
My Husband is an Orge Chapter 7

Embarrassment was a huge emotion. Aine was flooded with it as she finished tying the silk belt around her waist. No one had actually seen her naked before and the moment she saw that attraction in his eyes. It made her freak and so she felt terrible for screaming as it seemed to hurt him and embarrassment. The demon had growled and covered his ears all while tearing himself away from her to allow her some privacy. He had even given Aine a beautiful blue kimono dress to cover herself up. He had told her to change behind a nearby oak tree and as he walked away to give her privacy. She noticed that his skin itself has taken a much deeper hue than before. Aine gave the knot a final tug before she peeked out from behind the large the tree. She searched the clearing to find him standing a couple of feet away.

His back was turned towards her and the sight of it made a warmth bloom between her legs. The expanse of his back was huge with muscle so defined that it was evident that there was a vast amount of strength in his lean body. She suddenly felt the urge to draw even paint him. The thought of catching that sort of beauty across a canvas was very compelling. It had been years since she had actually painted. After her submission to university and then her parent's illness the stress of life and the classic modern need for basic materials had won out over her hobby. To have that passion burn again was almost intoxicating. She licked her lips as she pushed that drugging need back and made her way from the treeline towards the Demon.

" I forgive my indiscretion. I forget humans don't find nudity as natural as demons." She gave a shy smile before pushing a strand of her hair behind her ear again. "But, I suspect it is as enticing to us as it is to you." She whispered.

The Demon was the first to blush this time as his eyes made contact with her own. And that reaction from such a large creature made her giggle. The Demon revealed in the sound of her ease. It was a vase relief to know that she didn't fear his very presence. It meant that she was dealing with his attendance quite well. He had worried about her the moment she came back from the shade. The shade itself was a residence of powerful and unstable magic even more so then the same magic that brought her back to the physical plain. It could affect the human psyche quite negatively. When it could be merged with a human soul, a being could be shaped in a way that was far from human. That is of course if a human survived to make it through the shade at all. Magic was a violate energy and not many humans could contain it. So, To have Aine survive as well as mentally thrive from the whole experience. It was an overwhelming good sign.

He studied her frame he could see that her body was dealing with the magic quite well. The robed gown he had created for her was lengthy and fit her frame quite well. It was a midnight blue making the pearl essence of her skin ever more apparent.

"You said that you wanted to make a home for us." He raised an eye at the question in her voice. He knew she had no idea what he spoke about. He knew she had no idea of the tradition she was going to uphold or the bond she was going to be tied too. He knew from the moment he entwined his life with hers everything about her life would very much cease to exist. He knew that she was a sensible and hardworking woman who held her own job and home. He knew she worked hard to achieve all those things but with him protecting her was more important than any of that. However, He also wanted to continue to give his bride that freedom though he would've found it better to have her reside in his territory. Yet in that vicious primal part of himself enjoyed the idea of conquering territory and expanding their home. He licked at the side of his fang drawing a sliver of blood along his tongue. The taste of the firey coopery substance fueling that needs even more. He would consider the plan in great thought as well. But, First, in either order, both of them needed to consider a security system.

"Yes. We can't very well live in the forest, can we?" He explained laying out his palm over some grass.

The demon raised his hand and began to chant a serious of words. Aine felt like the world began to waver and for a moment Aine felt sick again. She takes a quick before she slammed her eyes shut in hopes to ease nausea. When the movement eased, Aine's eyes snapped open and all she could see was an empty black hole. Fear slammed across her mind at the memory of the black hole and the shadow like figure. For a moment, Fear caused her a moment of primal reaction and Aine stepped back and straight into the demon once again. "Easy, It's just a portal. Come it's time we go shopping wife." She could say nothing as The Demon and her were swept into the darkness of the portal.

A portal to a world not of her own only toke seconds it seemed. It takes seconds but it felt like a roller coaster to the body. Aine gripped her demon's arm with a shaking unease as she tried to stop the shaking her legs. " Are you alright?" He asked taking a hold of her arm while his hand slide towards her back. She nodded as she tried to get the feeling back into her legs once again. "That..." She swallowed as the world spun with one last measure. " Is something that needs a warning every once and a while. Where are we?" Aine asked as her vision slowly flooded back and she was blinded with light.

"This is the Demon World."

