
Chapter 1:Something to fear

"All right class" Mr Aizawa said, slamming his hands on his desk. "look alive because their are going to be a couple of changes around the school", everyone became anxious in their seats waiting to hear what was next. "first there will be a new student joining our class tomorrow I expect you will provide a warm welcome to him", I noticed Mina and the other girls mumbling to each other. I strained to listen only to realize that they were asking if he was cute or not, how typical of them. Aizawa cleared his throat to get our attention. "There will also be a change to practice regarding our class thanks to a new medical system our class will be able to do dangerous training a real matter of life and death". My jaw dropped. "w-w-we can die in training!!!" I muttered trying not to sound scared. Our teacher stared at me before continuing. "as I said we can now perform more dangerous training it has been implemented to get you used to the feeling of pain from combat it also allows us to further understand how you may react under pressure". "oh yeah don't come here tomorrow we will need you all in your costumes at training ground Gamma got it... that is all". The class starred in fear as Aizawa left the room. I felt Iida grab my shoulder to ask my opinion on the new training regulations. Still shaken, I stuttered to him that I thought it was a good idea but may be quite traumatic. He nodded in agreement. We were all talking to each other about it in the common space before bed. Everyone agreed that it would be a good idea but everyone was too scared to try it. Suddenly among the quiet muttering Kirishima called out finally a way for me to test the full extent of my quirk. We had forgotten that although his quirk isn't able to reach full potential. without a challenge he needs a reason to make his full body solid or it has no use as he can quite easily go full assault and just harden to create weapons. Anyway I don't think anyone could sleep that night just thinking about how we could fight this new opponent with no knowledge of their quirk.

We were all getting restless waiting for Aizawa to get to the training ground. Our loud chat was quickly interrupted by present mic and Aizawa calling out to us all. "all of you get into teams of four we will enter you one team at a time every five minutes got that". We all tried our best to make our teams and i had paired up with Tokoyami, Ochaco, and Tsuyu. We were the third pair to enter. Waiting to go in was probably worse than the anxiety felt actually going in. we had made a plan to try and figure out what his quirk was before trying to fight him. The bell rang for us to enter as the gates opened the four of us sprinted to try and get to one of the back alleys. We had found shelter in one of the nearby buildings as we heard footsteps coming from round the corner. Our hearts beating intensely from the long run to get here. We had only been in there a minute maybe three the adrenaline from it all was too intense to keep track. We all in unison noticed a foul smell we looked over to Tsuyu who had darted to the other side of the room as we noticed the blood coving her. We looked to where she was laying in cover to see Kaminari laying there his organs almost inside out. We all starred in shock as we realised the true fear that we face now from the stadereds the school have in place. I remembered in the back of my mind what Kacchan had said before the entrance exam. "You can't get into UA you'd die in the exams", I stood up finding as much courage as i could grabbed the others pulling them up to and mumbled to them "we can do this". We all nodded in unison we all began to make a plan one to find out what our opponents quirk is. We were just finishing is as we were interrupted by kirishima bursting through the wall. We watched as he hit the wall his arm and leg snapping off like twigs. We heard his neck crack as his corpse lay there lifeless. We just starred frozen with fear. We decided it was time to put our plan into action. Me and Tokoyami broke the door of the fridge that was in the room, so Ochaco could use it as a shield. Tsuyu went up to the roof as a lookout as we watched Ochaco charge out door in hand we watched her as we primed ourselves ready to intervene if our opponent showed what his quirk. we finally saw what we are fighting as it leaped from the roof and with one arm smashing Tsuyu into the door crushing both her and Ochaco. I let my emotions get the best of me as I charged out and used a one hundred percent smash into our opponents side. I felt as he gripped my arm and refusing to let go, it was terrifying when i noticed that he hadn't even been shaken by it. Now I was up close I saw his true size, he towered over me, hell he seems to be larger than All Might was.he was in a large plated suit of armour, i couldn't see his face as he was wearing a helmet. It was terrifying i knew i couldn't pull my now destroyed arm from his grip. Through the tears of pain i saw his face his head was large amazingly proportionate to his gigantic body. His other arm raised as i noticed the large spikes on his fist as it smashed into my stomach. I felt it rip through my back before he finally let go of my arm and dropped me onto the floor. I heard Tokoyami scream my name as I noticed dark shadow grip around the large opponents throat his claws dug deep in his strong neck as the blood splattered everywhere. Present mic called out for all us to stop and for "those that are able" to return to the starting area. Laying there in a pool of my own blood I knew what he meant. I watched as Tokoyami stumble over to me whilst he held his leg. Suddenly we noticed the large enemy we had just been fighting slowly stand up as flames began coming from his wounds. It was seconds before a gigantic burst of flames exploded from him lasting only five seconds but i was amazed by my wounds being healed before my eyes. Our once large opponent had suddenly changed into a tall boy the same age as us. His face was soft his hair pure white. I looked around trying to see Tsuyu and Ochaco they were standing trying to cover themselves as their clothes had been burnt off. I blushed trying to look away. As i noticed the white haired boy passing a couple blankets to the two of them. I saw the girls whisper something into his ear before all of them start giggling. They pressed themselves against him and he began to blush. He quickly turned and quickly walked up to me. I began to sweat afraid of what he would do he grabbed my arms got down on one knee and stared me in the face. He continued to stare. i noticed a blue glow coming from my arms it only stopped when he stood up as I double checked my arms to see what he had done. The scars on my arms were gone. He only said one thing to me as he began to walk away. "good luck" my stomach dropped not knowing how to react i just stared at him as he burst into a mixture of white and blue flames. We all got confused by his disappearance. then we heard voices. Tokoyami now healed pointed out that they were from our hiding place. We watched as Kirishima and Kaminari emerged from the rubble caused by there destruction of the wall. Me and T helped them out as Mic called out to all the students to return to the starting area. We all made our way back as we noticed that everyone had been returned to normal. There were a few other people who had blankets as their costumes had been destroyed no one's suits were still completely untouched, everyone had at least some damage to them. We wondered what had been going on and how his quirk covered the whole training ground. Aizawa told us to head to one of the other training halls and to get changed into our PE uniform.

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