
My Hero Academia: Rise From The Dead (Hiatus)

Kazuki was once a mere vessel for his dying father's ambitions, but after confronting and defeating him, he's left lost and alone, searching for his true calling. Along the way, he meets a myriad of people who become dear to him, and he discovers his passion for heroism, ultimately finding his place in the world. Just to clarify, I want to make it clear that I do not own the rights to MHA or any of its characters except for my original characters. I am simply a fan who enjoys creating content based on the MHA universe. And I want to clarify that I am uncertain about the source of the picture I used in my content. I may have found it on YouTube as part of a type beat or on Google. If you are the owner of the picture and would like me to remove it, please let me know and I will take it down immediately.

JahCuttinBoard · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 12. The Sludge Villain Part 1

It was Friday, and Kazuki was walking to the dojo on his own. His friend Izuku had to go back to their classroom to retrieve his notebook, so Kazuki headed to the dojo first. Upon arriving, he informed their sensei that Izuku would be a little late. Meanwhile, Izuku was in a rush to catch up. As he ran through the city, he heard rumors of a massive battle between a villain and some heroes. As an avid fan of these fights, he couldn't resist the urge to check it out. Spotting the scene of the fight he quickly pulled out his phone and snapped a few pictures and videos.

Amidst the chaos caused by the giant villain, heroes like 'Death Arms' sprang into action to protect the citizens caught in the crossfire. Meanwhile, others like 'Kamui Woods' focused on taking down the villain with their unique quirks. Kamui Woods used his 'Arbor' quirk to stretch his arm out and ensnare the villain with his technique, the 'Lacquered Chain Prison'. Before Kamui Woods could completely immobilize the villain, the novice hero 'Mt. Lady' charged in and delivered a powerful kick to the villain's face. The villain tumbled down, wreaking havoc on the surrounding area, but fortunately, there were no civilians nearby. The combined efforts of the heroes brought the villain down swiftly.

Izuku managed to capture the intense battle on video and continued, reaching the tunnel under the railroad. As he started to tire, he came to a stop, catching his breath after the adrenaline-filled run. As Izuku made his way through the tunnel, he heard strange noises coming from the sewers. Turning around, he saw a monstrous sludge creature made of green mud-like substance, complete with razor-sharp teeth and big, round eyes. Before he could react, the creature latched onto him, taking over his body and sadistically laughing while mocking Izuku as he suffocated. "Calm down," the villain sneered, "It'll only hurt for about 45 seconds."

Helpless and struggling to escape the villains grasp, Izuku felt his strength faltering. He thought to himself, "I'm dying… am I really dying?" Tears streaming down his face, he cried out for someone to come to his aid. But as he realized that no one was coming, he felt a sense of hopelessness wash over him. Giving up, he closed his eyes, accepting his fate. Suddenly, the manhole cover burst open, and a strong voice echoed throughout the tunnel. "It's all right now, young man," the voice reassured. Slowly opening his eyes, Izuku saw a man with golden blonde hair, dressed in a plain white shirt that showed off his muscular and well-defined physique. The man stood tall, towering over them at a height of around 220 cm.

"I am here!" the man declared, his booming voice filling the tunnel. As the sludge villain went for an attack, All Might quickly dodged, appearing in another spot with a grocery bag in his hand. The villain attacked again, but All Might easily evaded the attack and launch himself towards the sludge villain. He pulled his arm back, forming a fist as he stockpiled raw power into his fist. "Texas Smash!" All Might yelled as he threw the punch, sending a gigantic burst of wind pressure towards the sludge villain. The villain was in shock from the pressure of the wind, allowing All Might to land such a powerful blow.

As the villain exploded, Izuku was released from its grasp and slowly regained consciousness. He was shocked to see his idol, All Might, so close to his face. "Are you alright? Do you need medical attention?" All Might asked, concerned. Izuku shook his head, still in disbelief at the situation. "I'm fine, thank you," he managed to say, his voice trembling. "I'm sorry about getting you caught up in a villain fight," All Might said, explaining what had happened. "But you were a big help, thank you." He showed Izuku the two bottles containing the sludge villain, and Izuku stared at them in amazement.

