
Lost In Passion

I didn't mind that I was going to request a condom during their hearing. I shouldn't be ashamed of something that will undoubtedly save my life one day. "I'd like a pack of condoms," I said loudly, and the two girls exchanged glances. What does it matter? - I reasoned to myself.

The shop keeper wrapped a pack of condoms and handed them to me while waiting for me to pay. I took my wallet out and opened it. To my surprise, there was no money in the wallet. Not even a single naira change! How is that even possible? I was certain I had money in my wallet! I even saw the money when I opened my wallet to look for condoms in Mabel's room! Then it dawned on me! Those cretinous and wicked vigilantes had robbed me! Not a single penny was left for me!

I walked back to Mabel's hostel, feeling defeated and devastated.

I was furious with myself. Two condom wraps inside my wallet would have alleviated all of the unnecessary stress I was experiencing. I was on my way back to the lodge without the condom.

Upon realizing that I was robbed by the vigilante, I told the shop keeper I had forgotten my money and left the shop.  This time around, I didn't border running back to the hostel. It was almost 10:35, and I had spent 50mins in search of condoms.  

The vigilantes were still at their duty post when I was returning. I walked past them without looking their direction. I laughed at the irony of being robbed by a vigilante group, whose primary aim was to protect the lives and properties. 

The money they took wasn't that much. I had deposited a large part of my share of the blackmail money into my account when I returned from Minna before proceeding to drop mike's own for him. I wasn't planning on engaging them in a quarrel or argument over the money they stole. 

They would never own up, and might decide to mal-handle me on the process. I got to Mabel's lodge and they had locked the gate. It keeps getting worse! I murmured to myself. Now what? Go back to my hostel by this time or knock on this metal gate and wake the entire students. 

I opted to call Mabel on the phone but changed my mind when I noticed some two guys seated very close to the gate inside the hostel and smoking cigarette. I knocked lightly and one of them asked who I was.  I told him I was a visitor and he opened the gate for me. “Bros, welcome.” One of them greeted. 

I was relieved to hear a modest voice that night. “Thank you.” I said. “You no bring bread for us as you come so?” The second guy teased and I smiled. “Next time.” I answered. I was about to advance to Mabel's room when a thought struck me. 

I returned to the two guys smoking beside the gate. “Bros,” I said, mimicking him. “You fit arrange condom for me?” I asked. “Of course nah!” One of them said. He proceeded to his room while I waited outside with the second guy.  Few minutes later, the other guy returned with a full pack of condom and handed it to me. I smiled and thanked him for it. 

I knocked at Mabel's door and tried the handle without waiting for an answer. She must have been waiting for my return as her eyes light up in anticipation when I returned to the room. “Did you succeed?” She asked. I smiled and nodded. . . Game on!


 Having been distracted by the previous events, I had almost lost the burning desire I had for sex before leaving the room to hunt for condoms. I proceeded and lay with her on the bed. She must have noticed I was not settled so she asked how I managed to get the condoms.

 I narrated my ordeal to her and she couldn't help but laugh. Narrating the story made me relax a bit, and soon afterwards, I started craving for sex once more. The neatly made bed, and the strange room somehow made me crave more for the sex. 

Her brea'st was already visible through the fabric of her nightie. I bent over and teased them once more. I have gone through the pre-intimacy and romance session and didn't intend doing it all over again, but I needed to make her wet once more, to take her to the point where she would want me and be ready to receive my thrust. 

I cuddled and sucked on her brea's't, teasing her nippple once more with my tongue. My dkk remained hard as I sucked and teased her, caressing her laps, stroking her belly gently, squeezing her buttocks as she stroke my dikkk. 

I removed her pants, joined her two pillows together, then moved her to rest her a'rs'e on the pillows. I tore the condom and put it on. With one swift thrust, my dkkk patted her c'unt and was caressing her veegee muscles firmly as I thrust in and out of her.

 I rocked my hips forth and back, extending it a bit upwards as I thrust in, ensuring I maintain contact with her clit as I thrust into her. She went into frenzy with just few thrust, moving her hips ferociously against mine, moaning so loud that for once, I thanked my goodness that I wasn't in my room. 

As she clima.xed, she reached for my shoulders, held it tight and buried her face into my chest. The sharp pain that hit my chest thereafter alerted my brains which was lost in passion. 

I looked down on her as she bite my chest hard. I endured the pain, maintaining my thrust as the excitement of her orga.sm reduced gradually and she let lose my skin from her teeth. I reduced the pace of my thrust, leading her gradually, building the tempo once more until her veegee muscles could squeeze my dkkk better. 

I turned her to lie sideways with one leg fully stretched. I moved the second leg, rested it on mid-air with my hand and thrust into her. She moaned and screamed as I thrust into her deeply. 

I supported myself with the second hand, which rested on the bed. She clung on my hand firmly as I bang'd her, my pelvic hitting her ars'e firmly as I thrust the entire length of my dkkk into her. 

I increased the pace, thrusting deeper as she supported herself firmly with my hand and kept moaning. The moaning increased and the pleasure build up was intense for her, as well as me. I was riding away, hitting hey hard and slamming into her in quick succession. 

Her cu'nt muscles twitched as she erupted in spasm, she bite my hand so hard this time around that I felt she would break my skin. I managed to move my hand, then turned her to lie on her back and ban'ged her from the front.  

She continued to press her hips against my thrust, meeting me halfway as our skin collided and produced a thumping sound amidst the loud moans that she was producing. As the level of pressure rose to its highest point once more, she moved forward, bending forward at the waist and moving her head toward my shoulders.

This time around, I was keeping track of her pace. As she bared her teeth and reached for my chest with them, I lowered myself slightly and moved to the side before thrusting into her. During the time that she was clinging to me, this slant movement caused my dkk to push directly against her gee spot.

Because she hadn't reached my chest, she clung to my shoulders with her hand instead. Despite the fact that she was screaming so loudly that she dug her fingernails into my skin, I could feel her hands firmly gripping my shoulder. I was sure that she had punctured my skin, but I was so caught up in the intensity of my own climax that I didn't pay much attention to the pain that was emanating from my shoulder.

After the sex, both of us fell into a deep sleep on the bed. My shoulder, my arm, and my chest were all hurting, but my chest was the worst. I gave in to the aches and pains and went to sleep.



Mike gave me a call first thing the following morning to remind me about the exam that my students were going to take the following day. It wasn't that I'd forgotten; he was just making sure that everything went according to the game plan.

Because Mabel laid her head on my shoulder and gently stroked my chest while I spoke on the phone, I can only assume that the call roused her from her sleep. She brought her head closer so that she could examine the bite mark that was on my chest.

The question is, "Did it hurt that much?" She asked about it. “No.” In order to claim Mr. Macho, I had to tell lies. That tells me I need to put more of my teeth into it the next time. This was said while she was giggling at her own joke that she had just told. "I'm sorry, but there was nothing I could do about it." She was finally speaking up.

When I asked her if she bit during every se*x sessions, she said that it wasn't always the case. When her excitement becomes too much for her to handle, she acts in this manner. The sensation of her hands on my chest was already a turn-on for me. There was unquestionably something about the environment of the room that gave me a very sexual vibe.

Dear readers,  let me know what you think about my story., kindly rate,  comment and share. Thanks