
Useless Attempt

On the open space in front of the park, a group of people with unknown backgrounds began to gather at some point, and their numbers were slowly increasing as they converged towards Renault and his group.

It was clear that their target was the two, or rather, Renault was the target.

Renault narrowed his eyes, looking at these dangerous characters who were staring at him intently and closing in on him. He didn't need to think to know their origin. The only ones who could muster such a lineup to deal with him were the League of Villains.

'Shigaraki Tomura, huh? He just wouldn't give up.'

Mikoto stood up and was also frightened by the scene. She leaned over and grabbed Renault's sleeve, lowering her voice to ask, "Senpai, what's going on?"

"They've come to deal with me, Mikoto. I'm sorry for dragging you into this."

Although she didn't know why he had provoked these people with unknown backgrounds, she knew that these guys in front of her were definitely not good people. "It's okay, Senpai. I can fight too."

"No, you absolutely cannot get involved." Shaking his head, Renault began to contact Sento at the training ground.

"Can you block the cameras in the park?"

Sento was also the first to know about Renault's situation and, while communicating with Renault, he immediately infiltrated the monitoring system in the park.

"Ah, you're such a troublemaker. I'm not a professional hacker. Alright, it's done, but the time is limited. The monitoring here will be back to normal in ten minutes."

"Ten minutes is enough."

After glancing at the camera on the lamppost to his left, Renault turned to Mikoto and said, "Mikoto, stand behind me later, and don't get involved. I'll take care of this."


"Listen to me." Interrupting her, Renault said, "Although I can't use my Quirk to harm people, the situation is different now, and I'm still a U.A. student. Even if I'm discovered, the consequences won't be too serious. But you're just a student from a regular school and you can't afford to be punished in this regard, understand?"

"I understand." Taking a deep breath, Mikoto released her hands and stepped back. She trusted Renault's strength and knew that he would be okay.

"16... 17... 25 people?" After observing for a while, Renault looked at these guys with different body shapes but all fierce and evil-looking and said, "Has Shigaraki himself not shown up?"

However, Renault's question went unanswered.

More than twenty people were standing in front of a nearly two-meter-tall muscular man who, with a wave of his hand, immediately signaled everyone to charge forward and activate their Quirks.

"That's quite a grand gesture, but it's useless," Renault grinned, standing still and using his abilities to their fullest.

Meanwhile, in an undisclosed bar, Kurogiri was wearing a bartender's outfit and looking at Shigaraki sitting in front of him.

"Sending so many people is useless, isn't it?"

"I know it's useless," Shigaraki shook the wine in his glass and said in a low voice, "They're all just troublemakers who won't listen to orders and will only disrupt our plans. This way, they can at least have some uses. If that guy is found using Quirks recklessly without permission, it'll give him some trouble at least, which is not bad."

"But I don't think it's very likely."

"That's why I'm just trying it out casually. Otherwise, do you think I would dare to offer such a high reward to those troublemakers?"

'Sending them to their deaths...' Kurogiri thought to himself, but he didn't feel any sympathy.

Just like what Shigaraki said earlier, those who were sent out were all newly recruited into the League of Villains, but they wouldn't follow orders and acted as they pleased. Although some of them had good abilities, that was not what Shigaraki wanted.

"But... is it really okay to just let them go like this? It's a bit of a waste," Dabi, who was playing with a bunch of blue flames in his hand, said from the corner. "Why not use them to make Nomu instead?"

The girl next to Dabi, with light golden hair tied in a ball head, said with a smile. "I want to go too... Ahh... Renault-kun~~~ I really want his blood~~~"

Glancing at these two people, Shigaraki said, "We already have enough materials for making Nomu. There's no need for more. You two just behave yourselves and get ready for the next plan."

After speaking, Shigaraki lowered his head and looked at a photo on the counter.

The person in the photo was Bakugo Katsuki during the Sports Festival.


Shifting the focus back to Renault, despite the considerable number of villains, Renault did not see the quantity advantage as an advantage at all.

In less than five minutes, to Mikoto's astonishment, Renault swiftly took care of all 25 villains with minimal effort. He had been undergoing practical combat training and could easily handle these individuals even without using his Quirk.

After defeating the final villain, Renault stretched his neck and turned to Mikoto, picked up the bag they had left on the bench, and said with a smile, "Let's go."

Swallowing hard, Mikoto nodded and followed Renault.

After leaving the park, Renault sent a message to his homeroom teacher Aizawa Shota and explaining the situation before turning off his phone. If he kept his phone on, Aizawa would definitely call him to inquire about the situation, so it was better to wait until tomorrow.

Meanwhile, Mikoto walked silently next to Renault for a while before finally speaking up, "Senpai, what about those people..."

"Previously, U.A. was invaded by villains. The villains from that incident and the current one are from the same group," Renault said without intending to hide anything.

"But why did they target you, Senpai?"

"... "

Seeing that Renault remained silent, Mikoto stopped asking questions and continued walking silently beside them. Soon, the two arrived at her house.

Renault handed her the juice from the bag and said, "Sorry for getting you involved in this tonight. Hurry back home, and I'll bring your textbooks over tomorrow morning."

"Okay, good night, Senpai."

"Good night."

When Mikoto returned home, she ignored her mother's gossipy expression, took a shower by herself, and returned to her room.

Although Misuzu was curious about what had happened, she did not see any signs of sadness or distress on her daughter's face, so she temporarily let it go. After all, her daughter had grown up.

However, in the middle of the night, the door to Mikoto's room opened quietly.


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