
My heroic journey as a trap 2.0

fucking hell why the hell is my gacha so goddammit Annoying and why the hell do I look like this? fucking astolfo join me in my adventure in my hero academia or you could just leave fucking pussy

foodieToodie · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


"Alright, so I'll need you to tell me you're quirk," I ask, despite already knowing what it was.

"Uh, okay, my quirks name is creation, it allows me to create any non-living object as long as I know the molecular structure of the object, my quirk uses my fat cells and lipids to fuel itself," momo answers, giving me a brief rundown of her quirk.

"Hmm, that's quite a versatile quirk, " I mused, pretending to be surprised.

Her cheeks are dusted with a bit of red at the compliment, evidently not being used to it, "a-and what about you?"


"You're quirk, what is it?"

"oh that, I'm quirkless,"


Momo blankly stares at me, probably searching for any signs of deception, "w-wait, so that's why you didn't use you're quirk during the evaluation test!!" momo let out a cute noise of surprise at the revelation.

"Yeah of course, why the hell would I not use my quirk if I had one?"

"I don't know!?...to assert superiority?...maybe?"

"assert superiority? really?" I give her a disappointed stare, making sure that my disappointment is in full view.

"I don't know, I was just guessing," momo retorted.

"a stupid guess, but whatever we are getting off-"

"I have to ask, how has the media annoyed you?" momo interrogated, interrupting my sentence.

"The media?" I questioned, why the hell would the media annoy me?

"Wait, you haven't heard?" momo asks, surprise leaking from her voice.

"Nope I don't watch the media, or really anything on Tv," I say making sure to exaggerate the P on the nope.

"uh, I guess that's reasonable, so, The media is going crazy over the first-ever quirkless student to join UA," momo explained.

I was confused since nobody has told me about it, and I have definitely not heard or seen myself on the news.

"Are they at least saying some good stuff about me?" I inquired.




"Define good..."

*Sigh* "please for the love of God, tell me that they didn't dox me," I beg, while massaging my forehead.

"Dox?" momo asks bewildered, not having heard the word before.

"Uh, right, American slang, I'll ask again, has the media shown my face or anything about me?" I implore her to continue to explain the situation.

"Not that I know of, Ua has kept a pretty strict lock on you're identity, and they so far have refused to give out any information" momo explained, slowing my racing heart.

I puff out a sigh of relief, while repeatedly thanking nezu in my mind.

"That's good, now onto more pressing matters, do you have any idea what midoriya's quirk is?" I ask, as of now he's a complete mystery, while he seems to still retain his personality from the anime.

He still hasn't shown his quirk, and considering his costume change, it wouldn't be unreasonable to assume that his quirk has changed too.

Heck, maybe he hasn't even inherited one for all.

"Unfortunately no." momo admitted "his costume doesn't give us a clue either, so it seems like we'll have to figure it out ourselves," momo clicked her tongue in irritation, with someone like todoroki and bakugo, you can somewhat tell or at least guess what their quirks are.

Midoriya on the other hand? Not really although perhaps he's a psychic, I wouldn't be surprised if he was considering his costume.

We didn't bother talking about uraraka. she, unfortunately for her, is mostly outmatched since Both me and momo have ways to fight long range, of course, we didn't completely write her off, she could still be dangerous if you're touched by her.

But even then we can still Fight, why you ask, well its not an open space its a building with what? Walls and ceiling, so we won't be sent to outer space or something, plus a gun have you heard of it?

So, what can we do against Midoriya.

Midoriya is a complete mystery, but I doubt that he's resistant to sleeping gas or a dart with a strong sedative.

Hmm but I do want to fight him, not because of any sort of thrill that I could get from it, but mostly to see how he differs from his anime counterpart.

"so Yaoyorozu, do you have any plan?" I inquire, while a plan is formulating in my mind, I still want to catch a glimpse of the so-called intelligence that the girl is praised for in the anime.

A surprisingly confident smile grew on the girl's face, as she created a very familiar device.

Xaver long-range 40, XLR40 for short.

A device that was developed to help soldiers see through walls and spot enemy troops, it can see through walls 50 meters and beyond.

"Well color me surprised, I certainly did not think of that." a lie, I have a somewhat improved version of the device implanted into goggles, but why would I tell her that?

"you know what this is?" she questions, one of her eyebrows raised in skepticism.

"a Xaver long-range 40 aka XLR40, yes I know of it, it's an amazing invention so why wouldn't I?"

"well most people don't so I assumed," she retorted, not even facing me as she boots up the device, and turning it on we see the silhouettes of 2 people on floor 5, (there are 20 floors.)

They were probably expecting us to check the upper floors first, since that's what most would choose to keep the weapon in.

"Okay fifth-floor," momo mumbled "so I have a plan," momo asserts, her face scrunched up into the common thinking face.

As she explained her plan, I felt it grow harder and harder to keep the surprise off my face, while the plan was relatively simple it was still not something that the anime momo would think of, mostly because of morals and inexperience.




"call me momo, it's a lot easier to pronounce isn't?"

"...Uh, okay, momo, you're not going to die a painless death, you know that right?" I tease.

"....i take it back," momo said with a venom unbecoming of her anime counterpart.

"Nah uh, no take backs momo,"

"...fine, then at least let me call you Marcin," momo surrendered

"I have no problem with that," I answer.



Opening the system notifications, I discover a new quest has been added.


[main character? Don't know dont care] [quest difficulty: nightmare]

[win the training exercise]: [reward] = [1 gacha ticket] [minor strength quirk]

[failure] [NULL]


"Nightmare," I mumble what the hell? Is Midoriya really that much more powerful than his anime counterpart?

"hey momo," I call out.


"let's kick their ass," I say confidently.

Momo looked at me offended "language!"

"huh! You didn't say anything when I was tearing the asshat a new one?" I answer back, confused by her new attitude.

"I was nervous, now shut up and let's go!" she chastises before walking ahead.

"yes mom," I mumble rolling my eyes, Not wanting to be left behind I of course run after her.