
my hero academia: reincarnated as Rimuru ("very original")

oh no! [Insert name here] has just died! already content with his death he awaited whatever is beyond death's door maybe he'll encounter the pearly gates or find the deepest pits of hell, however suddenly he was hit with a curve ball Reincarnation! Reborn anew [NAME] was lost as to his purpose however he soon heard his new name and threw it all away. "Rimuru Tempest" Im going to have so much fun! Unfortunately Rimuru is still a baby, so the most he could do is play with blocks. however good news! Rimuru has reincarnated into the MHA world! Multiversal character inside a low level world how fun! Wait... why are my abilities so a weak? dont tell me.... Nononono No wait please! Don't do this to me! (WARNING: Rimuru in this Novel is heavily nerfed, don't expect a power fantasy. This story doesn't take itself very seriously. I am a rookie writer, I cant make miracles happen.) PSST... It's no harem.... but you haven't heard it from me... shush shush ******** (I've never tried writing in my whole life this idea just popped into my mind and hasn't let got) not my characters or story I do not own any of the property used in this story. all of the content in this story is very much unoriginal.

Bruh_mann · Urban
Not enough ratings
98 Chs

The UA sports festival V

As soon as the sound of Ms. Midnight rang, all hell broke loose. Almost half of the team immediately turned towards Team Tempest and began running at them, Team Todoroki and Team Bakgo made a Beeline toward them.

"Are you all ready?" I asked my team, Midoriya, and Uraraka nodded their head quickly, Tokoyami just narrowed his eyes and Dark Shadow gave a thumbs-up

"Alright it's time for Plan 'assured victory!'" I immediately covered all of us in [Beelzbub] and dove into Sub-space.

(A/N: for that commenter who managed to predict this... Here's a cookie 🍪)

As the four of us made it into the void, Midoriya, Uraraka, and Tokoyami Tensed up..

"ummm.. Rimuru... where are we?" Midoriya asked nervously

"Keke, Welcome to the void dimension! (Trademarked), All we have to do is wait, and eventually, we'll win!" I climbed down from Tokoyami's shoulders and got 3 deadpan expressions... again

"Bu-But that's unfair! They're competing out there and were just sitting here doing nothing!" Midoriya stated to complain, he was super pumped up to fight with the others.

"eh? The world is unfair, Villains out there kill people with no reserve yet we as heroes can't kill them. In my opinion, assured victory is better than a fair fight" I exclaimed, making Midoriya question his morals or something

"I agree with Rimuru, the only reason that this plan is viable is because Rimuru won 1st place during the race. We used the rules to our advantage," Tokoyami supported my plans, he is truly a homie you can kiss to sleep (no homo).

"Anyway, while were here... what do we pass the time with?" Tokoyami turned to me and asked.

"eh? I don't know, i don't store anything in here so there's nothing useful" I replied honestly

"Rimuru-kun I didn't know you could store things with your quirk... It's so cool!" Uraraka said with a beaming smile.

"If Rimuru can store things in his quirk then he can potentially store supplies and support items, not only does he have a powerful destructive quirk, but he can also work as a support hero.." Midoriya started mumbling nonsense, he then snapped towards me and asks

"Why don't you store things inside your quirk? you can have years' worth of food, you can even store your money inside!" Midoriya's eyes shone like stars

"uh... first of all I can't store food inside because it will spoil, and I can't have a fridge in here cause there's no electricity... and I can't use my quirk outside of my home or UA because it's illegal.." I replied, shattering all of Midoriya's ideas.

"If you can't use your quirk outside, then why do you have the mines from the obstacle race?" Tokoyami asks pointing towards the pile of mines in the corner of the place, with a big pile of metals behind it, conveniently hiding the more incriminating things behind.

"of course, for later use" I refused to elaborate on what 'use' ill have for the mines. Tokoyami, already used to my shenanigans just nodded.

Meanwhile outside of the Sub-space:

[And looks like all of the teams are coming for Team Tempest's headband!] Present Mic's voice boomed in the stadium.

"I'm taking that headbang and beating you up BASTARD! DIE" Bakugo screamed while sitting on top of Kirishima and Sero, who were having a hard time carrying as mini explosions detonated in Bakugo's palms.

"After I'm one with Rimuru I'm coming for you next," Shoto's team moved past Bakugo's, who surprisingly didn't lash out at them.

[Looks like all teams have a temporary alliance to defeat Team Tempest! oh, look! looks like Rimuru is doing something! uh.... huh?] Present Mic's voice lowered as Team Tempest simply disappeared in the smoke, causing an awkward silence between the teams, and the audience.

[Heh, Looks like they already have a plan, just stall for time and win. And it's working] Aizawa snickered looking at the empty spot where the 4 once stood, he liked the plan that yours truly came up with.

With the realization of what Rimuru just pulled, the entire audience started booing, wanting more action.

"YO- YOU BASTARD!" Bakugo stood wide-eyed realizing what Rimuru had just done, not noticing a floating hand grabbing onto his headband.

"Keke, easy as pie" Setsuna muttered while being hidden in Shoji's tenta-arms, she had already claimed 3 headbands without anyone noticing, using Rimuru's actions as a distraction.

"you are starting to sound like a villain, Ribbit" Tsuyu commented looking at Setsuna's sharp grin and equally as sharp teeth (A/N: Would getting gluck gluck from her hurt? asking for a friend)

But before Setsuna can retort they were suddenly shaken, Because they are covered by Shoji's arms they can't tell what's happening outside, well... except for Setsuna, whose eye is currently floating and observing outside.

"Huh, because Rimuru's team is gone, I might as well collect some headbands." Shoto exhaled a cold breath as he shot out waves of ice around, splitting the arena into multiple sectors, and trapping the others.

