
chapter 14

Nozomi couldn't help but feel a rush of emotions as she gazed at Mizuki with tears in her eyes while Mizuki walked ahead. Before she knew it, Mizuki had disappeared from her sight, leaving Nozomi with a sense of longing. As Nozomi approached Mizuki to suggest they could at least be friends, her heart sank as she witnessed Mizuki being embraced by Chika. This unexpected sight left Nozomi with a whirlwind of thoughts racing through her mind. Determined to seek answers and clarity, Nozomi decided to wait until the class was over to confront Mizuki. With a heavy heart and a mix of emotions, she turned and left the scene, carrying the weight of uncertainty and confusion with her.

A few minutes had passed since Mizuki had left her alone in the room, and her departure had left a deep void within her. The absence of Mizuki made her feel as though she had lost a cherished individual, and the weight of this loss was almost suffocating. Despite being on the brink of tears, she held them back, attempting to conceal her emotional turmoil. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Chika appeared in front of her. Without hesitation, Chika approached her, wrapping her in a warm, comforting embrace that engulfed her in a sense of solace. Placing a gentle hand on Mizuki's head, Chika encouraged her not to suppress her feelings. Those simple words from Chika sparked the hidden emotions buried deep within her heart, causing them to overflow uncontrollably.

Chika remained motionless, offering silent solace as Mizuki poured out her tears. Yet, just as Mizuki seemed overwhelmed, her sobs ceased abruptly, her fragile form swaying dangerously before Chika's swift reflexes caught her just in time. With utmost care, Chika cradled Mizuki in her arms, mirroring a princess-like embrace as she hurriedly navigated towards the nearby medical room, their intertwined fates guiding them on this unexpected journey of bonding and trust amidst the unspoken language of compassion and solidarity. The weight of Mizuki's being in Chika's embrace was not merely physical, but a profound connection that transcended words, forging a bond of understanding that echoed in the quiet corridors they traversed, bound by a moment of vulnerability turned into an enduring testament of support and reassurance. And so, in that fleeting moment of need, Chika's actions spoke volumes, weaving a narrative of empathy and strength, etching a tale of friendship and resilience in the tapestry of their shared experiences.

After gently placing Mizuki in the bed, Chika immediately called the teacher to come and check on her. Throughout the wait, Chika held Mizuki's delicate hand, feeling the stark difference in size compared to her own. Her face was twisted with a mixture of concern and fear as she gazed at the peacefully sleeping Mizuki. It was evident that exhaustion had taken its toll on Mizuki, both physically and mentally, as her breathing softened and her body finally found solace in slumber. Chika remained by her side, silently watching over her, a sense of relief creeping into her anxious heart as she saw Mizuki finally finding a moment of respite from the day's trials.

After some time, a gentle sun ray managed to find its way to Mizuki's delicate face. Chika, who had been gazing at Mizuki with unwavering attention, observed as Mizuki's eyebrows slightly furrowed in discomfort upon the sun's touch. Moved by a protective instinct, Chika extended her hand to shield Mizuki's face from the intruding light. As her hand blocked the sun's rays, she took the opportunity to study each intricate detail of Mizuki's face with silent reverence. An unexpected discovery caught Chika's eye — a small mole nestled beneath Mizuki's captivating gaze, so discreet that it seemed to only reveal itself upon closer scrutiny. Her focus then shifted to Mizuki's lips, which appeared velvety soft and almost irresistibly sweet in appearance. Despite the numerous tender kisses they had shared before, Chika sensed an insatiable longing within her — it was evident that the depth of affection she felt for Mizuki extended far beyond mere physical expressions of love.

Chika began her affectionate gestures by slowly kissing Mizuki's forehead, continuing with a gentle trail to the tip of her nose before landing tenderly on her lips. Pausing momentarily, she gazed at the lips she had just caressed, a mix of emotions swirling within her as she recalled Nozomi's previous encounters with Mizuki. Feelings of jealousy surfaced, not only towards Nozomi but also towards her past self. In an attempt to fill an internal void, Chika found herself repeatedly kissing Mizuki, each peck filled with longing and remorse. It wasn't until she noticed a slight movement from Mizuki that she ceased her actions, choosing instead to stay by her side and fetch a glass of water, her thoughts still tangled with conflicting emotions.

As Mizuki slowly began to open her eye, the subtle flutter of her eyelids caught the attention of Chika, who felt enchanted by the graceful movement. Her heart skipped a beat as she watched Mizuki's eye gradually reveal its captivating beauty. When Mizuki turned her gaze towards Chika, their eyes met, sparking a connection that felt undeniably special.

Feeling a warm gesture from Chika, Mizuki gratefully accepted the glass of water offered to her, appreciating the unexpected kindness. As the cool liquid refreshed her, she couldn't help but notice the genuine care reflected in Chika's eyes. It was in that moment, amidst the tender exchange, that Chika mustered the courage to express her feelings, her voice soft yet resolute as she uttered the heartfelt words, "Will you be my girlfriend?"

Mizuki was taken aback by the sincerity in Chika's eyes as she processed the unexpected confession. The air around them seemed to hum with anticipation, as if waiting for Mizuki's response to set the course for something new and profound between the two of them.

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