1 A balanced life

My life was ideal. Here i was,lying on the white grass,feeling the warmth of four suns on my skin,one in every direction of the horizon and my best friends playing by the golden waterfall. No,i wasnt dreaming. I was on Ecta9,one of the most beautiful planets in this dimension. This blissful silence always awakes in me the memories of how i got here.

I was around 10 years old when i had my first travel. I remember going to sleep and suddenly waking up to a forest. I was sure i was dreaming but then four ethereal beings approached me. They looked like girl except they had crystal blue skin,long hair with each girl having a different color(green,red of fire,marine blue,brown) and their eyes were transparent but clear and calm. I should be afraid but the truth was quite the opposite. I was drown to them. A part of my being wanted to be near them,it knew them.

As the years went by i became more accustomed to my "travelling". I didnt say anything to anyone,not even my mother. I managed to stay focused at my school work while waiting patiently for the night. My new friends Eria,Ianthe,Opal and Cyla looked like quadruplets but in reality they were very different from one another. Eria has red hair and she was full of enegy which matched perfectly with her fiery spirit. Ianthe had marine marine blue hair and she was more quiet that Eria but she was more adventurous.

I guess thats why these two made such a good team and caused so many troubles for the other two. Opal had green hair and she was a kind and cautious being that liked to have fun but not participating in Eria's and Ianthe's mischievous games. And finally,Cyla with her brown hair was the strictest and more protective of them all but she had a kind spirit,which didnt let it show.

The voice of Eria inturupted her thoughts

-Eva,come play with us. You will have to back in a while and all you do is lying there pretending to be asleep.

-The poor girl is propably worried about tomorrow's exam. I told you we should have let her remain home and study.

Sometimes Cyla was acting more like my mother than my best friend.

-Dont worry,Cyla im perfectly ready. Besides you know i understand physics better than anyone because i have the unique chance to compare the different laws of physics between dimensions.

-And thats precisely why im anxious. In your last test you almost mixed the g of your world that is 9.8 m/s² with the one here that is 6 m/s². Luckily,someone clumsy dropped theor pencil and you remembered where you where.

-Were your nerves always so tight or it happened after Eria and Ianthe were born?

Before i knew what was happening i found myself inside the water being splashed without mercy by Eria and Ianthe. In a matter of minutes we were all laughing.But i had to go. The sun on the east was setting and that meant morning was morning would soon come to my world. I said goobdye with the promise to return the following night

I closed my eyes,focusing my thoughts while relaxing and when i opened my eyes i was in my room again. I was back before the alarm clock went off. I didnt feel tired. For some strange reason travelling between dimensions rejuvenated my mind and body.

I got up and started to prepare myself for school. I got dressed and i went to the kitchen to get breakfast and then i left for school. The day was on certain aspects interesting because today was a day when we were allowed to perform experiments on our own in the chemistry class and not listen to endless hours of lecture.The physics test had some traps but nothing too surprising. I probably passed it with an average good grade,as usual.

The breaks were the boring part of the day. I didnt have many friends here,not because i was bullied or anything,but because I was too uneventful. No one wanted to hang out with someone average when they could be friends with someone more exciting or talented.

In the cafeteria people were more talkative so I was having a casual conversation with some of my classmates when suddenly we noticed that a lot of people have gathered around Janet. Janet was the most popular girl in our school. The strange thing wasnt that she had so many people around her but the fact that they were all staring at her phone. Out of curiosity we wanted to go see what's going on but there was no need. Tom was ignoring us while we were talking because he was surfing the internet.

"Guys,come take a look at this." he suddenly called for us

On his screen there was the front page of an article which was odd because Tom used the internet exclusively for playing games or for posting things on social media. This only meant this news has become viral and the article has only been online for 2 hours.At first i thought he was overreacting. It was just an article about an archaeological excavation in Egypt. They have discovered a new tomb under a sandhill.

But as i continued to read it became clear why this discovery was special. From the little i could understand,there has been an accident while transfering the mommy. One of the archaeologicists had also discovered a diamond dager.Its blade was made from pure diamond. When he leaned forward to examine the mummy further the dagger slipped from his inner pocket and got stabbed into the mummy's heart that was in remarkably good shape.

When he tried to remove the dagger he got burned. It was blazing hot to the touch. When they finally pulled out the dager the diamond blade was on fire but it was not burning. A blue fire had connected itself with the diamond and it was neither destroying the it nor going out. The heart was turned to ashes right after they removed the blade.

Scientists that examined the fire concluded that it had come from inside the body. They called it "inner flame" and explained that the reason its existence was unknown up until this day was that it was very sensitive. It could not exist outide the body except when being attached to certain materials like diamond or glass. Efforts to transfer part of it to metal or any other material was unsuccessful.

Normally the scientific community would ignore this discocery,saying the blazing sun had affected their thinking and they would come up with an excuse to justify this finding with the already existing knowledge.

However,one of the members of the excavation party fell suddenly ill and died. And the reseaching team didnt miss this chance. They constructed a glass dagger and they managed to remove the dead's man inner flame. No one could doubt them now

It became breaking news. Laboratories from all over the world have already started tests to discover its properties and its role to body physiology.

I guess this world could be interesting after all.