At the same time, Bakugo was beating the hell out of one of the teams, as they were taped down by Sero's tape.

"BASTARD! DAMN GIRLY-FACE, IM GONNA KILL HIM" Bakugo kept sending explosions in every direction in a mad rage, now instead of his team's headbang, which was mysteriously stolen, He hand 2 headbands on his head, adding some color to his red face.

Meanwhile, Team Kendo was dodging lasers and tail swings, as they kept wrestling Team Shindo.

"Take this! Take that!" Itsuka swung her gigantic hand's swatting away Ojiro's tail and blocking Aoyama's laser

"Well, aren't you trying hard? How boring..." Shinso muttered, although loudly enough for Kendo to hear

"Boring huh? Ill sho-" Itsuka's face suddenly turned cold, and she stopped swinging her arms, which confused her teammates. Shinso on the other hand started grinning.

"Ara~ Ara~ it seems Itsuka was affected by Shino's quirk, it must be voice activated... maybe I could give him a voice amplifier! could he use his quirk on all of Japan if it was loud enough?" Mei Hatsume started analysing completely forgetting about her team while staring at Shinso.

"Do you want me to tell you what my quirk does?" Shinso took the opportunity hoping that she'd fall for his ploy,

But instead, Mei Hatsume simply nodded, with her eyes gazing at Shinso she clicked on a button and suddenly her backpack opened up revealing 4 metallic claws, Due to her being in the support course she has many support items to help her during the sports festival.

The metallic claws quickly turned towards Kendo, who still had an empty expression, and pinched her side, causing her to suddenly yelp.

"Kya! It hurt" Ituska massaged her side while looking at Mei.

"I had to test if pain can remove the effect of his quirk." Mei simply explained disregarding her feelings completely.

"tsk," Shinso clicked his tongue and left them with his team, hopefully finding another that he could steal their headband from.


"Hey!, Hou!" Toru sang while riding on top of Jiro, Sato, and Koda, with a headband tied to her invisible head, as it looked as if it was floating, In addition, she had unzipped the top of her uniform and tied it at her waist, making it hard to tell where her hands are... or her breasts

"um, Hagakure-san... maybe we should take this more seriously, we still haven't got any headbands," Jiro said looking at the other team's fighting. some of them even have 4 headbands! She looked at Setsuna fighting Todoroki with 4 headbands tied to her head.

"When we fight, I'll get serious hehe" Toru stuck out her tongue... I think..? anyway, they were soon interrupted by a condescending voice,

"My, My, It seems the ever-arrogant class 1A isn't taking the spots festival seriously! how NOT unexpected" Monoma said slowly arriving in front of Toru's team.

"Humph shut up blondie, you're simply jealous that we had to fight villains," Toru retorted, crossing her arms with a harrumph... or so I'm told

"Ha! well see about tha-"


Monoma was blasted with a shockwave before he could retort, Jiro whose earphone jacks were connected to her speaker shoes, her support item of choice.

"Be quiet already, if you want to fight then fight" She huffed and rolled her eyes, causing Monoma's team's eyes to twitch, slightly agreeing with her.

"Well, TAKE THIS!"


out of Monoma's outstretched hand exited an explosion, which was only at the firecracker level, unfortunately.

"Pfft, hahaha" Toru's team started to snicker and laugh at his disappointingly small size (It's average... right? I bet he has a good personali- scratch that.)


"AND.... FINISH!" Ms. Midnight's voice rang out with a buzzer as all teams stopped fighting, as all all riders jumped off the others and assembled onto the field.

"ahem- The results are as follows!"

[ Results:

Team Tempest: 10,000,430 1st place

Rimuru Tempest 

Izuku Midoriya 

Ochaco Uraraka 

Fumikage Tokoyami 

Team Todoroki: 1055 2nd place

Shoto Todoroki

Tenya Ida 

Momo Yaoyorozu 

Denki Kaminari 

Team Bakugo: 990 3rd place 

Katsuki Bakugo 

Eijiro Kirishima 

Mina Ashido

Hanta Sero 

Team Tokage: 965 4th place

Setsuna Tokage

Mezo Shoji 

Tsuyu Asui

Team Hagakure: 505 5th place

Toru Hagakure

Kyoka Jiro 

Rikido Sato 

Koji Koda 


"And unfortunately only the 4 top teams will advance toward the next event!" this caused Toru's team to not advance to the next stage

"Now let's move to the 3rd and final even-" 

[uh- Team Tempest still hasn't returned...]

"eh? I completely forgot they were still in the competition..." Ms. Midnight sounded surprised, and when they looked around they didn't see Rimuru's team, which was surprising as they all looked eye-catching.


"Achoo!" I rubbed my nose while sitting at the surface of the sub-space

"I think someone is talking about me... heh, I wonder if it's a cute girl" Unfortunately, Rimuru was, in fact, being talked about by an angry Milf.

"I think it's about time we leave, it has been around 30 minutes," Tokoyami said while playing with Dark Shadow, Midoriya seemed to be thinking deeply while muttering random things..... Uraraka was floating around the space...

"Alright, sure..." I ejected my team out of the sub-space, falling onto our butts in the middle of the other participants

"Scuse me! Is the round over?" I asked Midnight shamelessly, I could see her eye twitch multiple times.

"yes... Congratulations on winning first place" Midnight said while gritting her teeth audibly.

"Yes, Yes, we fought hard to protect our placement," I again responded shamelessly, making veins appear on Ms.Midnight's forehead


(A/N: I wanted to add more fight scenes but I didn't want to make the chapter too long. And because I'm lazy, Anyway hope you enjoyed this chapter, 

And if you did, hand over those powerstones.)