
My Hero Academia: The Elementalist

A guy got killed and transmigrated in My Hero Academia world with the power to control elements. _____ I suck at writing synopses but meh. Please consider that english is not my native language.

TheDark_Lord · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

The Entrance Exam's Conclusion

"Hello, ladies and gentlemen, are you ready?" the blond man yelled at the top of his lungs.

Sadly, no one answered him, and his question was met with complete silence. However, the man wasn't fazed and continued with an enthusiastic tone, "I am Present Mic, and I will be explaining the Entrance Exam to you."

After clearing his throat, he added, "As you know, the Entrance Exam is composed of two parts. The first part is a written exam, where we'll see your motivations and knowledge about our field of interest, heroism. There will be also some regular subject questions like mathematics and the like. The second part will be the practical exam. The latter will be a fight with giant robots and at the same time, a mock battle between you, as you will be graded depending on your points. There will be four types of robots, each with its own worth of points. And remember, cooperation between you is forbidden. Anyone caught will be disqualified at once. This is to ensure equal opportunities for you." And finally, he finished his speech with, "The written exam will begin after a short while. Please ready yourselves."

"Good luck Bakura-san," Ida said with a smile.

"Good luck to you too."

x-X-x ~~ x-X-x ~~ x-X-x

After an hour and a half, Yami could be seen sleeping on his desk. Ida who was scratching his head, seemingly thinking hard about a mathematical equation, noticed Yami sleeping.

Ida tried to fight the urge to not talk, but he couldn't, "Pss, pss, Bakura-san!" He muttered loudly(?).

Yami, who had some saliva still dripping out of his mouth, opened his eyes slightly, "Ida-san, I have already finished my exam. Please let me sleep a bit..." He said in a low voice, "... wake me up at the end of the exam." Then he closed his eyes again.

"But, but... sleeping in class is not acceptable..." He became quiet after saying him close his eyes again. Ida sighed and went back to thinking about his exam.

Sleeping was a bad habit that Yami picked up during the three years he spent in the new world. Due to the continuous consumption of elemental energy because of training, he had to find ways to replenish it. The fastest way he found obviously was to take a good rest.

Now that he used to sleep whenever he wasn't training, it would be hard to get rid of this habit.

x-X-x ~~ x-X-x ~~ x-X-x

After half an hour.

"Everyone, time's up! Please submit your answer sheets." Present Mic announced.

Ida sighed in relief before turning to Yami, "Hey, Bakura-san. The written exam is over. Wake up."

Yami slowly opened his eyes before stretching and yawning.

"Everyone! All of you will be assigned to different fields for the practical exam. Be sure to go to your field, and please, the exam will begin in a short while. Everyone who's late will be disqualified." Present Mic's voice echoed in the room.

A message was sent to his phone. Well, he did give them his phone number while registering.

After speaking a peek at Ida's phone, he smiled and said, "Well, it seems that we are designated to the same battle center."

Ida nodded, and the two headed to the battle center Alpha. Upon arriving, a huge amount of contestants were already there.

Ida seemed nervous as he said with a shaking tone, "Aren't you nervous, Bakura-san?"

"Of course I am." He said, but internally, 'Nervous, my dick. It's finally time for some fun and action."

While the competitors were waiting, Present Mic suddenly said, "Are you waiting for a countdown in a battle against a villain?" He wore a mocking expression while saying that.

'Well. That's logical.' Yami immediately ran at a shocking speed, while the others followed him.

He was using his control of the air. By manipulating the air around him, he reduced its resistance, while pushing his body with a gust of wind.

As soon as he saw a robot, he stopped using wind first, before he gestured his fingers upwards. The ground around it immediately sank, before some spikes pierced it, causing its explosion.

If one thing frustrated Yami, it was his inability to use two elements simultaneously (for big attacks not for a fireball and a water ball).

Nonetheless, he continued and used his control over earth to demolish several other robots before he got bored by it. So, he changed to wind.

After seeing a 3-pointer, he immediately sent a powerful gust of wind, causing it to fall. He then controlled and lifted giant debris with his winds and threw it on the robot's head, which caused it to cave in. Eventually, the robot lost its functionality.

Same as earth, he got bored of it too fast and switched to water.

He immediately felt the difference between the use of earth/wind and water. As he was creating water, the consumption of elemental energy increased severalfold. However, he didn't care as he detected a 2-pointer this time.

He began to create water and throw projectiles at the robot. After some hits, the robot fell to the ground.

'Hmm, I can definitely feel the difference.' He sighed.

After two minutes, only five left. So, he decided to switch to fire.

With fire, he sent beams of fire, creating holes in the robots.

Two minutes were left. Yami thought that he did well. He destroyed a decent number of robots, probably 20~25. He also helped some kids to beat some robots and saved some.

His process of thought was cut short by some loud noise coming from the central part of the field. Yami got curious and went to see.

He used his wind to levitate to the roof of a building. It was a very giant robot. 'That must be the 0-pointer.' He thought.

Suddenly, he heard a scream from a girl. Her foot was stuck in the debris. Yami, who could have done something, decided to watch as a green-haired kid took action.

The boy jumped a long jump until he was in front of the robot's head. He then punched the robot. Shockingly, the boy managed to destroy its head. However, he started falling, as his arms and legs waved like flags.

At this moment, he leaped out from the roof with a wind-enhanced jump, he then manipulated the air around him, controlling his fall. He did the same to the green-haired boy. The two of them landed on the ground unscathed. Well, the other boy was severely injured.

'Holy shit! His hands and legs turned to jelly.' That was what he thought when he saw the boy.