Aine was speechless as she caught sight of a beautiful world that resembled something and everything. Buildings of every architectural design ranging from Victorian to Middle eastern decorated the streets. She could hear the sound of nearly a dozen different voices each speaking a different language. What astonished her were the beings that poured from those buildings and spoke those words. None were ever the same but all were in a sense Demonic in nature. It was, by all means, an unholy sight. But, ever so natural to her eyes.

"Come, This way my wife." Aine turned from the busy streets of the demon world to The Demon who stood at an emerald green door. There was no sign or logo anywhere but The demon seemed quite at ease in opening the door and walking straight in. She followed after a little afraid and a little curious about what laid inside.

She wasn't actually that happy to have followed that instinct as she caught sight of a half-naked woman sitting upon a desk as she received relations by a hooded figure. The demon cleared his throat causing the woman to scream and the hooded figure to growl.

"Glad to see you making yourself happy my old friend." The demon laughed as he watched the woman run off into the back room. The hooded figured growled baring a set of razor-sharp teeth before asking. " What the hell are you doing here?" The demon whose voice toke a more ominous and malevolent tone only answered: " Can an old friend visit? It's been so long since I've seen you so I thought we might" His turned demonic then. " Catch up."

The room seemed to heat up and for a moment her own temperature and sudden fear grew. The hooded figure sucked his teeth before bowing his head before Him and her. At that simple action the room eased up on the heat and she felt relieved. Aine looked towards her Demon and then the figure. "We've come for a little extra protection. You've got any." Her Demon asked watching as the hooded figured rolled his neck and moved from the desk to a large black and red curtain. The figure said nothing as he pulled the curtain back and revealed an arrow of cages, flowers, and items strung along the floor and various tables as well as some tall shelves.

She followed after, Her attention was drawn to a serious of vases along a circular table. The flowers were lily-like in appearance with large crispate petals painted in red, orange, and pink. They stood tall about five feet and as she reached out the petals themselves unfurled blooming to release a crisp sweet scent.

"Those are Fire Flowers. They're said to bloom from the blood of dragons. " Aine jumped at the sound of the figure's voice. "I'm surprised that he found a bride. Tell me how could such a pretty thing like you find your self with such a hot-headed..." A hand slammed across the figure's shoulder making him whine. Aine looked from him to her demon whose eyes seemed to take a deeper ember-like glow. He let out an ominous growl before releasing the hooded figure who scrambled away from their sight.

When she opened her mouth to ask him what had happened. He grabbed her arm and pulled her forward. His heat enveloped her body as he held her tight against him. He growled once more rubbing his cheek along the side of her head. She was speechless for a moment but in a soft like whisper she asked. "Demon?!" He rubbed his cheek against her head once more before placing his hand along her back and clearing his throat as he answered " I will be soon. Come, I think I have found us a perfect system."

He guided her to a large cage that laid atop a circular table. Inside Aine could see thick foliage decorated all along the cage. She leaned forward trying to see what was inside when something slammed against the metal railing.

"What is that?!" She exclaimed stepping back into the demon as a creature sent a thorny vine at her arm. It missed but the simple primal reaction of fear had already kicked in making a bloom of fire flowers flourish in the back of the shop. He laid a hand across her abdomen the feel of his hand was hot as he held her in place. It was a reassurance once again. " That my dear is a Pixy Demon." He reached his other hand out and let the small thorny like creature wrap it's thorny vine around his wrist. For a moment there was a chime or two through the air before the thrones on the vine disappeared and the creature seemed to unfurl itself. The thrones disappeared and two golden eyes appeared with a small tiny tooth serrated mouth. It let out a chrip again as it tentatively released another thorn-free vine. It was tentative as it reached out to touch Aine's wrist. Aine held her breath as the vine wrapped around her wrist. It was warm and soft like moss as it palpated her arm repeatedly before slowly releasing her arm and letting out a small tune. It sounded happy and upbeat.

"That's wonderful, Master. It's excepted you and your wife quite well." The hooded figure laughed sarcastically. "Huh! And Here I thought it would eat you." The figure grumbled under his breath as he walked behind the cage.

"What!" Aine words were cut off as the cage door suddenly slide open and the creature jumped out slamming into Aine's abdomen. She was quick catching it as it sang a little song. The body wasn't what Aine expected. It was more solid and as she ran her fingers along its body she could feel a soft down. It let out a chrip like a sigh before snuggling deeper into her arm.

"This is our protection."

The demon smiled as he rubbed the side of the pixy demon's side. "Don't judge a book by its cover, Let's see what he can do shall we."

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