
My horror summoning system

Everything in this novel will be 18+, although everyone is welcome if you are like me who watched horror movies with a smile at 7 :) This story is a beautiful tale mixing a pinch of video game, a pint of gacha, tons of murder, a spoonful of debauchery and yanderes, a lot of yanderes derived from iconic horror villains. You cook all of this in hell fire and you get a magnificent kingdom building, harem, fantasy novel, with lots of smut, plot and gore. It's like fate (the Manga and anime) with the sole purpose of shedding blood mixed with a zombie (demon) apocalypse. Oh! And I try to be as original as possible when it comes to the plot, the characters and the system/powers so no basic plot or protagonist here :) And to make it clear, this isn't a story of a happy go lucky guy that summons lovey dovey girls, no, it's the story of a sociopath that can summon soul, pain, fear, blood and flesh eating monsters that hide under the disguise of hot chicks, you have been warned. The bloodfest is waiting for you. Have fun :D Disclaimer: None of the pictures I may use are mine, all rights belong to their artist and owner. If you are the owner and wish to have it taken down write a comment and it shall be done.

Crak · Horror
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

The system

The faint smell of sulfur and dust floating in the air, the weak light shining down from the abomination pretending to be the cloudy sky, this had become my residence for all eternity, or so I thought.

This time… This time seemed different.

I was still here, in this disgusting world, but this time it was completely empty!

No gloomy forest, no crumbling maze and no old mansion!

It was completely empty!

"What… Is this… the end?"

My words were responded with a heavy silence, a silence which I usually liked but put me on edge now that distant cries and footsteps couldn't be heard.

"Why, why, why, why, WHY!"

I felt a strange sensation wash over me. And for the first time since I could remember I let all my bottled up anger out.

"Nothing! All this time fighting for my dear life and at the end of it all I'm met with absolutely nothing!"

My heart felt as if it was about to burst out of my chest.

But… it didn't feel like it was because of my anger.

Rather, I felt something else. A bubbling of bloodlust that didn't have a target I could focus my attention on.

"I want to kill some nasty motherfuckers!"

And at that moment I realized, I've become a maniac, a crazy killer.

I stared into the abyss for far too long.

[₵Ɽł₮ɆⱤł₳ Ⱨ₳VɆ ฿ɆɆ₦ ⱤɆ₳₵ⱧɆĐ, ₴₮₳Ɽ₮ ₮ⱧɆ ₳₦₳Ɽ₵ⱧɎ…]

[Criteria have been reached, start the anarchy…]

This voice gives me the chills.

I feel like I've heard it before but I can't remember where… or when.


What? Where did this clock sound come from?


Is this another trick from this twisted world ?

*Tick Tick! TICK!* *Ping!*

[Downloading Horror summoning system… 1%... 2%... 15%... 55%... 98%...]

[Horror summoning system… online.]

A crimson panel surrounded by shriveled pale vines and black occult symbols appeared in front of my face as I stayed standing, shocked.


[Horror summoning system]

Kei Kuroishi

Race : Ư̸͍̺̗̥̞̠̣̻̲̓̈̓̍n̵̨̝̝͍͎͕̝̚͜k̷̯̹̓̈̔̀͌͝n̵͚̰̼̙̑̉͛̓͐̚͠o̵͉͝w̷̜̬̒̌̌́̚ṅ̸͓̤̀͂͊̓̑͊͊ ̷̢̨̲̱̻͓͇͖̫̾̽͒͂̑̒ȩ̷͇͈̺̈̎͆͒̑͋̎̊͆͝n̵̩̬̪͙̻̻̬̊͜t̴̡̢̪͇͚̜͚̒͊͋̈́́̍̆͆͋͊i̵̻̺̹͓̅̒̏̒͆͊̒̌̈́t̷̛͎̬̠͂y̶̟̰̹̼̻̠̼̪̤͆̋ͅ

Class : Architect of curses and despair

Height : 1.90 cm / 6.2 feet

Weight : 75 kg

Age : 21

Kills : 107 125

[Stats]: 103

Rage : 8

Stalk : 20

Ruthlessness : 20

Deception : 14

Cunning : 20

Chase : 19

Terror : 2

( A normal human has 0 of each and very rarely 1. Soldiers or criminals can have a little more.)





