
My Hollywood System.

People who don't know about Hollywood at all can still enjoy this Fanfic as everything will be explained. I've experience and I did a lot of research before writing every chapter.

Bukola_Bolanle · Fantasy
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242 Chs


Maybe this was also part of my punishment for what I did to Jolene, how can I ever forget? 

There's no day that passes without me thinking of her, maybe if she had become my Luna, things would have gone smoothly well for him. 

It was too late to start regretting, I just need to swallow the bitter pill and make sure nothing disunites my pack.

"Good morning Alpha," Collins greeted me as he entered my room.

"How are you Collins? Hope everything is in order?" 

"Yes, we have no problem, our pack is in order." He replied and I sighed.

"You don't look bright, is it because of Cynthia?" 

"I knew it, that lady won't stop giving you troubles, as if I knew she was going to reveal her true colors later on, I wasn't feeling that happy when you informed me that you chose Cynthia. You shouldn't worry about her Alpha, you have me and you will always have my support. She can't disunite our pack with her attitude, just ignore her!" Collins advised me and I smiled, I am so glad to have me as my Beta.

He has never stopped being encouraging and supportive. 

"Thanks for everything Collins, I need you to watch over my pack while I go take a walk, I just need to clear my head." 

"Sure Alpha, do you need me to accompany you!" He asked and I shook my head negatively.

"No, I would be fine being alone, just continue to watch over the activities of everyone. I would be back soon," I said and he bowed slightly before leaving.