
My Hero Academia Sex Stories

Young Midoriya's adventures in UA highschool

Elysin · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

Wild Wild Pussy Cats Part 1

zuku was sitting at what looked like an examination table. After a few minutes, a very familiar nurse with a clipboard came into the room. The nurse had a very revealing uniform on for a nurse. The nurse had a little white nursing cap on as well and white stockings to go with her white uniform.

"Well Izuku Midoriya, you have tested negative for your prostate exam. However I think we should do another test to make sure," a nurse with short brown hair.

"Okay," Izuku said as he took off his clothes. The nurse used her clipboard to cover her blushing face.

"Okay now bend over," the nurse said. Izuku obeyed and the nurse moved her hands all over his butt. Her moves where those of an amateur and were clearly trying to massage the boy's butt.

"Well, look what we have here;" said a doctor with big breasts and black hair, "You weren't supposed to do the prostate exam."

"Sorry Doctor Momo, our patient is so cute that I couldn't help myself," the nurse said.

"Well if you are going to do it at least do it right," Doctor Momo said, "Let me show how to do this the right way." The doctor then kneeled down and moved her hands all round Izuku's butt. However, she then moved her hands to Izuku's cock.

Izuku stuttered, "I thought I was getting a prostate exam." "Well we need to make sure your whole body is healthy," Doctor Momo said, "And I can tell your cock is top health." The doctor then began to stroke Midoriya massive cock.

"Nurse Uraraka, please move our patient into a more comfortable position," the doctor said.

"You know if you were going to punish me, you could have done something a lot worse," someone said. The person was currently tied to a chair, unable to free herself.

"You don't get to talk. This is your punishment after all," Momo said to a pink haired girl.

"Why am I being punished again?" Mei asked.

"It's because of you that we could barely have sex in general because of you," Momo said in a menacing tone.

"Not my fault," Mei complained.

"IT IS YOUR FAULT," both Ochako and Momo yelled.

"I still don't believe we should do this," Izuku said.

"Well Deku, as your first I believe that we should do this," Ochako said.

"Well, actually Ochako you-" Izuku, however, was interpreted.

"Hey, just because you were his first doesn't mean anything," Momo said.

"Momo, there's' been a misunderstanding," Izuku said.

"I'm sure it does Momo, I had Deku before any of you did," Ochako stated.

"Well, Ochako you-."

"But was he your best?" Momo asked.

"WILL YOU LISTEN TO ME?" Izuku yelled out startling everyone in the room. It even caused Reiko, who was waiting outside, to peek inside to figure out what was going on.

"I'm sorry Ochako, but you weren't my first," Izuku said.

"So who was your first?" Ochako asked.

"Well, that is a long story," Izuku answered.


"Man, I can't believe I'm retiring so early," a green-haired woman said, "I'm going to miss being a hero with you guys."

"It's alright Tomoko," a blond woman said as she passed her friend a drink.

"Your services will help the Pussycats in ways few can," A brown-haired woman said.

"Thank you guys, I really need this," Shiretoko Tomoko aka Ragdoll said.

"It's no problem, if there's anything we can do, just let us know," Sousaki Shino aka Mandalay said.

"Well, I would like to fuck a cute boy," Ragdoll said. Her two friends suddenly widen their eyes.

"You're joking, right Shiretoko," Tsuchikawa Ryuuko aka Pixie-bob said.

"Nope, I usually have a good fuck to take out stress. It helps if I have a really cute boy," Ragdoll explained.

"Well, we can always get that Midoriya boy," Pixie-bob said.

"TSUCHIKAWA," Mandalay yelled.

"What, you saw that boy's body. Are you telling me you haven't imagined his head between your legs," Pixie-bob said.

"Oh, he would be perfect. After all, he did save Kota twice," Ragdoll said.

"True, but are you sure about Midoriya. This might be his first time after all," Mandalay said.

"And we'll make sure that he has the best time in his life. Anyone has his number," Ragdoll said. Mandalay took out her phone.

"I might have asked him so Kota could call him," Mandalay confessed.

"You fucking hypocrite," Ragdoll committed.


Midoriya was lying on his bed, looking back on the last couple of days. All might retire; Kacchan was kidnapped and then brought back in a few days. Finally, yet importantly, the new U.A dorm rooms that he was going to be living in. These last few days were a crazy ride.

Suddenly a text came on his phone from the Wild Wild Pussycats. Ever since he saved Kota, Mandalay asked for his number in case Kota ever wanted to call him.

Looking at the text, it said, "For saving Kota, you've earned a special prize. Come to this destination to find it."

The text also came with a link to a hotel nearby.

'I'll go check it out' Midoriya said in his head.

"Mom I'm going out," Izuku said as he shouted out to his mother.

"Be safe," Inko replied.

"I will," Izuku said as he left his apartment.

Looking at the location, Izuku realized that it was a hotel near his house. Izuku thought it was strange but quickly dismissed it. 'Maybe they just wanted to have a playdate with Kota,' Izuku said in his head.


A text instructed Midoriya to go to room four hundred and twenty. After arriving, a voice in the room said: "Come in, the doors unlocked." Once unlocking the door, Midoriya saw the Pussycats iconic introduction.





Midoriya clapped at the sight of the cat heroes.

"Thank you for the positivity," all three of the Pussycats said with their thumbs up.

"So why did you ask me to come here? Also, why are you all in your hero costumes," Midoriya asked.

"Well, you see, due to some unfortunate events, Ragdoll is retiring from Hero duty," Mandalay explained.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," Midoriya, said, trying to comfort the cat hero.

"It's okay. However, we wanted to send her career off with a bang," Pixie-bob said.

"SO YOU'RE GOING TO HAVE SEX WITH ME," Ragdoll yelled out.

Midoriya suddenly gained a blush on his face. "This is a dream. There is no way three beautiful women want to have sex with me. Someone, please pinch me," Midoriya mumbled, not believing the situation he was currently in. That was until Pixie-bob pinched his cheek.

"Ow, why did you do that?" Midoriya asked.

"You told me too," Pixie-bob replied.

"Oh right. So this isn't a dream," Izuku said.

"Correct, how do you feel about experiencing the dream that so many boys dream about?" Ragdoll asked.

"Is this a prank show?" Midoriya nervously asked.

"Nope, this is all real. So how do you feel?" Ragdoll asked the green haired boy.

"Why me though, you could have picked anyone else?" Midoriya asked the grown women.

"One, you saved Kota, so we're in debuted to you. Two, your cute and I like cute boys," Ragdoll said.

"Why are we wasting time? Let's get you two lovers into your rooms," Pixie-bob said as she dragged Midoriya to a bedroom.

"But wait, I have so many questions," Midoriya said.

"Don't worry; I'll answer any questions you have. Now, LET'S GET BUSY," Ragdoll, yelled as she jumped into the room with Midoriya.

The other members of the pussycats closed the door on the lovers, leaving them to their privacy. "How do you think Midoriya is going to do?" Pixie-bob asked her partner.

"I think he's going to be amateurish compared to Tomoko, but this is his first time. Compared to Tomoko who had years of experience," Mandalay committed.

"I just hope Midoriya can last long enough for our fun," Pixie-bob said as she licked her lips.

"Tsuchikawa, we are doing this for Shiretoko, remember," Mandalay said.

"I know, but that doesn't mean we can't have some fun," Pixie-bob suggested.