-Realms (Locked)

[Titles] (Locked)

[Corrupted skill tree ]


A… horror summoning system ?

What is this?

A joke?

No. Hell isn't a joke.

I need to learn all I can about this new opportunity.

These stats… What's up with those ? Ruthlessness 20 ? Deception 14 ?

I have never seen anything like this, neither before nor during purgatory…

If you consider that the average for people is 0 then… damn I'm good.

Even though I'm pretty sure they aren't supposed to be valorising qualities.

But now I'm sure all of that wasn't a dream, or rather a nightmare.

I might still be in purgatory so I better check everything out quickly before a killer shows up.

Let's check out my inventory next…

I pressed on the inventory which had a mimic as an icon, a chest shaped monster that could often be found in fantasy games.

Another screen appeared right next to the status window but it didn't have the same pale vines as decorations.

The screen looked like a night sky, an abyss with multiple small stars getting pulled towards the middle where a black hole surrounded by a deep red vortex sucked in more and more surrounding stars.

There didn't seem to be inventory slots like in a game, but there were two small objects floating in this space, I reached out my hand as if I wanted to take a book out of a bookshelf and two golden tickets appeared in my outstretched hand.

-Free weapon summon

-Free killer summon

Right, there's also the summoning stuff…

I don't understand this system but I'll take anything that can help me survive. Luckily it seems like I don't need to bleed out a goat in a weird ritual or something, thanks for the tickets.

Now… summoning a weapon is something that I can understand, but summon a killer? That doesn't sound very safe, especially if they're like one of those psychos.

Since I'm their summoner they probably won't attack, at least in theory.

Let's start with the weapon, to have something to defend myself, just in case.

"Summon weapon"

I didn't really know what would happen, I expected something like a gacha animation or some kind of shining light.

What I got was the exact opposite, the space around me darkened as four walls rose to surround me.

Multiple pieces of furnishing grew out of the ground as leaves of skin growing on every surface bloomed into diverse horror movie posters, sketches and architecture plans.

I recognized this place, this is my bedroom.

The room stayed dark even though the lights seemed to function normally. As if the shadows became sentient and spread everywhere to swallow more light.

Then, a red crack formed in the ink black floor spreading a crimson light that the shadows didn't devour.

The hellish crack widened and formed other smaller cracks around it.

What came after was horrifying, for a normal person, out of the still spreading cracks came black tentacles, writhing around splattering the room with what seemed like blood and mucus.

The tentacles continued to squirm around, making me hesitate whether I had to approach those things.

At some point, they stopped mindlessly whipping around as their behavior mimicked that of a snake, slithering and zigzagging through the air, gathering at the central crack, circling around themselves. Forming a longer and thicker tentacle.

Its shape morphed as if something was rising within it, an object rising from hell as if sucked through a straw.

The mysterious object reached the tip and was spat out from it, into my direction.

It was shot like a projectile aiming for my life.

I jumped and rolled to the side, hearing it hit the wall behind me.

Looking back where I stood I saw a thick leather book, embedded into the cracked shadowy wall.

The tentacles that had appeared in the middle of my room disappeared by slithering back down from where they came from, letting the cracks close above them once they left.

But the shadow… didn't leave. They continued to cover all of my room and its furnishing like encroaching black paint.

I hesitantly stood up and walked closer to the book… trying to take it out of the wall.

The shadow within the entire room suddenly moved along the walls towards the book and got sucked into it, darkening the cover and releasing it from the wall.

The book was pretty large and yet it felt incredibly light.

Its texture felt very comfortable to hold onto and the dark leather seemed to swirl as if the ink was a cloud of smoke swirling within the cover.

I didn't feel disappointed that the weapon turned out to be a book, or what I was expecting to be a spellbook or a grimoire.

I never had the chance to use supernatural powers like those killers, but my expectations were shattered as I found myself unable to open it, the pages seemingly glued together.