As All Might prepared to take off, Izuku still had a burning desire to speak to the legendary hero, to learn more from him. He desperately wanted to ask him questions, to know more about his experiences and seek his guidance. All Might launched off the ground, but Izuku immediately latched onto the hero, refusing to let go. Realizing that Izuku had latched onto him, All Might quickly urged the young boy to release his hold on him, warning him that his fanatical behavior was becoming too much to handle. But Izuku clung on tight, refusing to budge.

"I can't let go, All Might," Izuku exclaimed, his voice trembling with fear. "If I do, I'll fall and die. Please, I just wanted to take a picture for my friend." All Might paused, realizing the gravity of the situation. He quickly scanned the area for a safe place to land, but as he did so, he felt a warm sensation in his mouth. It was blood. He knew he had to act fast. Dropping onto a nearby building, Izuku trembled with fear as he spoke, "Th-That was really scary…" All Might scolded Izuku after taking the picture, saying, "Good grief, if you talk to the people downstairs, I'm sure they'll help you down. I'm sorry, but I really must go now." He waved his hand dismissively and turned to leave, but Izuku couldn't let him go without asking his burning question.

"Wait, All Might… I-I have to know," Izuku pleaded, his voice shaking with emotion. "Can someone without a quirk still become a hero? Can they be like you?" All Might paused, slowly turning back to face the young boy with a smile on his face. "Without a quirk…?" he mused aloud, before he was struck with a bout of pain. Smoke billowed off him as he hunched over. "Shit… not now, not in front of this kid." He muttered under his breath. Izuku, who had been unaware of what was happening, nervously fiddled with his hands as he explained his desire to be like All Might and his struggles in society.

As he looked upon the All Might, what he saw was a far cry from the imposing figure of the hero he had idolized for so long. The man before him was a scrawny and angular, with long limbs and a lengthy neck. His eyebrows were absent, and his golden blonde hair was slicked back with bangs falling to the sides of his face. The clothes he wore now were much baggier, and he was slouched over, giving him a defeated air.

When All Might had glided through the air, the sludge villain had fell out of his pocket during the commotion caused by Izuku, to which he landed in an alleyway, he found himself trapped in a bottle. Confused and disoriented, he wondered aloud, "Wh-Where am I? What happened?" As he remembered his fight with All Might, anger began to simmer within him.

Walking through the alleyway, Katsuki and his gang were chatting amongst themselves. One of them brought up Katsuki's childhood friend, Midoriya, and asked why they never hung out anymore. "Katsuki don't let him get to you, he wasn't there." One spoke. Katsuki quickly became angry, While activating his quirk, he said. "We were never friends. I don't associate with quirkless losers like him." Combusting and burning the can of soda in his hand. Changing the subject, one of them said, "Well, why don't we go to the arcade for a change then," as the other boy agreed. While walking and chatting Katsuki kicked the bottle containing the sludge villain accidentally opening it. As they were talking, the sludge villain slowly emerged from the bottle, enlarging himself. Noticing this the two boys quickly pointed it out to Katsuki. "Hey, l-l-look behind you!" they exclaimed in shock, with faces full of horror. Annoyedly, he turned around, taken aback by the monstrous appearance of the villain.

" ho ho ho, Well, an invisible cloak with a great quirk!" the villain exclaimed, his laughter menacing and unsettling. Sending shivers down the spines of the three boys. "Who the hell are you?!" Katsuki demanded, readying this explosive quirk.

Hi there! As the author of this story, I wanted to apologize for the long delay in producing new chapters. A lot has happened to me over the past month, including turning 18 and dealing with difficult situations in my household. As a result, I had to find a new place to live. However, I am committed to returning to a regular writing schedule and hope to produce 3-4 chapters per week going forward. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

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