information and photos of his future wife. The first photo was a handsome young woman in the midst of a battle with ugly bug looking things, she was every males' dream sci-fi lover. Her long black hair, the deep purple eyes, he was already starry-eyed just seeing her photo.

He continued reading her information, more and more he started to feel excited about marrying her. She was a hero, a real life Female Lead, she fought against the zergs for decades, she was already getting written in history books. Her battle videos were amazing, straight out of a scifi movie. Until he got to her age, she was...59, ah!! He was only 21, he didn't want to be eaten by a old cow.

After that, all his new dreams crashed around him. A middle age woman took the place of the young hero he saw on the tablet, he could see her reaching out to him with greedy hands, trying to eat him. 38 years is too big of a gap for him to accept. Fu Bingwen started to make a fuss again, going on a hungry strike and yelling at the robots that came into his room.

No matter what, he wouldn't marry such a old woman. Some people can do it, but he is not one of them. He wants his mom, she would never allow this to happen to him. 。:゚(;´∩`;)゚:。

Vanessa: Oh? I didn't know I was so old.

Fu Bingwen: I didn't know that people lived so long here, I know you aren't old now!! σ(≧ε≦o)

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