All I was able to read from it was the title.

[Atlas of chaos]

Well that's a bummer…

It looks like I have a lot of things to find out about this system.

I will test everything out before looking around this world, I still need to ascertain what this place is exactly.

Anyways, let's continue with the killer summon.

I don't know why but I raised my hand in front of me, as if I wanted to grab someone's hand, oh gosh it must be because of that! I don't want to remember my cringy days in the theater club! I was such a chunni…

Why didn't I forget about those dark days!?

That's not important right now, my body took the remaining ticket and spoke out in a dramatic tone as the golden piece of paper burst into flames.

"Summon killer!"

I was relieved to see the shadows stay in the corner, where they belonged, but what appeared instead could perhaps be worse.

I noticed a red stain on my central carpet, it wouldn't have meant anything to me if it was just a normal stain of blood, that didn't move, that didn't… spread.

The small stain expanded across my room as it grew and filled my room with a lake of blood.

Strange plants emerged accompanied by the weird croaking that bubbled from under the water.

The kind of stuff you would expect from a swamp or a lake, a lake with crystal clear water completely tainted in a crimson color.

It finally reached my feet, as the blood flowed around my bare feet.

I didn't feel threatened by it, so I didn't move, I just waited for something to appear.

One minute passed without anything happening, just the rustling of demon plants by inexisting wind mixing with the croaking and hissing sounds from under the water.

And then I noticed something new.

Small bubbles appeared on the tranquil blood lake right in front of me.

The bubbles multiplied as a form emerged from the depths of this strange lake, a woman covered in blood.

So pretty.

It totally defied my expectations, what appeared wasn't a tall monstrous murderer but a cute teenage girl. I almost fainted.

It's been… it's been so long since I saw a beautiful girl. One that wasn't covered in pustules or tried to dissect me with insect arms and mandibles.

She is wearing a pair of gray ripped jeans and an open winter jacket that revealed her great cleavage, only held up by a cyan blue tank top ripped halfway down and exposing her fair belly and well toned abs.

Her small oval face stayed covered by wet, ear-long hazelnut hair but that didn't stop me from seeing her emerald green eyes hidden underneath.

Her tight jeans and tank top displayed and even enhanced her incredibly enticing shape with a straight up killer body, an alluring sight that was multiplied by the wet clothes sticking to her to the point where her skin and clothes became indiscernible from each other.

I feel like a horny teenager in heat, but I have to hold myself back, this isn't the place nor the time to think about such things.

The book that was still within my grasp suddenly whispered a name.

"Daisy Vorhees…"

It doesn't take a lot to connect the dots between the famous killer Jason Vorhees and her from their name and the hockey mask rested sideways on her head.

So my question is… why is the big immortal zombie killer a girl !? I'm not sexist but that's just not right!

"Who… are you ?"

The girl raised her head to look me straight in the eyes, her cold yet sweet sounding voice making my heart beat faster.

I had long been used to the sensation of adrenaline and dread but this time something else mixed itself in my blood, oxytocin and vasopressin, the chemicals responsible for excitement and love.

I don't know why exactly but I felt my body moving on its own, I stepped forward, down from my bed as I ignored the lake of blood that now reached above my knees.

My still extended hand went up to touch the girl's right cheek, grazing a few of her falling wet hair.

I now stood close enough to see her light gray skin in detail and smell the intoxicating scent of orchids and fresh blood emanating from her.

I felt lightheaded, something that had never happened before even when I stayed dehydrated for multiple days or ran until my muscles snapped.

"I-I… I am your master... And I summoned you to be mine. Daisy."

Even though I started off with a stutter I instantly calmed down and continued speaking with a deep voice and a sadistic undertone that almost came to me instinctively.

These words weren't spoken out of my volition but rather spoken by whatever had taken over my body.

I was able to see the reflection of my distorted smile and the glint in my eyes on her own as I looked down at her.

Her beautiful but lifeless eyes lit up in a weak green light as the girl smiled, taking the hand I rested on her cheek with her own.

"I am grateful… that you brought me into this world… master, I will do everything to serve you… to the fullest."

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