
My Hollywood System.

People who don't know about Hollywood at all can still enjoy this Fanfic as everything will be explained. I've experience and I did a lot of research before writing every chapter.

Bukola_Bolanle · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
242 Chs


Now faith had brought them together again.

"Why are you living near the stream? Aren't you supposed to be at the Sharp Edges pack? Why are you living alone?" Jolene asked curiously and Zelda sighed.

"Well, I am an orphan and have been by myself all these years. I don't know which pack I am from and have been roaming about for years. I decided to settle at an abandoned house IN the woods near the stream, I just had to accept life like that." Zelda muttered, Harrison and Jolene felt so sorry for her.

They wondered what she must have passed through all these years by herself. 

"Why were you covered in blood?" 

Zelda's mood turned gloomy and a huge lump formed in her throat, her chest tightened and tears slipped out of her eyes.

"My goodness! What's wrong Zelda?" Jolene asked worriedly.

"I am fine, I am sorry for breaking down in front of you." She apologized with a fake smile and dried her eyes.

Jolene knew something was wrong, she wondered if she was still getting bullied.

"Tell me everything!" Jolene demanded and Zelda gulped.

"I have been working as a slave for the rogues," 

"What!" Harrison and Jolene chorused with widened eyes.

"They sent me on errands and threatened me if I tried to disobey them. I was getting sick of them because they don't only send me on errands, they take advantage of me in the most brutal way ever. I couldn't endure anymore, I lost it and insulted them, they attacked me and wanted to kill me but I escaped miraculously." Zelda explained as more tears fell out from her eyes.